View Full Version : The five types of fire in Panchagni??

01 June 2007, 05:13 AM
Please list the five types of fire in Panchagni clearly. These fires are dedicated to which deity? Please reply.

01 June 2007, 06:36 AM
Hari Om

Please list the five types of fire in Panchagni clearly. These fires are dedicated to which deity? Please reply.

Welcome and Hello Tenny,

Please consider reading this post...

This starts with Prana and 5 forms , also part of Panchagni ( 5 fires)

There are additional conversations on this. PLeasae consider starting here and we can proceed afther you have looked around. Look in the Philosophy Folder for additional info.


04 June 2007, 12:28 AM

The five types of fires are mentioned in this


Is it true?

If true, then please show me the scriptures based on panchagni.


04 June 2007, 02:07 AM
I think the context will be helpful. With my very limited scriptural knowledge I can say there are multiple contexts...

Panchagni Vidya of upanisads
Agni tattva and its various types as per Ayurveda
Panchagni Tapas ~ a type of austerity practiced by Sadhus

5 is an important number in the context. 5 senses, 5 elements, 5 types of vayus etc.

In general context it would help to understand all of these.

From your original posting it seems you want to know about the Panchagni Tapas or the sadhana involving 5 fires which is a severe austere practice undertaken by Sadhus and ascetics. Is it so??