View Full Version : Created Equal...

11 April 2008, 11:51 AM
Hari Om


IN the USA, the country was built upon the Declaration Of Independence, to become independent from Britain, the parent nation. India proclaimed its Independence in 1946, ruled by Britain from 1858 to 1947.

Unlike India, America did not have a robust culture at its foundation. India's foundation goes back thousands (some argue millions) of years.

That said, I must admit some of the principles of America are quite profound, suggesting the early fathers of this country had insight on the workings of the Spirit and its relationship to the family of man.

One I thought provocative is from the Declaration Of Independence¹, it says We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ...it goes on to mention other things that are noble and just, yet I thought to comment on this one idea of equality. Why so?

This equality gets people all spun-up. 'How can you say we are created equal? its a nice concept, but look 'round , do you see equality here? What were these people ( the framers of the new government) thinking?'

When I view this idea, I can see the beauty offered. Even the framers of this great document thought it was 'self evident' , that it was obvious to an observer that all are created equal. So what has been lost, why do some Americans think this is poetry and not vidyA?

The Material Level
Most people look at this the material level and think equal must mean equal in possessions. If we look to the material level we could suggest that equality, the samatva¹, is found there on the level of tattva¹. That is, at its elementary level . In this material creation it's made up of the 5 tattva i.e. The Panca Mahabhutas (some call tattva)
Prithvi or earth, material, or physical level
Jala or water, fluids
Tejas, some say agni, fire, combustion, energy, conflagration
Vayu or air, gaseous, wind levels
Akasha or pure space

So then the argument would be one of arrangement , yes? My tattvas are not in the same arrangement of yours e.g. I drive a Ford auto and you drive a BMW auto. That is like saying my gold jewelry is a ring and your is a necklace - both made out of gold ( the same tattva) yet arranged-ordered differently in shape and form , yet essentially the same, gold.

The Spiritual level
If we again look to this word tattva, it is significant both on the material level and spiritual level. How so? Tattva is = to That-ness. Tat is "That' and tva is 'one' or 'one-the other' Also some call out tvam as a suffix of 'ness'.
So from a spiritual level the samatva comes into being that we at our core, That-ness, Brahman, the SELF.

At the Opportunity Level
At this level at least in America , its the notion of all people have the opportunity to advance, to move forward ( Or not). There's much crying that one does not get the same opportunities as others, but I do not see it that way. I see Women CEO's, Black CEO's, CEO's that are barely old enough to vote. I see every nationality playing professional sports, or olympic sports; I see men and women of (all nationalities) as police, iron workers, carpenters, scientists, politicians, sewer workers, doctors, lawyers, judges, criminals, students, teachers, etc. All have the opportunity to move forward, stay in one place, or move to a different location. None have been 'anointed' to a position. So the equality here is on self-motivated opportunity.

Are there others? I sure there are i.e. the mind, body, etc. yet these 3 were top-of-mind as I thought about it. I have been pleasantly impressed with the founding fathers' insight on this matter.

To conclude the story, they then ended their document to Britain with the following '(we) are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved'

References and words
samatva समत्व - equality with; equableness , normal condition
tattva तत्त्व an element or elementary property; the essence or substance of anything; true or real state , truth , reality.

Declaration - http://www.law.indiana.edu/uslawdocs/declaration.html
