View Full Version : The Universe - What if...?

09 November 2007, 05:02 PM
Hari Om

I watched a science program on the evolution of the Universe. I viewed this adhvan (course or path) as a beautiful expression of the Divine. In the very early stages of this Universe we had nothing but gas. Just Hydrogen and Helium in space, that was it. The show then speculated on the evolution of the universe from from 0 to 10¹º years or ~ 100 billion years.
So it made me think again!http://www.cybergifs.com/emphasis/new.gif

See how this resonates with you… your thoughts and ideas are welcomed.

I look at this vastness of diversity we have today. I Can only sit in awe on how Intelligent this whole system is, how Intelligent and Infinitely Creative this Brahman is, this shakti, Siva.

Setting the stage
This universe manifests via spanda, a throb of the Divine, of Siva, and out comes this Bhuma this fullness and it unfolds, evolves via shakti, really iccha shakti or Siva's Divine Will, that gives it momentum for lack of a better term.

This universe then evolves, we start with just hydrogen and helium, yet if you look at the table of periodic elements look at all the diversity IT is able to unfold [ http://www.dayah.com/periodic/ (http://www.dayah.com/periodic/) ], and we are part of this unfoldment. Both in the elements in our bodies that are really the creation and evolution of star matter (shakti), and the absolute back drop
that this whole universe is based upon - the Universal SELF, this Infinite Being, and we can appreciate, for this post, as akasha one part of Being.

Here's my thought or insight
As the Universe grows it just expands and all the galaxies continue to separate into the vastness. Since this vastness has no end as it is akasha, It just keeps going.

Now who says this has to stop? Who says that there is only the matter and shakti that started this creation we are in? There is the notion that all the matter and energy that can be had is in this creation and for this to happen again ( that is a fresh 'n new creation to start again) it all has to come back and collapse upon itself and start a big bang [ or whatever occurred] all over again … this was some of the original thinking back in the 70's. A recycling program if you will.

Some may call this layah or this reabsorption as part of the process of sristi, sthiti and layah. My epiphany from watching this show is, this creation just expands and expands…that is it. And when Siva wishes to start another level of material nature via spanda this throb this vibration He does so and sends out another wave of shakti and a new level of creation is emitted e.g. Creation version 2.0 ( or v167.0 )…

His rest period (some may call nimesa) may be eons, then He chooses to open another Creative Impulse (umesa) and a new wave of creation begins. The last creation just keeps on going in space that is ahead of the brand new creation by a zillion trillion billion google ² years. They never meet.

The reabsorption, even if there is one, is done at His leisure, in his time/space after all the energy of expansion has pushed the first creation as far as it could into akasha... maybe down to the thin-ness of one particle thin, and then He chooses to take it back in to Himself. Why would He do this? Because He just chooses to ...there was no need to do this, as this creation never really left Him to begin with...it is always inside of His Domain, His Being.

Like that…. Seems to me this makes since as Siva infinite in His nature , Infinite in Creative ability… there is no need to take back any older material for recycling , He just starts anew. Like that…

Some final observations
When dissolution occurs what changes? Being does not go away… there a rest a pause. The emergence of Unity, or sameness Of Being emerges. What is then dormant is diversity. Multifaceted diversity takes its rest and there is just pure Being resting.

Narayana lying on ananta in the Ocean of Milk i.e. Pure consciousness in the unmanliest, in Infinity, in rest. And by His grace ( some call amugraha) the process can start again , spanda, the vibration this apparent slight movement happens and a new wave of creation beings.

What is a very rewarding point of view on this, is that of Swami Laksmanjoo - he say in the Siva Sutras
' this whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God Consciousness. It is not meant to push you down. This universe is meant for your upliftment.'

An interesting POV
"There is a theory which states that if ever for any reason anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another that states that this has already happened.".. Brian Adams, British Comic Writer
