View Full Version : Hanuman Jayanthi 04/03/2015

31 March 2015, 09:26 AM

Pawan Kumar bhakta Hanuman Jayanthi due on April 3rd 2015! (Chaitra Pournima).

Jai Hanuman ki!

http://www.hindudharmaforums.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQTEhQUExQWFBUXFx0UFRgUFBkXFxcYFBcYFx4cFBQYHCggGBolHBQUITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGiwkHBwsLC8sLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsNCwsLCwsLDYsLSwsLCwsLDc0LC8sLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAMIBAwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBgUEB//EAD0QAAEDAgMFBgQFAgYCAwAAAAEAAhEDEgQhMQUTIkFRMmFxgZHwBiOhwRUzQlKxFNEHU2KCkuFD8RYkcv/EABoBAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBQb/xAAvEQACAgEBBwMDAgcAAAAAAAAAAQIRAxIhMVFSkaHhE0FhBCLwYrEjMkJxgdHx/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDDkqIXfFDCkMiwEEF91Z/E3ikDhMfp9DpKsOHwh3hJpAlxLA2q8BoMQDw58141n3z oXK hnCEErvubhGvkNa5lrgW7154icjMchPTM9yopNwsU5bLh Yd44B3Cez0l1p8AnZHrfpfQ4xSC725wxFQN3YLnNLC q WtbFwybqYdn39y9H9NgrtWWwB c ZmSezpGUeaLE86X9L6GZIRK77KGGDaYcaRIuNQtqvl5IyjhEAGPesatHClrw21rj2CaryGjKJ4c85Kdi9ZXufQ4RSWm3GDLyTuw2 1oDW1nzc2ZJdbzFvLkTzVbcNhRujNMlpbvPnPh4AMwC3KXQfAd6NQesuV9DPEIXbDcLD5aC4vJbbUda1pdIEc4bl9ZSLsKHuIp8J YWtDqjja4l0HTPIt6aIsPV/S 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Abhishek Born Again
31 March 2015, 12:43 PM
Yes Hanuman Jayanti will be observed 4th April 2015 that is Saturday which is one of the days dedicated to Lord Hanuman (Tuesday is the other one).Ramnavami has just passed by and now this Saturday it's the B'day of Ram Bhakt Sankat Mochan Keshri Nandan Pawan Putra Mangal Murti Shri Hanuman.The symbol of Knowledge,Strength,Wisdom,Devotion and everything good.It has been said "Vikat Samay Nikat Jab Aawe Pratham Wahi Smaran Aa Jaawe" meaning that when the tough times are ahead the first Lord that comes to our mind is Sri Hanuman.

My wishes for Hanuman Jayanti in advance to all of you.


31 March 2015, 02:10 PM
Thank you for correcting, ABA! One site I referred to this morning said it is on 3rd April!

I appreciate your correction!


31 March 2015, 08:37 PM
Dear Virajaji,

~ This Hanuman Chalisa rendition is for you ~
(http://Two Bright Eyes in a Tree It was a beautiful starry night. The terrace place had a few trees around with fragrance of flowers in the air. Suddenly she saw two bright eyes looking at her intently. Scared, startled, she looked carefully.It was a monkey ! His fur was creamy, beige, golden and he was 18-20 inches tall. Reminded her of monkeys in Lonavala and ... Vrundavan ! This one must be from Vrundavan. Still scared, she rushed to the Lord and pointed to the monkey. Krshna laughed, chuckled, amused at her, and went over to have some quiet conversation with the monkey. She then realized that He had brought that monkey for her ! It was very sweet of the Lord to bring this monkey to look over and protect her.Hanumanji, she named him. Hanumanji ? Yes ! Sri Rama's own Hanumanji !Hanumanji would be on her shoulder , everywhere she went. When it was time for the Lord to eat His meal , Hanumanji would fan Him as she served the food. In the evening, she would get nervous if Hanumanji was still out playing, and ask him to come back right away.Thus , Hanumanji, amsha of Shiva, devotee of Sri Rama, who looked like just another one of Krshna's monkeys from Vrundavan, came to protect her.Oh Hanumanji !Oh Krshna ! Posted by ~ ~ at 2:06 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals, Stories from the garden Saturday, April 11, 2009 "Who are You ?" : A Ram Navami Story This happened on Ram Navami several years ago.I had met Krshna in the form of Krshna, Arjun's charioteer, Rukmini's Lord, Radha's Lover, and also with Shankha Chakra...A few months later, on Ram Navami, in the room where the Deities are, with my eyes closed, i asked "Who are You ?" I was surprised at myself for asking that !The Lord kindly showed His various forms.I could see a ~*~BEAUTIFUL~*~ goldenish form , in Tapashcharya pose, hair tied up in a bun, dangling earrings.... Gautam Buddha ? Then the form changed to purplish complexion and i could tell clearly it was Lord Shiva. Surprised, i opened my eyes. At that time , i could not tell what msg He was sending. So Krshna is Vishnu right ? He is also Shiva ??(He had shown His Shankha (conch), Chakra(wheel) as well)Now looking back ...Krshna , turns into Shambhu/Shiva as milk turns into curds. The two worship each other in different circumstances.Like in Treta Yuga, Sri Ram worshipped Shiva. Shiva in turn is perpetually in meditation of the Supreme Lord, Krshna. Lord Shiva in fact sent His 'amsha', Hanuman , to serve Lord Ram.So seeing Shiva on Ram Navami is quite profound, amazing, and understandable too.So that's a Ram Navami story ... one of the things about Lord's kindness which i will never forget.Jai Sri Krshna ~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 12:11 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: Ram Navami, RosePetals, Stories from the garden, Vishnu and Shiva Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Jackfruit: A funny story A Jackfruit ice-cream recipe on The Food Channel reminds me of a funny story.This happened last year.I was feeding Krshna pieces of Jackfruit in my mind. Usually it is more 'normal' foods, today it was Jackfruit among other things - topped with cream. He really liked it !Jackfruit ? ? It made me laugh almost aloud, later that day. What made me feed Him Jackfruit of all things, something i had not even thought of, seen, or eaten for eons ?The only possibility was, that Krshna felt like eating Jackfruit that day, and hence gave me the "buddhi", the idea to have it on the 'menu'.A few days later, i was on an outing with family and we went to this Japanese-Chinese restaurant. All veg food had soy sauce. In any case, i did not want to eat their "veg" items. Neither did i want to make a fuss. It was going to be hours before i could be home.What then ? Finally, on the menu was a Jackfruit Shake. Surprised to see it (having forgotton all about the Jackfruit breakfast) i ordered that. Took one sip and what had happened suddenly dawned on me !This was my dear Krshna's Prasad ! I only imagined an offering of this wild fruit, but He made sure i received the Prasad somehow! Believe me, this was not the first time He had done that.Oh Kanha !Jai Sri KRshna ! Posted by ~ ~ at 4:02 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals Tuesday, March 10, 2009 The Surprise GiftKAnhA's Peacock It was MahaShivratri and i made a spontaneous last minute decision to go to the Temple. There were 108 conchs filled with water and a flower , the Pujaris (priests) were getting ready for the evening Abhishekam and Shivratri-bhajan programme. As i was leaving the main Temple grounds, a last glance at Radha Krshna thru' the glass, as always. I could see the red Hibiscus from the garden that i had offered at Kanha's Lotus Feet. Taking His leave, i thought i saw a twinkle in His eye - as if He had "something up His sleeve".Smiling, i left, and was pondering over whether to go to the Ganesh Temple across, since i had visited Lord Ganesh, and all other Devtas in the Main Temple just minutes ago. Seeing Ganaraya and then seeing Him again ? This is the old Temple which had the old library and kitchen , which was recently moved to a new building. Predictably, i went in anyway.Praying to Ganpati, and then circumventing around Him 3 times....First Pradakshina : "Oh! I had forgotton they had Peacocks in the back of this Temple !" One was walking with a lovely gait, his tail sweeping the floor like a King's robe. Wait a minute... i remember seeing more Peahens, than Peacocks.Second Pradakshina : One peacock opened up his fan , showing off to a peahen, facing her. Oh! How lovely. When was the last time i saw a peacock this close ? But i could see him sideways.Third Pradakshina : Another peacock came out and opened his fan. The first one, suddenly started facing me ignoring his girlfriend. I could see Krshna's favorite bird from Vrndavan, up close, at liesure. He kept looking at me intently. Actually, i felt guity that he was ignoring his peahen-friend.THIS was Krshna's surprise gift !! So that twinkle in His eye was not my imagination after all!One might roll their eyes and say "What do you expect peacocks to do in late February , other than spread their fan ?" but believe me, i had never seen so many peacocks at once there. I did not KNOW they had so many of them. And when was the last time that i saw a peacock spread his fan and do some Kathak like my new friend here did ? As a child ? In a zoo ? No, i think never !Definitely, the peacock was following Krshna's orders, and perhaps Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesh , perhaps even Mata Lakshmi , Parvati, Durga, Hanuman, had a lot to do with it ! They are His devotees, and if Lord Shiva was pleased by my rushing to the Temple on His day, Krshna was pleased too.Oh ! I have no words, just holding this treasure in my heart is all i can do.Thank You , Thank You , Thank You Sweetheart. Madhuradhipater akhilam Madhuram ! Posted by ~ ~ at 8:37 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals Thursday, February 19, 2009 A MahaShivratri Story This isn't Govardhan, its the Himalayas !! No parkas, no heavy winter gear Just sari, shawl, open footwear Yellow Pitambar, Vaijayanti haar Sash over shoulders , crown, jewellery That is all !It was so blissful nevertheless snow for miles upslope sharp ridges on either side Without HIM, impossible to copeWhy up the Himalayas ? Who knows and who cares ? As long as right beside HE stayed Whether or not to shine the sun dares Bells ringing, conchshells blowing people at a distance, but no forest bears !They stopped at a place to rest for the night Empty as can be A small room with pillars Roof as canopy"Red or Yellow ?" "First red then yellow"Up the pious slopes Their journey continued towards Badrinath , feeling much renewedThe next morning this whole journey received some pondering , some thought Only later was it clear...!!! TODAY IS MAHASHIVRATRI !!!Oh! So that's what it was about !T h a n k Y o u , L o r d was all that was whispered no words would flow at all rooted to the spot , blissfully watched Shivabhishek in Temples small and tall~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 8:07 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals, Stories from the garden Saturday, February 7, 2009 GhanaNeela, You take the swing too high!THE SWING PASTIMERadha Krshna on a swing... a favorite pastime among devotees of Krshna. Picture : Courtesy www.Krishna.com - Art Gallery.Here is a beautiful song Radha sings to express Her opinion , originally composed in the language Marathi.Radha addresses Her KAnhA as GhanaNeela, the bluish One, like the dense raincloud. Ghana = dense(referring to cloud)Author : G. D. Madgulkar Composer : Sudhir Phadke Original Singer : Manik VarmaHere are 2 young singers, singing the song : Ghananeela ladiwala by Shalmali Sukhtankar (SaReGaMaPa)Ghananeela ladiwala by Jayashri Karambelkar (SaReGaMaPa)LYRICSO GhanaNeela, my Darling, [please] do not swing the swing [implied : so high and so fast]My braid is lose, hair flying all over, Dust entering my eyes making tears well My Kajal ( mascara) , mixed with tears Trickles down my cheeksThis will certainly raise eyebrows Tomorrow in Gokul This will take a completely different meaning Tomorrow in Gokul At this time of dusk, Just the two of Us Potential Objects of suspicion Look, the moon is out already, behind the treesOn the banks of Kalindi (Jamuna) Plays a gathering of Gopa-children[Please] do not swing the swing , my Dear One, do not swing, my Dear One, do not swing , my Dear One, do not swing the swing.O GhanaNeela, my Darling, [please] do not swing the swing.......~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~NOTE: I have put the word "please" in square brackets, because the sweetness of Radha is all into Her words and gestures, that there is never any need to utter it. The same holds with Krshna. Posted by ~ ~ at 9:17 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: LoveIsLove Saturday, January 17, 2009 O Radha Kishori, Strange Indeed Is Your Love Story [A dear devotee of Radha-Shyamsunder has just reported that Radharani has refused Shyam entry into Her birthplace, Barsana. Hearing this news makes me write this message for Her. (Please see English Translation below) ]O Radharani, Ajab Tumhari Prem KahaniO Radharani, kyon tarsati ho Shyamsunder ko apne ? Aa jane do na Use Barsane Kab se raaha dekh raha Shyam Jamuna kinare Shyam ne Tumhe sandesha hai bheja : "Agar nahi aane dogi Barsana to Tumhare charan-chinnhon ko Murli sunakar Vapas Nandagaon hai Muze jaana"Phir kya karegi hamari Ladli Kishori ? Ro Ro kar Uske paas daudegi KishoriJi ki aisi baaton ke khatir Jeete hai Sundar GhanaShyam Unka 'Maan' dekhkar bhi harshit ho jate hain Krshna Bhagwan.Aur poch rahe ho Krshna kaise hain ? Shabdon me kaise kehe sakti hun Unka haal Jinka swaroop hi hai Bramhanand-may Jo phailate hai apna MayaaJaal Aur Jinhe pukarnewalon ko us jaal se chhutkara bhi dilate hai ananta kaal~ ~ Krushnali Jan 17 2009ENGLISH TRANSLATION O Radha Kishori, Strange Indeed Is Your Love StoryO Radharani, why do You make Shyamsunder pine ? Please let Him come to Barsana Shyam waits for You since long by the banks of Jamuna Shyam has sent a message for You "If You will not let Me come to Barsana, I shall play My Flute for Your Footprints and return to Nandagaon"What will our beloved Kishori do then ? huh ? Crying pools of tears will She run to Him For the sake of these very things about Radha Lives the beautiful GhanaShyam Seeing Her 'Maan' (anger) as well He becomes blissful, Krshna BhagwanAnd now you ask how is Krshna ? How can i tell in mere words His state ? He who is 'Brahmanand' personified (or the most Blissful) Who spreads His net of Maya (illusion) And rescues those who surrender to Him from this very net, for time eternal~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 4:56 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: LoveIsLove, PoemToYou Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Urns Full Again - Bhari Gagariya, O Shyam (Hindi) Ek din subah dekha to saamne the do bank checks Bade anokhe , unpar "Nectar of Love" rakam likhi thi the ye sidhe dil me base hue Radha-Krishna Bank se Par ye check banaya kisne ? Hamari pyari si najuksi ladli KishoriJi ne Koi bhakt sabhi logon tak pohoncha raha tha Radha-Krishna ka Sneha Lekin do check kyon ? Ek par likha tha naam mera Dusre par kisi aur ka Galti se wo check mere paas aya Naam nahi dikhaee diya dikhaee diya sirf samundar Prem kaDekhkar bahut khushi hui aur apne Bhagwan se khat likha :Itna diya Sarkar Tumne Jitni meri aukad nahi Kaise karu Tumhara Shukriya Mere paas labz hi nahiJaldi se dono check kar diye encash bina dekhe unpar kiska nam hai likha Par ham achhi tarah jaante hai Tumhara Math hai bada anokhainfinity - 1 = infinity infinity - 2 = infinityAur Tum jaante ho hum hai Tumhare Prem ke pyase To bas bhar di itni sari gagariya Shyam ki Prem-barsaat seGagariya na rakhungi mai sirf apne paas Anokhe Math ka anokha Prem hajaro le jayenge apne saath phir bhi inme se Prem na hoga kam O mere Shyam, ho jaye us pyare bhakt ka Tumhare charnon me kalyaan~ ~ - Krushnali Jan 2009 Posted by ~ ~ at 2:47 PM 2 comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou Sunday, January 4, 2009 O GhanaShyam (Hindi) Hamare hi hain GhanaShyamSunder hamare dil me rehete hainBraj ki Brajbala Gopiyan hai mahaan Nahi samazte ham unke prem-vyavahaarKaise rehe sakti hain bichadkar tanhain me Namumkin hain hamare liye judai Shyam to paas hi hai Hamare saamne aur dil meTum ho hi itne din-dayalu O GhanaShyam Ek baar muze utha liya, to nahi chhodoge, Pyaare Piya Tumhine to hai jalaya Vishwaas ka ye Diya - Krushnali Janmashtami 2008 Posted by ~ ~ at 1:58 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou A Roomful of Urns Graced by the Mother Divine Who fed her honey each time she sat at His Feet as her Lord rested This is a good time to chant His Holy Names she said Silently, as she thought He was asleepWithin no time sacred ashes started flowing off His Lotus Feet just as if a faucet opened She rushed to get an urn which filled up quick With that fragrant gray 'Vibhuti' Looked here and there, knowing not what to do she filled up another and another and another Till the room was full of urns, Vibhuti to the brim Urnfuls of Love and a roomfull of Urns....Then it stopped ... but wait ! Oh no no no ! There were black marks on the soles of His FeetNo, my Darling, that won't do!She was crying but He was laughing , as He thought nothing of itShe got the lotion quick To sooth Dearest's Holy Feet Time did she beatThinking of ways to share this Love - contents of those Urns with more lost souls as we speak.~ ~ (Oct 01 2008) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Power of Thy Name ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Krshna , my generous Lord , powerful is Thy name brings peace and tranquility drives fear away keeps ghosts at bay makes dangers flee brings Lord towards the devoteeIt can also make the giving Lord just give give give While Kirtan flows from the devotees Mercy(Love) flows incessantly from His Lotus FeetGet an Urn ! Get an Urn ! Urnfuls of Love and a roomful of UrnsTears rolling down the devotee's cheeks And a soothing lotion for my Beloved's Holy Feet K r u s h n a l i 11/29/2008 Posted by ~ ~ at 1:55 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou, RosePetals, Stories from the garden A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls ..... ..."Today You will wear all pearls", she said Necklace, armulets, anklets, bracelets His belt too was all pearls There were pearls in His crown and hairShe brought His Vaijayanti Haar "Is this garland made of pearls too ?" "No, my Lord, these are just flowers" said she That instant an amazing feat she did see As she placed the garland around His neck Beautiful golden pearls out of It did flee Surprised she collected them quick Like hailstones in a hailstorm of some degree"NAth, now that You have showered me with these pearls of bliss, why not provide me with a box in which them to keep ?" "Certainly", and He didThe box was the shape of heart and beautiful indeed It lay beside her that afternoon, little did she see...He opened it and poured the pearls all over her Laughing , surprised, she struggled to collect pearls so pretty "Don't worry", said her Lord, "this box will never be empty" As she got up, amazed, what did she see ? The pearls did not fall off her by gravity Instead they melted into her being To stay there as His gift for eternityA shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls ..... ...K r u s h n a l i(June 19 2008) Posted by ~ ~ at 1:48 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals, Stories from the garden Jai NriSimhaDev O my Lord, sweeter than nectar Your Pastimes Who can understand You ?Where else can it be any safer than in Your Strong Transcendental Arms In whichever Transcendental Form ?When Your devotees lie on the operating table What else can be a better operating tool than Your pearl-like Transcendental Nails ?How else can one attain eternal bliss than at Your Lotus Feet ? And while there, Why would one be afraid at all of Cold or Heat ? What is this special thing about father-daughter-NarsimhaDev ? Ah ! father always wants to protect daughter from the dangers of this world but finds himself helpless at times and hands her over to the Lord Meanwhile, daughter remembers Him too Who whisks her away to safe skies blue.Once a daughter saw Your NarSimha form at night her father was with her ! when really he was miles away going about as everyday It was Your Temple in a cave below That's NarsimhaDev, father pointed outO so lovingly You roared making them blissful From the corner of her eyes she could see a few devotees, but also did she see a few people flee They were scared , unlike the devotees To them it was a dark cave rather than a Temple of TheeFather and daughter were once at an ancient airport, stone-paved There were rows of small airplaines The oppposite side, a row of many Garudas did gracefather pointed out to a Garuda Choose that one, he said. Not the airplane ? didn't he want his daughter to be safe ? can a mere bird be safer than a plane ?~ ~ - Krushnali Posted by ~ ~ at 1:36 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou, RosePetals, Stories from the garden Let me be Your infant for a while What is the fine line Between desire and need ?
 An adult has desires
 An infant has needsSpiritually I am like an infant,
 And emotionally too
 O my sweet, kind, gentle LordI NEED YOU !!!You know this too well
 More so that I doSo You will never abandon me
 'Cause an infant needs the Parent
 To hold her every momentAn infant is oblivious to praise or blame
 To stone or gold, pride or shame
 She is unaware of her existence
 As seperate from the Mother
 Does she know the letter "I" ?
 Any more than stars in the sky ?I feel like a toddler with a play kitchen set
 You graciously accept "treats" from your pet
 No matter how turns out the food
 "Mmmm", You say, "This is good!"How could i ever be Your Flute 
 How about Your Earrings or Staff ?
 Will You let me be Your calf ? Your baby deer ? the grass ? 
 The long Chariot ride All the while
 In the cool breezy night
 Your moonlike smileAnd the quiet Boat 
 On deep dark waters
 Of the river afloatMemories of these are eternal treasures all mine to keepPlease let me serve You
 All eight folds of the day
 Keep house, tend the garden
 Fragrant flowers along Your wayWhatever happens in future
 Is Your own sweet will
 However there is ONE NEED
 You must fulfillWhether You take me to Golok
 Place me in GandharvaLok
 Let me continue on BhuLok
 Or in some other LokPlease live in my heart always
 And make sure that i
 Will remember You birth after birth ETERNALLY.All Yours,
 K r u s h n a l iFebruary 2008 Posted by ~ ~ at 1:25 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou Krshna Krshna What do you see ? Krishna Krishna What do you see ? I see sheer transcendence looking at me ....His kindness and generosity. His diligence towards each devotee.The way He juggles the truth to keep promises. He is the sweetest and humblest of beings despite being the Creator. He is goodness personified.His transcendental complexion , hue - no amount of color mixing in this world can generate that hue. His Lotus Feet, anklets, flower-anklets and bracelets. His long flowing hair,the Banke-Bihari pose,His various smiles.The way He teases Queen Rukmini and His respect for Her. The amused look on His face at Satyabhama's temper. The innocent fluttering of eyes while explaining the butter on His face to Mother Yashoda. His ecstatic love for Radharani (which made Him appear as Lord Chaitanya).He is the reservoir of pleasure , the safest haven, the ultimate shelter, the Dearest to souls ..... and a lot lot more. Jai Shree Krshna Govinda Mukunda Murari !! - K r u s h n a l i Feb 2008 Posted by ~ ~ at 1:13 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou Saturday, December 20, 2008 Hindustani Classical Music My forgotton treasure of childhood - Hindustani Classical Music. At that young age of 10 and 12 and 15 i could not comprehend the value of this treasure handed to me as mercy from my Lord thru' parents' vision and music Gurus' guidance.Practically ALL classical pieces i learnt back then were filled to the brim with Bhava and Radha-Krshna Prema. I could not see that , alas ! Was so focused on the technicalities of the notes - taal and swar , raag and dhun...The various Raagas - to be sung at specific times during the 8 folds of the day/night , instill various moods. Many pieces praise the Lord, in aishvarya or madhurya. Many revolve around moods of meeting and seperation of the Lover and Beloved - Radha Krshna.~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Raag: Maand Taal: Tritaal~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~(a)staai : Thakur Tava sharanayi aayo Utara gaya mera man ka saunshay Jab Tera Darshan paayoantara: Ana bolata meri vrudha jani apana naam japaayoO Master/Lord, I surrender to You, and come to You for protection and shelter All doubt has vanished from my mind Ever since I saw Your Divine FormAnd says my old mother, whose names are you chanting ? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Raag: Yaman Taal: Tritaal~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~(a)sthaai: Mori gagarina bharana de S S S Paiyan paru Tose KAnha kuwarawanantara: Baar Baar samajhaa , nahi samajhata Dheeta Langarava ik hun na maane Haar gayi mai to haar gayiMori gagarina .... Here , (when KAnhA stops Radha on her way, tugs at her belongings, taps the pot on Her head,) Radha complains oh so lovingly, "Let me fill these pots with water, let me do my job. Please, I fall at Your Lotus Feet, O young boy KAhn !""I keep explaining to Him again and again, but He wouldn't listen ! That bold One ! (Who attracts me so !)Alas ! I have lost, I have lost (to Him , in this game of Love) " Posted by ~ ~ at 11:30 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals Monday, July 14, 2008 Lord Sings To The Soul We are told that the material world is a perverted reflection of the spiritual world (The Tree). However, many, if not most, poetic and song compositions stem from the soul's search for the Divine. Hence, a spiritually inclined person could look at such a piece , potentially , as a bhajan (devotional song).Apart from the songs that are directly made as devotional, many songs that seem worldly and mundane on the surface can be potential Bhajans. That includes not just romantic songs (Madhurya Ras) , but those expressing parental love (Vatsalya), Friendship (Sakhya) or Servitorship (Dasya) as human relationships. Don't human relationships really originate from the Divine Nature of our Lord ?A Bhajan is usually the soul's song to the Lord.Here is one where the Lord sings to the soul.----Beloved, look, the distances have melted I am right here, right here, right here with youWhat boundaries ? What helplessness are you talking about ? I am right here, right here, right here with youI am that Secret you will not be able to hide I am that Style you will not be able to forgetWhy does My Voice echo in your heart ? That's because I am the very Voice of your heart.So listen if you can, to the language of the heartbeats I am right here, right here, right here with youWhat boundaries ? What helplessness are you talking about ? I am right here, right here, right here with youIts Me and only Me in your thoughts now I am in your answers and in your questions I am in each of your dreams I am in each of your expressionWherever you look you see only Me I am right here, right here, right here with youBeloved, look, the distances have melted I am right here, right here, right here with youWhat boundaries ? What helplessness are you talking about ? I am right here, right here, right here with you(My translation of a song composed by a great modern composer - Javed Akhtar)~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 5:09 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals Friday, June 20, 2008 Om Govindaya Namaha I read in a book that the word "namah" at the end of each Vedic sentence really originated from years of modification of "Na Mama" which means "not mine".The sages would offer oblations (rice, ghee) into the sacrificial fire [yajna] saying - "Lord, this that I offer to you is actually not mine." - Na Mama.This gives us insight into our own prayers of surrender, our personal yajna [sacrifice]. ~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~O my Lord, nothing is mine , everything is Yours.You are my Knowledge and my Wealth [Tvam eva vidya , dravinam Tvam eva]. You are my Everything [Tvam eva sarvam mama Deva Deva]You created me , didn't You ? I am just Your instrument. So please order me and i shall do as You say.Here , take this. My mind, intelligence , whatever that is, is all really Yours. You gave it all to me.All my supposed abilities and strengths are Your opulences. Here, take them.All worldly things You have given me belong to You. So please accept them.What am i doing ? "Giving" everything back to You ? It was never mine in the first place !!Not a blade of grass can move without Your Will.This that i am scribbling is also really fuelled by Your Mercy.BUT THIS IS NOTHING COMPARED TO THE BIGGEST TREASURE YOU HAVE GIVEN ME: Its Your infinite GRACE and kindness that YOU MAKE MY HOME AND HEART YOUR ABODE, and YOUR ABODE AND HEART MY HOME. He Hrishikesha Govinda Madhava Madhusudana Vasudeva , my Lord my Swami, i do not know how to be Therefore i surrender myself unto Thee.And although i don't live upto Your expectations i am trying , trying hard, my Lord its but Your Mercy that i need swift as wind at speed~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 9:30 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PrayerOfSurrender, Realizations Thursday, June 12, 2008 The Evergreen Tree WHY DOES KRISHNA LET SOULS FALL INTO THE MISERY OF MATERIAL WORLD ?That's a common question many people ask. Why is it that some are devotees of the Lord, some are better devotees , while some non-devotees ? Why does the world have atheists , theists and the materialistic people who lie in-between ?We, the living beings, are individual souls which are parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord - Sri Krishna. Eternally.Just like one green leaf in the Lord's Tree of Spiritual World. Some of us feel we want to be different, not just green, and say, "Wouldn't it be nice to be ... let's say orange ?"What does Krishna tell those who wish they were orange ? "Just wait till Autumn arrives". And then what ? Autumn arrives and the leaf turns orange and dry-brown and falls off the tree.This "fall" is what causes us to take birth in this material world with a material body.The soul's silly desire to be orange gives her a material body embedded with the 3 modes of material nature (called 'gunas') - goodness , passion, ignorance.These 'gunas' motivate the soul to act (karma) , and she then has to enjoy or suffer the repercussions of good or bad karma. That is why the material world is full of miseries.The reactions of karma and external interventions (saintly or bad) in turn make the levels of 3 gunas fluctuate. That is why it only appears as if there is a variety of souls.One might ask - WHY ? Why does Krishna let that happen so we can suffer the miseries of this world ? Does He not love us ?The Lord lets people act on their free will and take their time (lifetimes) to realize Him (now that they have insisted on being orange and not green). Its just like parenting - only on a much higher , spiritual scale. When a toddler insists on climbing somewhere or doing things by herself, the parent lets her try and learn from the consequences, as long as it is 'safe'. What may look safe for the Lord whose vision is eternal may not for us with our material minds.He lives in our hearts as the SuperSoul (Parmatma) , a friend of the soul , and watches the levels of goodness, passion and ignorance fluctuate on His monitor , birth after birth. He waits for the soul to awaken to the reality of its spiritual nature ......The soul forgets her relationship with the Lord. She says - I want to go roller blading fast down this mountain....what fun ! Luckily she comes across saintly souls who help remember where she came from in the first place , or at least remind her of her relationship with Him.The soul starts yearning for the Lord.One day Supersoul Parmatma's monitor goes blank. The 3 gunas have disappeared from the screen. They do not affect the soul anymore. The soul is now "beyond" the modes. She is nistraiguna or trigunateet."Welcome back !" says the smiling Lord.~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 9:19 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: FALLTREE Tuesday, June 10, 2008 Gopi Meditations There are five meditations:1. Love: The first meditation is on Love, in which a devotee/gopi must adjust her heart in such a way that she longs for the welfare of all beings (Gita 6:30), including the happiness of her enemies and people of bad or perverted behavior (Gita 9:30-31).2. Pity: The second meditation is on Pity, in which the gopi thinks and prays for all beings in distress, in sorrow, in anxieties and grows compassion in her heart for them all.3. Joy: The third meditation is on Joy, in which she thinks and prays for the prosperity of others and rejoices in their rejoicing.4. Impurity: The fourth meditation is on Impurity, in which she thinks and prays that she becomes aware of her own corruption and the effect of her wrong doings and evils. How trivial is often the pleasure of the moment and how fatal are its consequences!5. Serenity: The fifth meditation is on Serenity, in which she rises above love (passions) and hate, tyranny and bondage, wealth and want and regards her own fate with balanced impartial calmness and perfect tranquility. Source : www.gitananda.org , edited and paraphrased by Swami Radhanandaji Posted by ~ ~ at 10:09 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: GOPIMED Sunday, June 8, 2008 Square Peg, Round Hole. Do you know what made me start this blog ? I did have an idea going in my mind for a few days. Yet, what made me actually take this step ?My dear Lord told me how much He loves me. This to me was a very important event, like many others, ever since i met Him.Its a shame that He should have to spell it out, considering His tremendous Love.That was because i was being overly silly. I was letting external inputs, teachings and influences cloud my confidence in our Love. Not all religious teachings are applicable to all souls. Instead of just succumbing to my Dear One, i was trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Again and again. All the while my Beloved just watched patiently with folded arms, and waited for me to come around , back to Him. Which i did, however i went back to surfing the internet for answers to the square-round puzzle.Not anymore ! I truly wish only His pleasure , and nothing else. Only He understands what's right for me, no wonder that's what is most natural for me. People may prove their viewpoints. That should not cause me to compromise in my own expression.O my Sweetheart, they do not understand that our Love is true they cannot see it. They may think its This-ism or That-ism, but it does not matter at all....Cause i have You ~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 4:04 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: LoveIsLove, RosePetals Saturday, June 7, 2008 You are everything to me, You are my God, O my Lord. Tvam eva mAtA ca pitA Tvam eva Tvam eva bandushca sakhA Tvam eva Tvam eva vidya , dravinam Tvam eva Tvam eva sarvam mama Deva DevaYou alone are the mother, You alone are the father You alone are my brother/sister, You alone are my friend and Dearest You alone are my knowledge and my wealth You are everything to me, You are my God, O my Lord. kAyena vAchA manas-endriyair vaa budhi Atmanava prakriteh svabhAvaat karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai NArAyanAyeti samarpayAmiI dedicate everything to that Supreme Lord Narayana, whatever I perform with my body, speech, mind, limbs, intellect or my inner self, either intentionally or unintentionally. Achyutam, Keshavam, RAma, NArAyanam, Krshna, DAmodaram, VAsudevam, Harim, Shridharam, Madhavam, GopikAh-Vallabham, JAnaki-NAyakam, Ramchandram bhajebhaje - I worship and serve A-chyuta : the indestructible Keshava : the one who killed demon Kesi RAma : one who sports Narayana : one who lies in the cosmic waters (nara) Krshna : the all-attractive one Damodara : one who was tied around the stomach by a rope (by mother Yashoda) Vasudeva : the Lord who is omniscient and everywhere Hari : one who takes away all misery Sri-dhara: shelter and maintainer of the Goddess of Fortune (Sri) Madhava : the Master of all energies, Lord of Laxmi, Goddess of Fortune Gopikah-Vallabh : Lord of the Gopikas JAnaki-NAyaka : JAnaki's Lord (JAnaki = SitA ) Hare Krshna Hare Krshna Krshna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare HareHare Krshna Hare Krshna Krshna Krshna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare HareHare KRshna Hare Krshna Krshna KRshna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare...... ..... .... Posted by ~ ~ at 6:26 PM 1 comment: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PrayerOfSurrender Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Damodar 09 Damodar 09 Kanhu Sleeping - Kartik Memories Search This BlogSubscribe To MyBelovedsGarden Posts All Comments Blog Archive▼2013 (2) ▼December (2) AtmAnanda Hari Ananda Restless Heart, O Gracious Charioteer-of-Parth►2011 (3)►2010 (6)►2009 (22)►2008 (7)LabelsAdvaita (5) Antaryami (3) AtmA (1) Bhagvad Gita (1) Bhagvat (1) Bhakti (3) bliss (4) Brahman (2) devotion (2) Dnyaneshwari (1) ego (1) Eternal Ras (1) faith (2) FALLTREE (1) Golok (1) Goloka (1) GOPIMED (2) humility (1) intelligence (1) Ishvara (1) Janmashtami (1) Jnana (3) Jnani Bhakta (3) KArtik (2) knowledge (1) Krishna (3) Krshna (2) Lotus Feet (2) LoveIsLove (9) MAyA (1) memories (3) mind (3) modesty (1) Mukti (1) nirguna (1) parmArtha (1) PoemToYou (12) PrayerOfSurrender (4) prem (3) PurushaSukta (1) Radha (3) Radhashtami (1) Ram Navami (1) Realizations (3) renunciation (1) RosePetals (19) samskAr (1) Self (3) ShraddhA (2) St. Dnyaneshwar (Jnaneshwar) (1) Stories from the garden (12) subject of shruti (2) subtle-body (1) Supersoul (1) Vaikuntha (1) Vishnu and Shiva (1) Vrajvasis (1)About Me My PhotoameyAtmA The idea of this blog is to connect with and walk with Shri Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Lord of the universe, to discover the Self as the timeless Consciousness called Bramhan'. The unanimous message of Vedopanishad, Bhagvad Gītā and Bhāgvat Purāṇ is Hari bhakti and advaita. Gentle Mukunda will take your ignorance away before you notice it! ~*~*~*~*~ Story of the blog-author: Beloved Prāṇanāth Mukunda Ghanashyām was watching her for years while she walked aimlessly, puzzled by some ways of this world... LOST. Where are You? You have to be. This cannot be it... He actually walked upto her and suddenly Their relation of lifetimes was known... He walked with her, conveyed things in amazing ways, took her to mysterious places, very loving and patient, Dearmost Witness, Beloved Companion, Divine Guide, Whose Love she cherished and shared till there was no seperate existence...only this ānanda, as if wearing the colour of Shyām (Kṛṣṇa) full of Love and bliss -- being this immeasurable ātmā, who looks back gratefully at the tunnel thru' which Beloved Kṛṣṇa brought someone to this state of eternal union. ~ ~View my complete profile Web LinksBanke Bihari Mandir Why being VEGAN is cow protection Care For Cows Vrndavan International Society for Cow Protection Krishna, the Supreme Lord Hindustani Classical Bhajans Radha Sakhis RadhaKund Advaita VedantaGo Vegetarian or Vegan today! Live and Let (animals) live. BOYCOTT THE SLAUGHTERHOUSES. We must show our love and gratitude to our Beloved Krishna, the Supreme Almighty. Eatinganimal food and being a consumer of animal products means indirectly supporting the slaughterhouse industry. How can one show God their love, without being compassionate to His beloved creatures ? Research and simple observations show that vegetarians are more peaceful (not aggressive) than those who eat meat.Doctors say that meat-diets are a major cause of heart disease and cancer. Eating meat and supporting slaughter of Krishna's beloved creatures, especially of cows, our sacred mothers who give us milk, does not make us very grateful human beings. But what about dairy ? Learn what goes on in the dairy industry and how supporting dairy lets cow slaughter continue.http://www.unhappycows.com/dairycows.asp)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liKbzGXGokU

<span style="font-family: book antiqua"><em><font color="#000080">

and for you Abhishekh.

Thanks for the reminder about Hanuman Jayanti. By the way, when the tithi appears on 4th in India, it typically can be 3rd in North America.


Two Bright Eyes in a Tree

It was a beautiful starry night. The terrace place had a few trees around with fragrance of flowers in the air.
Suddenly she saw two bright eyes looking at her intently. Scared, startled, she looked carefully.

...His fur was creamy, beige, golden... Still scared, she rushed to the Lord and pointed to the one. Krshna laughed, chuckled, amused at her, and went over to have some quiet conversation with the one. She then realized that He had brought this one for her ! It was very sweet of the Lord to bring this one to look over and protect her.

Hanumanji, she named him. Hanumanji ? Yes ! Sri Rama's own Hanumanji !

Hanumanji would be on her shoulder , everywhere she went. When it was time for the Lord to eat His meal , Hanumanji would fan Him as she served the food. In the evening, she would get nervous if Hanumanji was still out playing, and ask him to come back right away.

Thus , Hanumanji, amsha of Shiva, devotee of Sri Rama... came to protect her.

Oh Hanumanji !

Oh Krshna !

April 30 2009

Abhishek Born Again
01 April 2015, 01:48 AM
Thank you for correcting, ABA! One site I referred to this morning said it is on 3rd April!

I appreciate your correction!


I am just an intermediary Viraja Ji. :)

01 April 2015, 07:38 AM
Dear Virajaji,

~ This Hanuman Chalisa rendition is for you ~ (http://Two Bright Eyes in a Tree It was a beautiful starry night. The terrace place had a few trees around with fragrance of flowers in the air. Suddenly she saw two bright eyes looking at her intently. Scared, startled, she looked carefully.It was a monkey ! His fur was creamy, beige, golden and he was 18-20 inches tall. Reminded her of monkeys in Lonavala and ... Vrundavan ! This one must be from Vrundavan. Still scared, she rushed to the Lord and pointed to the monkey. Krshna laughed, chuckled, amused at her, and went over to have some quiet conversation with the monkey. She then realized that He had brought that monkey for her ! It was very sweet of the Lord to bring this monkey to look over and protect her.Hanumanji, she named him. Hanumanji ? Yes ! Sri Rama's own Hanumanji !Hanumanji would be on her shoulder , everywhere she went. When it was time for the Lord to eat His meal , Hanumanji would fan Him as she served the food. In the evening, she would get nervous if Hanumanji was still out playing, and ask him to come back right away.Thus , Hanumanji, amsha of Shiva, devotee of Sri Rama, who looked like just another one of Krshna's monkeys from Vrundavan, came to protect her.Oh Hanumanji !Oh Krshna ! Posted by ~ ~ at 2:06 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals, Stories from the garden Saturday, April 11, 2009 &quot;Who are You ?&quot; : A Ram Navami Story This happened on Ram Navami several years ago.I had met Krshna in the form of Krshna, Arjun's charioteer, Rukmini's Lord, Radha's Lover, and also with Shankha Chakra...A few months later, on Ram Navami, in the room where the Deities are, with my eyes closed, i asked &quot;Who are You ?&quot; I was surprised at myself for asking that !The Lord kindly showed His various forms.I could see a ~*~BEAUTIFUL~*~ goldenish form , in Tapashcharya pose, hair tied up in a bun, dangling earrings.... Gautam Buddha ? Then the form changed to purplish complexion and i could tell clearly it was Lord Shiva. Surprised, i opened my eyes. At that time , i could not tell what msg He was sending. So Krshna is Vishnu right ? He is also Shiva ??(He had shown His Shankha (conch), Chakra(wheel) as well)Now looking back ...Krshna , turns into Shambhu/Shiva as milk turns into curds. The two worship each other in different circumstances.Like in Treta Yuga, Sri Ram worshipped Shiva. Shiva in turn is perpetually in meditation of the Supreme Lord, Krshna. Lord Shiva in fact sent His 'amsha', Hanuman , to serve Lord Ram.So seeing Shiva on Ram Navami is quite profound, amazing, and understandable too.So that's a Ram Navami story ... one of the things about Lord's kindness which i will never forget.Jai Sri Krshna ~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 12:11 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: Ram Navami, RosePetals, Stories from the garden, Vishnu and Shiva Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Jackfruit: A funny story A Jackfruit ice-cream recipe on The Food Channel reminds me of a funny story.This happened last year.I was feeding Krshna pieces of Jackfruit in my mind. Usually it is more 'normal' foods, today it was Jackfruit among other things - topped with cream. He really liked it !Jackfruit ? ? It made me laugh almost aloud, later that day. What made me feed Him Jackfruit of all things, something i had not even thought of, seen, or eaten for eons ?The only possibility was, that Krshna felt like eating Jackfruit that day, and hence gave me the &quot;buddhi&quot;, the idea to have it on the 'menu'.A few days later, i was on an outing with family and we went to this Japanese-Chinese restaurant. All veg food had soy sauce. In any case, i did not want to eat their &quot;veg&quot; items. Neither did i want to make a fuss. It was going to be hours before i could be home.What then ? Finally, on the menu was a Jackfruit Shake. Surprised to see it (having forgotton all about the Jackfruit breakfast) i ordered that. Took one sip and what had happened suddenly dawned on me !This was my dear Krshna's Prasad ! I only imagined an offering of this wild fruit, but He made sure i received the Prasad somehow! Believe me, this was not the first time He had done that.Oh Kanha !Jai Sri KRshna ! Posted by ~ ~ at 4:02 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals Tuesday, March 10, 2009 The Surprise GiftKAnhA's Peacock It was MahaShivratri and i made a spontaneous last minute decision to go to the Temple. There were 108 conchs filled with water and a flower , the Pujaris (priests) were getting ready for the evening Abhishekam and Shivratri-bhajan programme. As i was leaving the main Temple grounds, a last glance at Radha Krshna thru' the glass, as always. I could see the red Hibiscus from the garden that i had offered at Kanha's Lotus Feet. Taking His leave, i thought i saw a twinkle in His eye - as if He had &quot;something up His sleeve&quot;.Smiling, i left, and was pondering over whether to go to the Ganesh Temple across, since i had visited Lord Ganesh, and all other Devtas in the Main Temple just minutes ago. Seeing Ganaraya and then seeing Him again ? This is the old Temple which had the old library and kitchen , which was recently moved to a new building. Predictably, i went in anyway.Praying to Ganpati, and then circumventing around Him 3 times....First Pradakshina : &quot;Oh! I had forgotton they had Peacocks in the back of this Temple !&quot; One was walking with a lovely gait, his tail sweeping the floor like a King's robe. Wait a minute... i remember seeing more Peahens, than Peacocks.Second Pradakshina : One peacock opened up his fan , showing off to a peahen, facing her. Oh! How lovely. When was the last time i saw a peacock this close ? But i could see him sideways.Third Pradakshina : Another peacock came out and opened his fan. The first one, suddenly started facing me ignoring his girlfriend. I could see Krshna's favorite bird from Vrndavan, up close, at liesure. He kept looking at me intently. Actually, i felt guity that he was ignoring his peahen-friend.THIS was Krshna's surprise gift !! So that twinkle in His eye was not my imagination after all!One might roll their eyes and say &quot;What do you expect peacocks to do in late February , other than spread their fan ?&quot; but believe me, i had never seen so many peacocks at once there. I did not KNOW they had so many of them. And when was the last time that i saw a peacock spread his fan and do some Kathak like my new friend here did ? As a child ? In a zoo ? No, i think never !Definitely, the peacock was following Krshna's orders, and perhaps Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesh , perhaps even Mata Lakshmi , Parvati, Durga, Hanuman, had a lot to do with it ! They are His devotees, and if Lord Shiva was pleased by my rushing to the Temple on His day, Krshna was pleased too.Oh ! I have no words, just holding this treasure in my heart is all i can do.Thank You , Thank You , Thank You Sweetheart. Madhuradhipater akhilam Madhuram ! Posted by ~ ~ at 8:37 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals Thursday, February 19, 2009 A MahaShivratri Story This isn't Govardhan, its the Himalayas !! No parkas, no heavy winter gear Just sari, shawl, open footwear Yellow Pitambar, Vaijayanti haar Sash over shoulders , crown, jewellery That is all !It was so blissful nevertheless snow for miles upslope sharp ridges on either side Without HIM, impossible to copeWhy up the Himalayas ? Who knows and who cares ? As long as right beside HE stayed Whether or not to shine the sun dares Bells ringing, conchshells blowing people at a distance, but no forest bears !They stopped at a place to rest for the night Empty as can be A small room with pillars Roof as canopy&quot;Red or Yellow ?&quot; &quot;First red then yellow&quot;Up the pious slopes Their journey continued towards Badrinath , feeling much renewedThe next morning this whole journey received some pondering , some thought Only later was it clear...!!! TODAY IS MAHASHIVRATRI !!!Oh! So that's what it was about !T h a n k Y o u , L o r d was all that was whispered no words would flow at all rooted to the spot , blissfully watched Shivabhishek in Temples small and tall~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 8:07 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals, Stories from the garden Saturday, February 7, 2009 GhanaNeela, You take the swing too high!THE SWING PASTIMERadha Krshna on a swing... a favorite pastime among devotees of Krshna. Picture : Courtesy www.Krishna.com - Art Gallery.Here is a beautiful song Radha sings to express Her opinion , originally composed in the language Marathi.Radha addresses Her KAnhA as GhanaNeela, the bluish One, like the dense raincloud. Ghana = dense(referring to cloud)Author : G. D. Madgulkar Composer : Sudhir Phadke Original Singer : Manik VarmaHere are 2 young singers, singing the song : Ghananeela ladiwala by Shalmali Sukhtankar (SaReGaMaPa)Ghananeela ladiwala by Jayashri Karambelkar (SaReGaMaPa)LYRICSO GhanaNeela, my Darling, [please] do not swing the swing [implied : so high and so fast]My braid is lose, hair flying all over, Dust entering my eyes making tears well My Kajal ( mascara) , mixed with tears Trickles down my cheeksThis will certainly raise eyebrows Tomorrow in Gokul This will take a completely different meaning Tomorrow in Gokul At this time of dusk, Just the two of Us Potential Objects of suspicion Look, the moon is out already, behind the treesOn the banks of Kalindi (Jamuna) Plays a gathering of Gopa-children[Please] do not swing the swing , my Dear One, do not swing, my Dear One, do not swing , my Dear One, do not swing the swing.O GhanaNeela, my Darling, [please] do not swing the swing.......~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~NOTE: I have put the word &quot;please&quot; in square brackets, because the sweetness of Radha is all into Her words and gestures, that there is never any need to utter it. The same holds with Krshna. Posted by ~ ~ at 9:17 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: LoveIsLove Saturday, January 17, 2009 O Radha Kishori, Strange Indeed Is Your Love Story [A dear devotee of Radha-Shyamsunder has just reported that Radharani has refused Shyam entry into Her birthplace, Barsana. Hearing this news makes me write this message for Her. (Please see English Translation below) ]O Radharani, Ajab Tumhari Prem KahaniO Radharani, kyon tarsati ho Shyamsunder ko apne ? Aa jane do na Use Barsane Kab se raaha dekh raha Shyam Jamuna kinare Shyam ne Tumhe sandesha hai bheja : &quot;Agar nahi aane dogi Barsana to Tumhare charan-chinnhon ko Murli sunakar Vapas Nandagaon hai Muze jaana&quot;Phir kya karegi hamari Ladli Kishori ? Ro Ro kar Uske paas daudegi KishoriJi ki aisi baaton ke khatir Jeete hai Sundar GhanaShyam Unka 'Maan' dekhkar bhi harshit ho jate hain Krshna Bhagwan.Aur poch rahe ho Krshna kaise hain ? Shabdon me kaise kehe sakti hun Unka haal Jinka swaroop hi hai Bramhanand-may Jo phailate hai apna MayaaJaal Aur Jinhe pukarnewalon ko us jaal se chhutkara bhi dilate hai ananta kaal~ ~ Krushnali Jan 17 2009ENGLISH TRANSLATION O Radha Kishori, Strange Indeed Is Your Love StoryO Radharani, why do You make Shyamsunder pine ? Please let Him come to Barsana Shyam waits for You since long by the banks of Jamuna Shyam has sent a message for You &quot;If You will not let Me come to Barsana, I shall play My Flute for Your Footprints and return to Nandagaon&quot;What will our beloved Kishori do then ? huh ? Crying pools of tears will She run to Him For the sake of these very things about Radha Lives the beautiful GhanaShyam Seeing Her 'Maan' (anger) as well He becomes blissful, Krshna BhagwanAnd now you ask how is Krshna ? How can i tell in mere words His state ? He who is 'Brahmanand' personified (or the most Blissful) Who spreads His net of Maya (illusion) And rescues those who surrender to Him from this very net, for time eternal~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 4:56 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: LoveIsLove, PoemToYou Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Urns Full Again - Bhari Gagariya, O Shyam (Hindi) Ek din subah dekha to saamne the do bank checks Bade anokhe , unpar &quot;Nectar of Love&quot; rakam likhi thi the ye sidhe dil me base hue Radha-Krishna Bank se Par ye check banaya kisne ? Hamari pyari si najuksi ladli KishoriJi ne Koi bhakt sabhi logon tak pohoncha raha tha Radha-Krishna ka Sneha Lekin do check kyon ? Ek par likha tha naam mera Dusre par kisi aur ka Galti se wo check mere paas aya Naam nahi dikhaee diya dikhaee diya sirf samundar Prem kaDekhkar bahut khushi hui aur apne Bhagwan se khat likha :Itna diya Sarkar Tumne Jitni meri aukad nahi Kaise karu Tumhara Shukriya Mere paas labz hi nahiJaldi se dono check kar diye encash bina dekhe unpar kiska nam hai likha Par ham achhi tarah jaante hai Tumhara Math hai bada anokhainfinity - 1 = infinity infinity - 2 = infinityAur Tum jaante ho hum hai Tumhare Prem ke pyase To bas bhar di itni sari gagariya Shyam ki Prem-barsaat seGagariya na rakhungi mai sirf apne paas Anokhe Math ka anokha Prem hajaro le jayenge apne saath phir bhi inme se Prem na hoga kam O mere Shyam, ho jaye us pyare bhakt ka Tumhare charnon me kalyaan~ ~ - Krushnali Jan 2009 Posted by ~ ~ at 2:47 PM 2 comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou Sunday, January 4, 2009 O GhanaShyam (Hindi) Hamare hi hain GhanaShyamSunder hamare dil me rehete hainBraj ki Brajbala Gopiyan hai mahaan Nahi samazte ham unke prem-vyavahaarKaise rehe sakti hain bichadkar tanhain me Namumkin hain hamare liye judai Shyam to paas hi hai Hamare saamne aur dil meTum ho hi itne din-dayalu O GhanaShyam Ek baar muze utha liya, to nahi chhodoge, Pyaare Piya Tumhine to hai jalaya Vishwaas ka ye Diya - Krushnali Janmashtami 2008 Posted by ~ ~ at 1:58 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou A Roomful of Urns Graced by the Mother Divine Who fed her honey each time she sat at His Feet as her Lord rested This is a good time to chant His Holy Names she said Silently, as she thought He was asleepWithin no time sacred ashes started flowing off His Lotus Feet just as if a faucet opened She rushed to get an urn which filled up quick With that fragrant gray 'Vibhuti' Looked here and there, knowing not what to do she filled up another and another and another Till the room was full of urns, Vibhuti to the brim Urnfuls of Love and a roomfull of Urns....Then it stopped ... but wait ! Oh no no no ! There were black marks on the soles of His FeetNo, my Darling, that won't do!She was crying but He was laughing , as He thought nothing of itShe got the lotion quick To sooth Dearest's Holy Feet Time did she beatThinking of ways to share this Love - contents of those Urns with more lost souls as we speak.~ ~ (Oct 01 2008) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Power of Thy Name ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Krshna , my generous Lord , powerful is Thy name brings peace and tranquility drives fear away keeps ghosts at bay makes dangers flee brings Lord towards the devoteeIt can also make the giving Lord just give give give While Kirtan flows from the devotees Mercy(Love) flows incessantly from His Lotus FeetGet an Urn ! Get an Urn ! Urnfuls of Love and a roomful of UrnsTears rolling down the devotee's cheeks And a soothing lotion for my Beloved's Holy Feet K r u s h n a l i 11/29/2008 Posted by ~ ~ at 1:55 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou, RosePetals, Stories from the garden A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls ..... ...&quot;Today You will wear all pearls&quot;, she said Necklace, armulets, anklets, bracelets His belt too was all pearls There were pearls in His crown and hairShe brought His Vaijayanti Haar &quot;Is this garland made of pearls too ?&quot; &quot;No, my Lord, these are just flowers&quot; said she That instant an amazing feat she did see As she placed the garland around His neck Beautiful golden pearls out of It did flee Surprised she collected them quick Like hailstones in a hailstorm of some degree&quot;NAth, now that You have showered me with these pearls of bliss, why not provide me with a box in which them to keep ?&quot; &quot;Certainly&quot;, and He didThe box was the shape of heart and beautiful indeed It lay beside her that afternoon, little did she see...He opened it and poured the pearls all over her Laughing , surprised, she struggled to collect pearls so pretty &quot;Don't worry&quot;, said her Lord, &quot;this box will never be empty&quot; As she got up, amazed, what did she see ? The pearls did not fall off her by gravity Instead they melted into her being To stay there as His gift for eternityA shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls A shower of Golden Pearls ..... ...K r u s h n a l i(June 19 2008) Posted by ~ ~ at 1:48 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals, Stories from the garden Jai NriSimhaDev O my Lord, sweeter than nectar Your Pastimes Who can understand You ?Where else can it be any safer than in Your Strong Transcendental Arms In whichever Transcendental Form ?When Your devotees lie on the operating table What else can be a better operating tool than Your pearl-like Transcendental Nails ?How else can one attain eternal bliss than at Your Lotus Feet ? And while there, Why would one be afraid at all of Cold or Heat ? What is this special thing about father-daughter-NarsimhaDev ? Ah ! father always wants to protect daughter from the dangers of this world but finds himself helpless at times and hands her over to the Lord Meanwhile, daughter remembers Him too Who whisks her away to safe skies blue.Once a daughter saw Your NarSimha form at night her father was with her ! when really he was miles away going about as everyday It was Your Temple in a cave below That's NarsimhaDev, father pointed outO so lovingly You roared making them blissful From the corner of her eyes she could see a few devotees, but also did she see a few people flee They were scared , unlike the devotees To them it was a dark cave rather than a Temple of TheeFather and daughter were once at an ancient airport, stone-paved There were rows of small airplaines The oppposite side, a row of many Garudas did gracefather pointed out to a Garuda Choose that one, he said. Not the airplane ? didn't he want his daughter to be safe ? can a mere bird be safer than a plane ?~ ~ - Krushnali Posted by ~ ~ at 1:36 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou, RosePetals, Stories from the garden Let me be Your infant for a while What is the fine line Between desire and need ?
 An adult has desires
 An infant has needsSpiritually I am like an infant,
 And emotionally too
 O my sweet, kind, gentle LordI NEED YOU !!!You know this too well
 More so that I doSo You will never abandon me
 'Cause an infant needs the Parent
 To hold her every momentAn infant is oblivious to praise or blame
 To stone or gold, pride or shame
 She is unaware of her existence
 As seperate from the Mother
 Does she know the letter &quot;I&quot; ?
 Any more than stars in the sky ?I feel like a toddler with a play kitchen set
 You graciously accept &quot;treats&quot; from your pet
 No matter how turns out the food
 &quot;Mmmm&quot;, You say, &quot;This is good!&quot;How could i ever be Your Flute 
 How about Your Earrings or Staff ?
 Will You let me be Your calf ? Your baby deer ? the grass ? 
 The long Chariot ride All the while
 In the cool breezy night
 Your moonlike smileAnd the quiet Boat 
 On deep dark waters
 Of the river afloatMemories of these are eternal treasures all mine to keepPlease let me serve You
 All eight folds of the day
 Keep house, tend the garden
 Fragrant flowers along Your wayWhatever happens in future
 Is Your own sweet will
 However there is ONE NEED
 You must fulfillWhether You take me to Golok
 Place me in GandharvaLok
 Let me continue on BhuLok
 Or in some other LokPlease live in my heart always
 And make sure that i
 Will remember You birth after birth ETERNALLY.All Yours,
 K r u s h n a l iFebruary 2008 Posted by ~ ~ at 1:25 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou Krshna Krshna What do you see ? Krishna Krishna What do you see ? I see sheer transcendence looking at me ....His kindness and generosity. His diligence towards each devotee.The way He juggles the truth to keep promises. He is the sweetest and humblest of beings despite being the Creator. He is goodness personified.His transcendental complexion , hue - no amount of color mixing in this world can generate that hue. His Lotus Feet, anklets, flower-anklets and bracelets. His long flowing hair,the Banke-Bihari pose,His various smiles.The way He teases Queen Rukmini and His respect for Her. The amused look on His face at Satyabhama's temper. The innocent fluttering of eyes while explaining the butter on His face to Mother Yashoda. His ecstatic love for Radharani (which made Him appear as Lord Chaitanya).He is the reservoir of pleasure , the safest haven, the ultimate shelter, the Dearest to souls ..... and a lot lot more. Jai Shree Krshna Govinda Mukunda Murari !! - K r u s h n a l i Feb 2008 Posted by ~ ~ at 1:13 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PoemToYou Saturday, December 20, 2008 Hindustani Classical Music My forgotton treasure of childhood - Hindustani Classical Music. At that young age of 10 and 12 and 15 i could not comprehend the value of this treasure handed to me as mercy from my Lord thru' parents' vision and music Gurus' guidance.Practically ALL classical pieces i learnt back then were filled to the brim with Bhava and Radha-Krshna Prema. I could not see that , alas ! Was so focused on the technicalities of the notes - taal and swar , raag and dhun...The various Raagas - to be sung at specific times during the 8 folds of the day/night , instill various moods. Many pieces praise the Lord, in aishvarya or madhurya. Many revolve around moods of meeting and seperation of the Lover and Beloved - Radha Krshna.~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Raag: Maand Taal: Tritaal~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~(a)staai : Thakur Tava sharanayi aayo Utara gaya mera man ka saunshay Jab Tera Darshan paayoantara: Ana bolata meri vrudha jani apana naam japaayoO Master/Lord, I surrender to You, and come to You for protection and shelter All doubt has vanished from my mind Ever since I saw Your Divine FormAnd says my old mother, whose names are you chanting ? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Raag: Yaman Taal: Tritaal~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~(a)sthaai: Mori gagarina bharana de S S S Paiyan paru Tose KAnha kuwarawanantara: Baar Baar samajhaa , nahi samajhata Dheeta Langarava ik hun na maane Haar gayi mai to haar gayiMori gagarina .... Here , (when KAnhA stops Radha on her way, tugs at her belongings, taps the pot on Her head,) Radha complains oh so lovingly, &quot;Let me fill these pots with water, let me do my job. Please, I fall at Your Lotus Feet, O young boy KAhn !&quot;&quot;I keep explaining to Him again and again, but He wouldn't listen ! That bold One ! (Who attracts me so !)Alas ! I have lost, I have lost (to Him , in this game of Love) &quot; Posted by ~ ~ at 11:30 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals Monday, July 14, 2008 Lord Sings To The Soul We are told that the material world is a perverted reflection of the spiritual world (The Tree). However, many, if not most, poetic and song compositions stem from the soul's search for the Divine. Hence, a spiritually inclined person could look at such a piece , potentially , as a bhajan (devotional song).Apart from the songs that are directly made as devotional, many songs that seem worldly and mundane on the surface can be potential Bhajans. That includes not just romantic songs (Madhurya Ras) , but those expressing parental love (Vatsalya), Friendship (Sakhya) or Servitorship (Dasya) as human relationships. Don't human relationships really originate from the Divine Nature of our Lord ?A Bhajan is usually the soul's song to the Lord.Here is one where the Lord sings to the soul.----Beloved, look, the distances have melted I am right here, right here, right here with youWhat boundaries ? What helplessness are you talking about ? I am right here, right here, right here with youI am that Secret you will not be able to hide I am that Style you will not be able to forgetWhy does My Voice echo in your heart ? That's because I am the very Voice of your heart.So listen if you can, to the language of the heartbeats I am right here, right here, right here with youWhat boundaries ? What helplessness are you talking about ? I am right here, right here, right here with youIts Me and only Me in your thoughts now I am in your answers and in your questions I am in each of your dreams I am in each of your expressionWherever you look you see only Me I am right here, right here, right here with youBeloved, look, the distances have melted I am right here, right here, right here with youWhat boundaries ? What helplessness are you talking about ? I am right here, right here, right here with you(My translation of a song composed by a great modern composer - Javed Akhtar)~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 5:09 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: RosePetals Friday, June 20, 2008 Om Govindaya Namaha I read in a book that the word &quot;namah&quot; at the end of each Vedic sentence really originated from years of modification of &quot;Na Mama&quot; which means &quot;not mine&quot;.The sages would offer oblations (rice, ghee) into the sacrificial fire [yajna] saying - &quot;Lord, this that I offer to you is actually not mine.&quot; - Na Mama.This gives us insight into our own prayers of surrender, our personal yajna [sacrifice]. ~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~O my Lord, nothing is mine , everything is Yours.You are my Knowledge and my Wealth [Tvam eva vidya , dravinam Tvam eva]. You are my Everything [Tvam eva sarvam mama Deva Deva]You created me , didn't You ? I am just Your instrument. So please order me and i shall do as You say.Here , take this. My mind, intelligence , whatever that is, is all really Yours. You gave it all to me.All my supposed abilities and strengths are Your opulences. Here, take them.All worldly things You have given me belong to You. So please accept them.What am i doing ? &quot;Giving&quot; everything back to You ? It was never mine in the first place !!Not a blade of grass can move without Your Will.This that i am scribbling is also really fuelled by Your Mercy.BUT THIS IS NOTHING COMPARED TO THE BIGGEST TREASURE YOU HAVE GIVEN ME: Its Your infinite GRACE and kindness that YOU MAKE MY HOME AND HEART YOUR ABODE, and YOUR ABODE AND HEART MY HOME. He Hrishikesha Govinda Madhava Madhusudana Vasudeva , my Lord my Swami, i do not know how to be Therefore i surrender myself unto Thee.And although i don't live upto Your expectations i am trying , trying hard, my Lord its but Your Mercy that i need swift as wind at speed~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 9:30 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PrayerOfSurrender, Realizations Thursday, June 12, 2008 The Evergreen Tree WHY DOES KRISHNA LET SOULS FALL INTO THE MISERY OF MATERIAL WORLD ?That's a common question many people ask. Why is it that some are devotees of the Lord, some are better devotees , while some non-devotees ? Why does the world have atheists , theists and the materialistic people who lie in-between ?We, the living beings, are individual souls which are parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord - Sri Krishna. Eternally.Just like one green leaf in the Lord's Tree of Spiritual World. Some of us feel we want to be different, not just green, and say, &quot;Wouldn't it be nice to be ... let's say orange ?&quot;What does Krishna tell those who wish they were orange ? &quot;Just wait till Autumn arrives&quot;. And then what ? Autumn arrives and the leaf turns orange and dry-brown and falls off the tree.This &quot;fall&quot; is what causes us to take birth in this material world with a material body.The soul's silly desire to be orange gives her a material body embedded with the 3 modes of material nature (called 'gunas') - goodness , passion, ignorance.These 'gunas' motivate the soul to act (karma) , and she then has to enjoy or suffer the repercussions of good or bad karma. That is why the material world is full of miseries.The reactions of karma and external interventions (saintly or bad) in turn make the levels of 3 gunas fluctuate. That is why it only appears as if there is a variety of souls.One might ask - WHY ? Why does Krishna let that happen so we can suffer the miseries of this world ? Does He not love us ?The Lord lets people act on their free will and take their time (lifetimes) to realize Him (now that they have insisted on being orange and not green). Its just like parenting - only on a much higher , spiritual scale. When a toddler insists on climbing somewhere or doing things by herself, the parent lets her try and learn from the consequences, as long as it is 'safe'. What may look safe for the Lord whose vision is eternal may not for us with our material minds.He lives in our hearts as the SuperSoul (Parmatma) , a friend of the soul , and watches the levels of goodness, passion and ignorance fluctuate on His monitor , birth after birth. He waits for the soul to awaken to the reality of its spiritual nature ......The soul forgets her relationship with the Lord. She says - I want to go roller blading fast down this mountain....what fun ! Luckily she comes across saintly souls who help remember where she came from in the first place , or at least remind her of her relationship with Him.The soul starts yearning for the Lord.One day Supersoul Parmatma's monitor goes blank. The 3 gunas have disappeared from the screen. They do not affect the soul anymore. The soul is now &quot;beyond&quot; the modes. She is nistraiguna or trigunateet.&quot;Welcome back !&quot; says the smiling Lord.~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 9:19 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: FALLTREE Tuesday, June 10, 2008 Gopi Meditations There are five meditations:1. Love: The first meditation is on Love, in which a devotee/gopi must adjust her heart in such a way that she longs for the welfare of all beings (Gita 6:30), including the happiness of her enemies and people of bad or perverted behavior (Gita 9:30-31).2. Pity: The second meditation is on Pity, in which the gopi thinks and prays for all beings in distress, in sorrow, in anxieties and grows compassion in her heart for them all.3. Joy: The third meditation is on Joy, in which she thinks and prays for the prosperity of others and rejoices in their rejoicing.4. Impurity: The fourth meditation is on Impurity, in which she thinks and prays that she becomes aware of her own corruption and the effect of her wrong doings and evils. How trivial is often the pleasure of the moment and how fatal are its consequences!5. Serenity: The fifth meditation is on Serenity, in which she rises above love (passions) and hate, tyranny and bondage, wealth and want and regards her own fate with balanced impartial calmness and perfect tranquility. Source : www.gitananda.org , edited and paraphrased by Swami Radhanandaji Posted by ~ ~ at 10:09 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: GOPIMED Sunday, June 8, 2008 Square Peg, Round Hole. Do you know what made me start this blog ? I did have an idea going in my mind for a few days. Yet, what made me actually take this step ?My dear Lord told me how much He loves me. This to me was a very important event, like many others, ever since i met Him.Its a shame that He should have to spell it out, considering His tremendous Love.That was because i was being overly silly. I was letting external inputs, teachings and influences cloud my confidence in our Love. Not all religious teachings are applicable to all souls. Instead of just succumbing to my Dear One, i was trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Again and again. All the while my Beloved just watched patiently with folded arms, and waited for me to come around , back to Him. Which i did, however i went back to surfing the internet for answers to the square-round puzzle.Not anymore ! I truly wish only His pleasure , and nothing else. Only He understands what's right for me, no wonder that's what is most natural for me. People may prove their viewpoints. That should not cause me to compromise in my own expression.O my Sweetheart, they do not understand that our Love is true they cannot see it. They may think its This-ism or That-ism, but it does not matter at all....Cause i have You ~ ~ Posted by ~ ~ at 4:04 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: LoveIsLove, RosePetals Saturday, June 7, 2008 You are everything to me, You are my God, O my Lord. Tvam eva mAtA ca pitA Tvam eva Tvam eva bandushca sakhA Tvam eva Tvam eva vidya , dravinam Tvam eva Tvam eva sarvam mama Deva DevaYou alone are the mother, You alone are the father You alone are my brother/sister, You alone are my friend and Dearest You alone are my knowledge and my wealth You are everything to me, You are my God, O my Lord. kAyena vAchA manas-endriyair vaa budhi Atmanava prakriteh svabhAvaat karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai NArAyanAyeti samarpayAmiI dedicate everything to that Supreme Lord Narayana, whatever I perform with my body, speech, mind, limbs, intellect or my inner self, either intentionally or unintentionally. Achyutam, Keshavam, RAma, NArAyanam, Krshna, DAmodaram, VAsudevam, Harim, Shridharam, Madhavam, GopikAh-Vallabham, JAnaki-NAyakam, Ramchandram bhajebhaje - I worship and serve A-chyuta : the indestructible Keshava : the one who killed demon Kesi RAma : one who sports Narayana : one who lies in the cosmic waters (nara) Krshna : the all-attractive one Damodara : one who was tied around the stomach by a rope (by mother Yashoda) Vasudeva : the Lord who is omniscient and everywhere Hari : one who takes away all misery Sri-dhara: shelter and maintainer of the Goddess of Fortune (Sri) Madhava : the Master of all energies, Lord of Laxmi, Goddess of Fortune Gopikah-Vallabh : Lord of the Gopikas JAnaki-NAyaka : JAnaki's Lord (JAnaki = SitA ) Hare Krshna Hare Krshna Krshna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare HareHare Krshna Hare Krshna Krshna Krshna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare HareHare KRshna Hare Krshna Krshna KRshna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare...... ..... .... Posted by ~ ~ at 6:26 PM 1 comment: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: PrayerOfSurrender Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Damodar 09 Damodar 09 Kanhu Sleeping - Kartik Memories Search This BlogSubscribe To MyBelovedsGarden Posts All Comments Blog Archive▼2013 (2) ▼December (2) AtmAnanda Hari Ananda Restless Heart, O Gracious Charioteer-of-Parth►2011 (3)►2010 (6)►2009 (22)►2008 (7)LabelsAdvaita (5) Antaryami (3) AtmA (1) Bhagvad Gita (1) Bhagvat (1) Bhakti (3) bliss (4) Brahman (2) devotion (2) Dnyaneshwari (1) ego (1) Eternal Ras (1) faith (2) FALLTREE (1) Golok (1) Goloka (1) GOPIMED (2) humility (1) intelligence (1) Ishvara (1) Janmashtami (1) Jnana (3) Jnani Bhakta (3) KArtik (2) knowledge (1) Krishna (3) Krshna (2) Lotus Feet (2) LoveIsLove (9) MAyA (1) memories (3) mind (3) modesty (1) Mukti (1) nirguna (1) parmArtha (1) PoemToYou (12) PrayerOfSurrender (4) prem (3) PurushaSukta (1) Radha (3) Radhashtami (1) Ram Navami (1) Realizations (3) renunciation (1) RosePetals (19) samskAr (1) Self (3) ShraddhA (2) St. Dnyaneshwar (Jnaneshwar) (1) Stories from the garden (12) subject of shruti (2) subtle-body (1) Supersoul (1) Vaikuntha (1) Vishnu and Shiva (1) Vrajvasis (1)About Me My PhotoameyAtmA The idea of this blog is to connect with and walk with Shri Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Lord of the universe, to discover the Self as the timeless Consciousness called Bramhan'. The unanimous message of Vedopanishad, Bhagvad Gītā and Bhāgvat Purāṇ is Hari bhakti and advaita. Gentle Mukunda will take your ignorance away before you notice it! ~*~*~*~*~ Story of the blog-author: Beloved Prāṇanāth Mukunda Ghanashyām was watching her for years while she walked aimlessly, puzzled by some ways of this world... LOST. Where are You? You have to be. This cannot be it... He actually walked upto her and suddenly Their relation of lifetimes was known... He walked with her, conveyed things in amazing ways, took her to mysterious places, very loving and patient, Dearmost Witness, Beloved Companion, Divine Guide, Whose Love she cherished and shared till there was no seperate existence...only this ānanda, as if wearing the colour of Shyām (Kṛṣṇa) full of Love and bliss -- being this immeasurable ātmā, who looks back gratefully at the tunnel thru' which Beloved Kṛṣṇa brought someone to this state of eternal union. ~ ~View my complete profile Web LinksBanke Bihari Mandir Why being VEGAN is cow protection Care For Cows Vrndavan International Society for Cow Protection Krishna, the Supreme Lord Hindustani Classical Bhajans Radha Sakhis RadhaKund Advaita VedantaGo Vegetarian or Vegan today! Live and Let (animals) live. BOYCOTT THE SLAUGHTERHOUSES. We must show our love and gratitude to our Beloved Krishna, the Supreme Almighty. Eatinganimal food and being a consumer of animal products means indirectly supporting the slaughterhouse industry. How can one show God their love, without being compassionate to His beloved creatures ? Research and simple observations show that vegetarians are more peaceful (not aggressive) than those who eat meat.Doctors say that meat-diets are a major cause of heart disease and cancer. Eating meat and supporting slaughter of Krishna's beloved creatures, especially of cows, our sacred mothers who give us milk, does not make us very grateful human beings. But what about dairy ? Learn what goes on in the dairy industry and how supporting dairy lets cow slaughter continue.http://www.unhappycows.com/dairycows.asp)

and for you Abhishekh.

Thanks for the reminder about Hanuman Jayanti. By the way, when the tithi appears on 4th in India, it typically can be 3rd in North America.


Two Bright Eyes in a Tree

It was a beautiful starry night. The terrace place had a few trees around with fragrance of flowers in the air.
Suddenly she saw two bright eyes looking at her intently. Scared, startled, she looked carefully.

...His fur was creamy, beige, golden... Still scared, she rushed to the Lord and pointed to the one. Krshna laughed, chuckled, amused at her, and went over to have some quiet conversation with the one. She then realized that He had brought this one for her ! It was very sweet of the Lord to bring this one to look over and protect her.

Hanumanji, she named him. Hanumanji ? Yes ! Sri Rama's own Hanumanji !

Hanumanji would be on her shoulder , everywhere she went. When it was time for the Lord to eat His meal , Hanumanji would fan Him as she served the food. In the evening, she would get nervous if Hanumanji was still out playing, and ask him to come back right away.

Thus , Hanumanji, amsha of Shiva, devotee of Sri Rama... came to protect her.

Oh Hanumanji !

Oh Krshna !

April 30 2009

Dear Smaranam ji,

Very, very beautiful! Thank you for sharing this gem.

Warm regards.

02 April 2015, 10:07 AM
Happy Hanumana Jayanti!


02 April 2015, 11:13 AM
Dear ShivaFan ji,

This past Ram Navami, I was thinking only of you! You were the one who routinely used to make announcements for Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanthi! :) Did you have a good Ram Navami? Wish you a great Hanuman Jayanthi, ji! :)

02 April 2015, 07:52 PM
Viraja Dear I think of you too! Yes I did! And actually it is this Saturday April 4 here in my area the local Durga Temple I go to has Hanuman and is celebrating "April 4th - Hanuman Jayanti - call to sponsor".

But I will be at a UC Berkeley Campus Tour this Saturday, but Hanumana Jayanti is probably the most important holiday for me, what I will do is pray and give offering that day in the morning at home, and carry a small picture of Hanuman in my shirt pocket!

The Durga is the local Devi for the Temple in this area, the Temple is open 5pm to 8pm 7 days a week, I might try to call or go by tonight to find out about sponsorship, and if I get back from Berkeley on Saturday for the evening it is open until 8pm.

The picture of Hanuman above is from this Temple, what I now consider "my temple", which is a Durga Temple I mentioned and also has Sita-Ram, Shiva-Parvati and Krishna and also Linga and of course Ganesh. But the main deity is Durga Sherawali Who is the Realm Goddess of our area:


Om Shree Hanumate Vijayam

03 April 2015, 12:14 PM

Om Shree Hanumate Vijayam


03 April 2015, 04:47 PM

It is Saturday in Bharat and that means Hanuman Jayanti is on. Happy Hanuman Jayanti to everyone.
Pawan sut Hanuman ki Jai.


PS, For Science geeks in North America, 'Technically the full moon is only a moment in time, even though it appears to be full a day before and a day after the full moon. That moment occurs at 5:07 AM PDT on Saturday April 4 on the West coast.'

A lunar eclipse happens only during a full moon. This time the total eclipse will be from 7:58 AM to 8:02 EDT (4:58 AM to 5:03 PDT - West coast will see it for about 5 minutes). Of course the partial eclipse will last a lot longer.

03 April 2015, 04:55 PM
Yes, we are going to have an eclipse here on the morning of the 4th.

04 April 2015, 09:39 AM

Hanumanji brings with Him this lunar eclipse,


Jai Shree Hanumanji.
