View Full Version : Varnas of the Graha's

03 July 2007, 06:53 PM
Hari Om

Varna is a touchy subject as one thinks of castes... today in India this is a big thing. Varna means color , or variation, or gradient. Some also use varna as 'veil'. From color, we have different variations, yet this does not refer to a person's skin color. Just as veil does not refer to a scarf that covers ones appearance. In the Rig Veda varna is considered lustre.

The Veil is how the Divine is covered within the individual, by varna. This varna in ancient times was quite an enlightened way of viewing a person's abilities, by what they were able to do, their propensity to act and serve themselves and their community. One's varnashram dharma, or one's duty via their quality, their nature-being in this life , is one thing people tend to consider.

It was not a tag from birth... again, something that has gotten convoluted in Kali Yuga and passionate arguments can be had with this...I chose not to participate in.

Lets outline the Varna's of the Grahas per Parasara muni:

Brahmin - Jupiter and Venus
Kshatriya - Sun and Mars
Vaishya - Moon and Mercury
Shudra - Saturn
Where is ketu and Rahu? they do not have physical bodies and therefore not part of varna.Lets look a bit closer:
Brahmin - also considered vipra, or pure one. Jupiter is the owner of akasha tattva, how pure is space? and Venus , Her name is Sukra, and produces the most refined, most suble fluids in our bodies, ojas.
Brhamin's possess a higher level of thinking regarding Brahma, and in the Sat Yuga periods, the Brahmin's were of enlightened status. Knowledge as their baseline , their love. Jupiter's guna is sattvic based; Venus is rajasic.

Jupiter's duty is Dharma, that which upholds, and this is what he does in his moolatrikona location in the zodiac, Sagittarius, that is the natural 9th house, and where jupiter does it's Dharmic duty. This is the wisdom of Moolatrikona positions, whee the graha does ones duty.
Venus does its allotted duty in Libra - what to you think Venus' duty is?
Jupiter's color/varna: Golden yellow
Venus color/varna: whiteKshatriya - many say immediately 'warrior class' - Many kings are of this varna. The key point is this - kshatriya are defensive, to protect society, to uphold dharma as needed. Sun and Mar's qualities. Energitic, still pure, yet of rago-guna, energy, motion, courage ( A perfect Arjuna!) It is shown in several Upanishds, that Kshatriya's possessed great knowledge that was taught to the Brahmins. As Brahmins love is that of knowledge, would come to the kshtriya as a sisysa, a student. Such is the way of an enlightened society.
Sun does his allotted duty in Leo. And Mar's moolatrikona is in Aries.
Sun's color - ruby deep red
Mar's color - deep red, some say blood red

Some think Mars is tamasic; I see mars as rago-guna based, yet this is my opinion only. Sun is sattvic, pure and hot. the Atmakaraka for all beings.
Vaishya - are those of fair trade , for commerice. Moon and Mercury. Actions of the mind, speech. Moon rules over plants, and mercury our earth, and our intellect. It is they that feed the world.
Moon's color/varna - that of while like a pearl.
Mercury color/varna - emerald green
Moon's moolatrikona house is Taurus.
Moon is Sattvic; Mercury is consider rajo-guna

Mercury's moolatrikina is in Virgo. He is karka of communications, so his duty is best performed in Virgo. One with Mercury in Virgo then are good communicators, debators, etc. Now just intelligent communcation, Mercury at home, Gemini, he most comfortable there, and a good speaker, writer perhaps, but with out the debate or point-counter-point pressure...
See how mookatrikina works?

Shudra - these are the people for serving others. Sani is of the working class, serving. A most noble thing to serve, yet over the years people have viewed this as less then desirable. Yet, when ones spiritual development unfolds, it becomes one of service, to the Lord or/and to society, ones family, etc. As sani indicates tapas, and spiritual discipline, as in work. the discipline to toil and get things done. He is the slow moving one, the one that gets his hands dirty, the worker.

Sani's color/varna - deep blue to black.
Sani's work/duty - metering out disipline is done in Aquarius. What else does Sani do as as duty...meter out death.How is that done? via dis-ease. One way is that of air principle, vayu. As Sani owns the tattva of air principle. So ailments that come via the air and bacteria in the breath. Pollution, cigarettes would be a perfect meeting of death via this principle.
What other death then does sani contribute to? that death of the ego, so Sani is seen as another moksha planet and , unlike ketu , Sani can become one's Atmakaraka.

Sani is very complex as I see Him.
