View Full Version : Veda is the source of all

18 October 2019, 09:17 AM

Just coming back from a Silk Road trip I want to share with you what I saw on the outside wall of the Sherdor Madrasa in Samarkand: the Swastika.

As I was told it is made in the calligraphy style Kufi - 4 times Allah forms this Swastika.

Once again a proof that the Veda is the source of all.

Not being able to upload the photo I made I use a link that shows the ornament. Scroll down a little and find it in the first row on the right side.


18 October 2019, 10:14 AM


Tell us more about your trip - starting point (country/city), points of interest along the way and the end of journey point, ease of travel (train/bus/private taxi), mode of internal travel, safety for families/women travelling through, local culture and whatever else you observed. That is one part of the world I have stayed away from.



18 October 2019, 11:27 PM
Very interesting, thanks for sharing. Veda and Hindu Dharma in general is the Mother, the ashvattha vruksha, the ancient Tree of spirituality and religion.

19 October 2019, 11:00 AM
Namaste Believer,

it was an organized tour by a tourist train, called the Orient Silk Road Express. It started in Almaty, Kasachstan, crossed Uzbekistan with Samarkand, Khiva, Buchara and ended in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The train is bookable also in the US.
Some years ago I travelled along the Chinese part from Peking to Kashgar, which I personally find more fascinating, more diversified and vivid. Especially Uzbekistan is a kind of open air museum … great monuments but without life because no more in original use ... nowadays only used by tourists.

The countries are definitely safe for families and women. All countries are safe if one - esp. Western women - adapts to the national customs. If you are vegetarien you should be aware, that the choice of vegetarien food is extremely low.

Also interesting is the journey of Hsuan-Tsang from China to India.

07 November 2019, 05:28 AM
This is one trip I want to go on in my life! Thanks for the details. So exciting just to read about it. I first heard of these exciting routes in a not very exciting class of Essentials of Physical Anthropology (https://www.bartleby.com/textbooks/essentials-of-physical-anthropology-third-edition-3rd-edition/9780393612264/solutions). I still have this book, with my excited scrawl from class, when the prof started talking about these routes(just to wake us up, I'm sure!) and places from the past. The only reason I hand on to that textbook is to keep reminding myself to actually go on that trip. I want to go with a couple of friends who share an interest in such travels. Such trips are turning points in our lives, I feel. Again - many thanks!

20 November 2020, 09:26 AM
Thanks for sharing, my friend.