View Full Version : Blessings in one's Chart...

29 June 2007, 09:15 AM
Hari Om

I have alluded to blessings shown in one's chart in past posts. What does that mean?
We have pointed out that one's chart shows the promise, potential and/or the possibilities that are offered to the native for this life span ( Ayus). Inside these 3 p's are the blessings offered.

How do blessings come?
They come in multiple ways, one way is through yoga's or unions made of the graha's (combinations) and of the houses ( bhava's) . That is, how Graha A+B resides in a house (bhava) or in a combination of houses.

What kind of yogas are there?
Ravi Yogas - involving the sun, Surya
Chandra Yogas - involving the moon, Chandr, and some write Chandra
Raja Yoga - or 'kingly' unions giving power, authority, benefit
Raja sambandha yoga - combinations that show associations with kings, powerful people, or powerful situations
Dhana yoga - unions giving wealth. Now wealth is not only money , yes?
Mahapurusha yogas - these produce 5 kinds of great, (Maha) magnamious persons (purusha).
Daridra Yogas - unions giving poverty

I will give some examples of these in future posts and if you wish you can match them with your birth chart. If you are without a birth chart and care to have a Vedic chart constructed, let me know and I will create one for you.

Now, one 'blessing' that I rather like is called Vargottama. That is, 'the most excellent division' a graha can be positioned in. What does this mean? It is a graha's position that resides in the same sign (rasi) in the birth chart and in the 1/9th divisional chart, called the navamsa varga or 1/9th division.
This Navamsa is of great import. It shows ones relationships with others and with spouse, but is also called dharmamsa or that of division of dharma.
Additionally, even more auspicious is if the graha is vargottama ( same sign in birth and navamsa charts) AND is also in a sign that the graha is exalted in, at home, in a friendly sign, or in moolatrikona positions. All favorable.

In one chart I am viewing Chandra is in Taurus, it's exaltation sign. Now looking to the 1/9th chart, Chandra too is in Taurus. In both positions the moon is in Rohini Nakshatra or the moon's constellation of Rohini. There are 27 moon constellations called nakshatra's. So chandra is there, well placed, Vargottama conditions exist. Side note - Krsna had this same Vargottama of Chandra in His chart also.

So, the 'blessing' is indicated from chandra. What does Chandra own or rule? this is ones blessing. What sign does chandra own? Cancer.
Cancer is a natural moksha house. So the 'blessings' of Chandra + Moksha house comes with the Vargottama placement.

One more hidden blessing... Rahu and ketu for some reason are viewed at times with jaundiced eye of the native and some astrologers. to the wise, these nodes also bring protection and wealth, not to mention Ketu as moksha-karaka ( indicator of liberation or enlightenment).

Lets say ketu is in the 9th house with Venus (shukra)- this union affords protection to the native from harmful influences coming from the outside. A natural protection from harm.
Now 'harm' is of the physical type. Robbers and thief's, natural calamities. Why in a storm or fire, 10 houses get destroyed and one house remains untouched on that block of houses? This would be an example. Protection is given as the 9th house is a house of fortunes, yet there may be mental anguish associated with the fire being all around ones home, yes? Now here is the caveat. If the harm comes from within the family or circle of friends, then this combination of ketu and Venus is neutralized.

Now would one notice this protection? It depends how aware one is...and some people just say they are lucky. A jyotishi can look at ones chart and see if this combination exists.

Now Rahu + Venus in the 9th - creates different circumstances. We note that the 9th house is a house of fortunes and wealth , among other things like dharma, gifts (daan), prosperity.
In this case Venus' benefits with rahu, rahu retards the benefits. Say on inheritance, rahu would be there to cause mischief (as my teacher calls it). To interfere and work against the intentions of the individual. In this case the well wishers and family members do in fact have influence in this condition to help.

Every house and rasi with graha's in them have influnce...and what is at work is their Karaka + their tattva ( that-ness) influences and potentials of the house and sign that unfold, not to mention the 'season' of ones life, the dasa period.

More on this as time permits.


29 June 2007, 07:45 PM
Hari Om

In my first post I left out one type of yoga, called Nabhasa Yogas ( some spell it Nabhasa). These are yogas classified as celestial combinations. There are 4 varieties. Each classification of the 4 varieties, have multiple possibilities to them.

In all , there are 1,800 possibilities or yoga combinations. As you would suspect I am not planning on reviewing all these, but will bring up a few of interest, as some are very interesting. Yet in Vedic periods, the sisyas were required to know all 1,800 and had techniques for memory and to be able to pass these on to others.

Let me give you one or two examples , as how robust these are, and how comprehensive Jyotish Vedic astrology is.
Remember in the last post we talked of movable (chara) , fixed and dual signs , yes? If one has all their planets ( graha's) positioned in ONLY movable signs, then a Rajju Yoga is formed (now I only have to explain 1,799 more yogas!).

One with this yoga likes to travel, due to the movable nature of these signs and all the graha's in those signs. Now not only does s/he like to travel, this individual will flourish in foreign countries, yet this individual is a bit cruel, perhaps to so much rago-guna.
Now, let me ask , why do you think this is called rajju or a Rope yoga? And ideas or hypothesis you care to take a stab at??

Let me offer one more... lets say all the graha's are in two successive quadrants ( these are called angles or kona's). These are the 1st, the 4th , the 7th and the 10th houses. So, if ALL the graha's were in the 4th house and 7th houses, a Gada yoga is formed. Or if they were in the 1st and the 4th, or the 10th and the 1st...see? the successive quadrants?
Then this yoga is formed. And what of it? One possesses wealth, gems, gold, etc. This person does yajya's regularly. He knows the sastra's. NOw why is this called a Gada? a mace i.e. a bludgeoning tool? Any ideas?

I will add more if this info is of interest to anyone...let me know.

pranams, and may there be Kamala Yoga's in your chart... one is long lived, pure and performs many good deeds. Kamala is a lotus.

14 January 2016, 12:10 PM
Namaste and hello for the weekend!

Many yogas talk about benefics or malefics or both being in the kendras/quadrants.
What happens if most of the planets are in the trikonas?


Hari Om

In my first post I left out one type of yoga, called Nabhasa Yogas ( some spell it Nabhasa). These are yogas classified as celestial combinations. There are 4 varieties. Each classification of the 4 varieties, have multiple possibilities to them.

In all , there are 1,800 possibilities or yoga combinations. As you would suspect I am not planning on reviewing all these, but will bring up a few of interest, as some are very interesting. Yet in Vedic periods, the sisyas were required to know all 1,800 and had techniques for memory and to be able to pass these on to others.

Let me give you one or two examples , as how robust these are, and how comprehensive Jyotish Vedic astrology is.
Remember in the last post we talked of movable (chara) , fixed and dual signs , yes? If one has all their planets ( graha's) positioned in ONLY movable signs, then a Rajju Yoga is formed (now I only have to explain 1,799 more yogas!).

One with this yoga likes to travel, due to the movable nature of these signs and all the graha's in those signs. Now not only does s/he like to travel, this individual will flourish in foreign countries, yet this individual is a bit cruel, perhaps to so much rago-guna.
Now, let me ask , why do you think this is called rajju or a Rope yoga? And ideas or hypothesis you care to take a stab at??

Let me offer one more... lets say all the graha's are in two successive quadrants ( these are called angles or kona's). These are the 1st, the 4th , the 7th and the 10th houses. So, if ALL the graha's were in the 4th house and 7th houses, a Gada yoga is formed. Or if they were in the 1st and the 4th, or the 10th and the 1st...see? the successive quadrants?
Then this yoga is formed. And what of it? One possesses wealth, gems, gold, etc. This person does yajya's regularly. He knows the sastra's. NOw why is this called a Gada? a mace i.e. a bludgeoning tool? Any ideas?

I will add more if this info is of interest to anyone...let me know.

pranams, and may there be Kamala Yoga's in your chart... one is long lived, pure and performs many good deeds. Kamala is a lotus.

02 February 2016, 03:26 AM
Yajvan-ji, just like a rope is flexible to be stretched and moved in different directions, the individual with the Rajju yoga has the tendency to drift away from his or her homeland in different directions ? In other words, such people are free to move, flexible in adapting to different environments.

This is in contrast to Musala yoga - where all grahas are in sthira rashis. Just as a Musala (pestle) is strongly situated in its own place, people with this yoga are firmly based on their homeland/native and only a heavier force will be able to lift them off their own place. In other words, it represents stability.

Those are my humble attempt at your curious poser. Please enlighten us with these ideas.

03 February 2016, 01:07 AM

I read your post more carefully and thought about my own question.
You ask why would grahas in quadrants be called a Gada yoga and I asked what if grahas were in the trikonas.
I like drawing charts the South Indian way. When one draws it thus and puts grahas in the quadrants, indeed a diamond (a quadrant if you will) is formed when you link the four houses together, roughly forming a square, and by a stretch of imagination, maybe a Gada? :) Ok, that's a little far fetched. But when I do that for the trikonas, I get a triangle. Now the quadrants belong to Vishnu and the trikonas belong to Lakshmi, is a popular saying here. Perhaps tht is the symbolism of the Gada for the quadrants, being the weapon of Vishnu. The Gada would be a symbol of power and protection. And the triangle is the symbol of Shakti ?

Just a hypothesis.

Best regards

03 February 2016, 07:59 AM

06 February 2016, 11:45 AM
Rohini ji, you are almost as cryptic as Rishi Jaimini!

06 February 2016, 03:47 PM
North, not south!
How is work going?

15 February 2016, 11:26 AM
Bumbling along, Rohini ji. Hoping the dots connect soon :)
Trust alls well!

North, not south!
How is work going?