View Full Version : Stutis, Bhajans, and Chalisas

Anima Deorum
02 June 2013, 08:18 PM
Namaste everybody,

I have been singing the chalisas, bhajans, and stutis in my temple during puja.

What is the difference between a stuti, bhajan, and chalisa?

Thank you.

05 June 2013, 06:32 AM
Namaste Animaji

stuti = adoration, glorification, so this is a specific composition just for that purpose.

bhajan, as a verb, literally means, "to serve" (bhaja) (bhajnA = to serve in Hindi)
However in the common conventional sense, a bhajan is any devotional song usually sung TO or ABOUT the Deity - normally in a regional or native or local language, appealing to the masses.
Actually it is the entire umbrella of devotional songs.

a chAlisA is a specific hymn (which could be a stuti as well as give important knowledge about the Deity), but made up of 40 verses.
(chAlis = forty)

An ashTaka = a hymn (which is typically a stuti type bhajan) made of exactly 8 verses (ashTa = eight).
There is typically a 9th verse as 'phala shruti' i.e. describing the results (fruits) of reciting the 8 verses with devotion X times daily, etc. Pure devotion (nishkAm bhakti, with no expectations from the Deity in return), entails not focusing on this 'phala shruti' so that you do not sing the ashTak in order to gain favors listed, but simply to please Bhagvan.


Anima Deorum
05 June 2013, 09:28 PM
Thank you so much, my friend. You seem very knowledgeable. :)