View Full Version : Tittiris, birds, Viswarupa and symbols

23 September 2007, 09:39 AM
Hari Om

Namaste Samscarin ( ( sr= to flow + sam = together) or one that flows together, life after life; He/she that is on the wheel of time.

The Taittiriya Upanishad comes from the Yajurveda and is one of my favorites. This veda has a White (Sukla or pure) and Black or Dark some say this means mixed ( Krsna ) Yajurveda Section. More on why white and black if there is interest.

Why mention this?
There are a few stories/symbols that are offered for Taittiriya, and I thought to offer them to you for your consideration as it suggests, once again, the symbolism [sanketa] used by the rishis.

It is also said in both in the Brihadaranyaka and Aitareya Upanishads that the devata prefer the indirect method of being revealed. That infers the use of symbols and the various metaphors for the actions of the devata and how the inner yajya takes place i.e. what happens internally inside of you , the sadaka.

Principle being offered: The rishi or the name of a sukta, valli, samhita, etc. are meaningful words that reveal the knowledge this is to be stimulated, implied, or offered to or from the reader ( that would be the sadhu).

Of this here are a few offerings that suggest the origin of this word tittitri.

Vaishampayana's student (sisya)
The rishi known for the Yajurveda was Vaishampayana and also known as Charaka. Its said he had 86 students (thus 86 collections of teachings). Tittiri was also a disciple, and as I understand it, Vaishampayana's brother. The lineage of the Krsna Yajurveda offers Tittiri muni as the 'central jewel' and contributor to a collection of kandas called Taittiriya. Hense his name is associated with it.

Tittiri - partridges or birds [ from the Puranas]
Yajnavalkya is one of the great munis of the veda. He was an ekasandhigrahi, meaning he learnt anything with just once teaching. His guru was also Vaishampayana. There was a dispute between Guru and sisya and Vaishampayana asked that Yajnavalkya return all the knowledge he had attained under his tutelage. Yajnavalkya obliged. It's said that Yajnavalkya vomited out the Vedic knowledge he possessed. The other students then assumed the forms of tittiris (birds~ partridges) and pecked the knowledge that Yajnavalkya regurgitated.

That is, Yajnavalkya 'spat out' or recited quickly the contents of the Vedic knowledge given by Vaishampayana. The surrounding students then picked up/ remembered the relevant verses. Now after Yajnavalkya did this, he took to his tapas and sadhana to the Sun to reveal the Yajur Veda that was ayatatamam, unpolluted. To this the Shukla Yajur Veda was revealed to him.

In the next explanation , we will see how if we tie all these ideas together …

Tittiri as that which overcomes foes
A clue to understand the deeper meaning of this word is found in the Taittiti Samhita 2.5.1 with additional help from the Rig Veda in 1.36.7. Lets see how this goes, I will just outline the story and not re-type the mantra.

Tvashtr the divine architect has a son Vishwarupa, or All-form creation was the purohita or priest of the devata. Vishwarupa had 3 heads. With one head he drank soma, the delight of the devata and offered to them. He also drank sura or liquor , and secretly offered this to asuras. With the 3rd head he ate ana ( some write anna food, ) for the benefit-support t of humans.

Now Indra saw this and became concerned [afraid] that Viswarupa could become all powerful, and the asuras could in fact become the most powerful in this situation and divert Indra's power from him. So he cut off the 3 heads and kept them separate. Now this is the interesting part , when we get the names of the 3 heads:
Kapinjala or ka +pin+jala or who drinks waters; Those that drink the rays of the spiritual sun, the soma, or the devata.
Kalavingkaor ka+la+vigka or who destroys the knowing/knowledge; In this case the asuras that drinks the sura (ignorance) and blocks/destroys the spiritual rays of the sun.
Tittiri - this is where we need help from the experts , that of Kapali Shastri and he gives his insights from Panini (one of the expert grammarians) and suggests this tittiri ' that which overcomes the foes - such as ignorance'. RV 1.36.7 for those that look will see this mantra is addressed to Agni , when well kindled ( invoked that is ) He is able to overcome the opposers. Comments suggest that this is the obstacles that impede ones spiritual progress i.e. ignorance.

As mentioned, the one head that ate anna or food, was for humans. This tittiri is the symbol for the cosmic impulses (devata) that help humans to attain the knowledge and experience to overcome the foes that impede ones spiritual progress - that of falsehood, ignorance and the like. That is anna, is the nourishment , not of just food-stuffs, but of knowledge and insights we 'eat' or consume via the intellect.

And where is one of those cosmic impulses? Agni , in RV 1.36.7, as it is pointed out. Our ally to overcome the foes via Divine Inspiration. Without Agni we are not introduced to the Kapinjala, the other devitata. With a happy mind towards us, everyday you convey the offerings made here to the devata who have perfected energies (RV 1.36.6).

With this in mind I can see the significance of Tittiri as a disciple of Vaishampayana's brother and of his name , to remove the obstacles, via the knowledge.

Yet why still a bird connotation? Kapinjala or ka +pin+jala is also a synonym for the chataka bird that drinks water (rain) from the sky before it touches the earth. Kalavingka has been associated with the sparrow. Tittiri follows the association with the bird family or partridges.

Birds carry symbolism in terms of flight, thought, lightness, freedom without boundaries. In the Taittitiriya Samhita ( 4.1.10) it says, you are a bird of golden wings (suparna) capable of going up to the higher realms (consciousness) and modeling it. Your head is threefold (trivrtta or body, mind and spirit);' your eye is gayatra ( or all the hymns which have the power of saving).
