View Full Version : mandukya upanishad in HINDI

01 July 2013, 10:24 AM
NAMSTE.shri hari.

Does anybody have mandukya upanishad in hindi?
I want it as a ebook.I saw on net but i didn't find it in hindi.

while i was reading muktika upanishada i found one incidence where lord ram says " mandukya upanishad " is enough for attaining supreme liberation. That incident is described below

[ From muktika upanishada in shukla yajurveda ]

I-i-1-6. In the beautiful city of Ayodhya, in the centre of a pavilion set with gems, together with Sita, Bharata, Lakshmana and Satrughna, was Rama seated, glorified day and night by sages like Sanaka, Vasistha and Suka as well as other devotees, unchanging witness of thousands of modifications of the intellect, delighted in contemplating his own form. At the end of this Samadhi, Hanuman asked with devotion, ‘O Rama, you are the supreme being, of the nature of Sat, Chid and Ananda. I desire to know your nature truly for liberation. Please tell me how I can be released from bondage without strain.

I-i-7-14. Rama: Well asked. I shall tell you. I am well established in Vedanta.

Hanuman: What is Vedanta and where is it ?

Rama: The Vedas in all their great extent are my breath, Vedanta is well grounded in them, like oil in sesamum.

Hanuman: How many are the Vedas and how many branches do they have ? Of these what are the Upanishads ?

Rama: Vedas are four, Rig-Veda etc., many branches and Upanishads exist in them. Rig-Veda has 21 branches and Yajus has 109. Sama has 1000 and Atharva has 50. Each branch has one Upanishad. Even by reading one verse of them with devotion, one gets the status of union with me, hard to get even by sages.

I-i-15-17. Hanuman: Rama, sages speak differently: some say there is only one kind of liberation. Others say it can be got by worshipping your name and by the Taraka mantra at Kashi. Others speak of Sankhya-Yoga and Bhakti-Yoga, the enquiry into Vedanta-Vakyas etc.

I-i-18-23. Rama: Liberation is of four kinds. But the only real type is Kaivalya ( sayujya) . Anybody even though leading a wicked life, attains Salokya, not other worlds, by worshipping my name. Dying in the sacred Brahmanala in Kashi, he will get the Taraka-mantra and also liberation, without rebirth. On dying anywhere (else) in Kashi, Maheshvara will utter the Taraka-mantra in his right ear. He gets Sarupya with me as his sins are washed away.

The same is called Salokya and Sarupya. Persevering in good conduct, with mind fixed upon me, loving me as the Self of all, the twice-born gets nearer to me – This is called the three forms of liberation. Salokya, Sarupya and Samipya.

I-i-24-25. Meditating on my eternal form as prescribed by the Teacher, one will surely achieve identity with me like the insects changing into the bee. This alone is the liberation of real identity (Sayujya) yielding the bliss of Brahman.

I-i-26-29. But by what means is the Kaivalya kind of Moksha got ? The Mandukya is enough; if knowledge is not got from it, then study the Ten Upanishads. Getting knowledge very soon, you will reach at my state. If certainty is not got even then, study the 32 Upanishads and stop. If desiring Moksha without the body, read the 108 Upanishads.

This is the importance of mandukya upanishad.

plz someone help me in finding this scripture?

Thank you.
jai shri hari.

02 July 2013, 12:07 AM
Here is an audio version:

I haven't found a print version in Hindi but if I do I will let you know :)