View Full Version : What is self?

11 January 2008, 03:07 AM
We have 3 types of stages; self-belief, self-doubt, and selfless.

When we have self-belief, we can blind, but optimistic...our awareness is alive w/ a feeling of honor....however, when we doubt ourself, we break our boundaries, go through depression, and discover our real self. Sometimes, it leads to being selfless, and other times, it leads to becoming full. Both are actually the same thing...being, when you become selfless, you realize you are everyone, and when you become full, you realize everyone is you....just different ways to look at the same coin.

Anyways, specifically, I am asking this b/c sometimes, when I am on a loosing streak, I wonder, whats the point of anything? Everything I will achieve, I will loose it one day....everyone I love, one day, I will have to depart....then why even bother trusting if I will recieve betrayel? However, when I am on a winning streak, I don't care about the result...I just go out and get what I want fearlessly, I live life for the beauty for it...rather than its product. Are both ways fine? Or are they both illusion?

Thank you for shining your light on this poor soul.