View Full Version : enlightened master Paramhamsa Nithyananda

02 June 2008, 06:54 PM
Om Shanti,
I was watching videos on YouTube yesterday and saw a delightful and very young man speaking on the Shiva Sutras. I believe his name is Paramhamsa Nithyananda. Actually I am not sure if that's his name or his title.

Does anyone know who he is? Does he work for the LifeBliss foundation?


02 June 2008, 08:04 PM
Hari Om

Om Shanti,
I was watching videos on YouTube yesterday and saw a delightful and very young man speaking on the Shiva Sutras. I believe his name is Paramhamsa Nithyananda. Actually I am not sure if that's his name or his title.

Does anyone know who he is? Does he work for the LifeBliss foundation?


Namaste Hiwanuis,
I have watched many of his videos... There are several that give is origin as he talks about his early experiences.

As you ask does he work for Lifebliss? He is the movement , his is the swami. If you wish I can find some of his youtube videos if you have difficulty.
I enjoy his candor and insights.


03 June 2008, 06:45 PM
Hari Om

For those that care to listen, this is the 1st Samadhi Experience of Nithyananda explained by him.



04 June 2008, 12:04 PM
Hari Om

As you ask does he work for Lifebliss? He is the movement , his is the swami.

Om Shanti Yajvan,
Thank you for your reply. At first I wasn,t sure what to make of your response. I have watched about 10 to 12 of his videos and now I do understand. HE IS THE MOVEMENT!

YouTube has become my new best friend.

I have also watched some of the other enlightened master's videos. I am simply BLOWN AWAY by the energy (money) these souls attract!

Om Shanti,

04 June 2008, 05:19 PM

I have seen his video regarding the quality of the water in the Ganga (Ganges). He says that some Japanese scientist did some experiments and found that the crystallization of the water showed different patterns for the water from Ganga and elsewhere. Pretty interesting.

Does anyone on HDF consider this man 'authentic'? I mean no disrespect but with so many 'gurus', it is hard to discern which ones are authentic and which ones aren't.


06 June 2008, 09:05 PM

I have seen his video regarding the quality of the water in the Ganga (Ganges). He says that some Japanese scientist did some experiments and found that the crystallization of the water showed different patterns for the water from Ganga and elsewhere. Pretty interesting.

Does anyone on HDF consider this man 'authentic'? I mean no disrespect but with so many 'gurus', it is hard to discern which ones are authentic and which ones aren't.


Om Shanit,
What do you mean by authentic? I wonder is there a way to know or find out if one is truely enlightened? If one is enlightened does that mean you are God?

I am starting to realize that what I was taught to believe was God is so different now days. Many people are being worshiped as God. And Mother Laxmi is definitely blessing them.

Om Shanit,

24 August 2008, 07:31 PM
Hi everyone,

Nithyananda was born in Tiruvannamalai, India, on the Ashtami day. Ashtami is considered to be worldly and therefore not considered a favorable period by ascetics. Legend has it that ashtami prayed to Krishna to redeemed itself and Krishna decided to be born on the astami day to prove to the world that spirituality can be pursued by a person of the world, while still leading a material life of comfort. It is very much in this tradition of Krishna's philosophy that Nithyananda preaches today the concept of Quantum Spirituality where materialism and spirituality meet, seamlessly combining material success sand spiritual evolution. There is no need to make a choice, Nithyananda says, between normal life and material goals of family, career , money and success that one seeks and spiritual values of renunciation and perceiving the rest of he world to be one's own. This concept has changed the lives of many who have heard Nithyananda, by removing the feeling of guilt of having to make a choice.

24 August 2008, 07:47 PM
Hi everyone,

Hiwanis Wrote:
Does anyone on HDF consider this man 'authentic'? I mean no disrespect but with so many 'gurus', it is hard to discern which ones are authentic and which ones aren't.

Hi Hiwanis, you can check out more information about Nithyananda at
NithyAnanda ॐ (http://nithyanandam.net/)

If one is enlightened does that mean you are God?
I am starting to realize that what I was taught to believe was God is so different now days. Many people are being worshiped as God.

Nithyananda says we are all enlightened; we are all born with divinity within ourselves. It is the awareness of this divinity within us that is missing in most of us. " The only difference between you and I , " he says, " is that I know I am divine, and you as yet do not know." Since that truth exists in us, we cannot achieve it; we just need to become aware of it , that's all. And it is his work to remind us of this inner divinity ( buddha nature) within.


One of his key teaching is that Enlightenment happens; it cannot be made to happen. Enlightenment is like river water. It stays in your hands as long as your hands are open; once you close your hands to possess it, there is nothing to hold. Our ego believes that there is purpose to life- material, relational and spiritual. The more the purpose to work towards, the stronger our ego feels. If we drop all other purposes and still hold on to the purpose of enlightenment , it is futile. Only when we realize that life is totally purposeless and drop our ego, will enlightenment happen to us. The only purpose of existence is bliss, that's all.

How can we enjoy without possessing, without making something our own? We are like water bubbles on a wave in the ocean. But what happens is , each bubble catches hold of a few more bubbles calling them wife, husband, father, and son. It collects pieces of sand, thinking they are jewels. The bubble does not understand that it can burst any moment. And one big bubble says , it is going to be enlightened. The mind waits for something to happen. It waits for salary, weekly, monthly, yearly, and 5 yearly payments. Our ego is stuck on what we see as a purpose in life. ONCE WE HAVE A GOAL, WE MISS THE PATH!

30 August 2008, 09:30 PM
Om Shanti Yajvan,
Thank you for your reply. At first I wasn,t sure what to make of your response. I have watched about 10 to 12 of his videos and now I do understand. HE IS THE MOVEMENT!

YouTube has become my new best friend.

I have also watched some of the other enlightened master's videos. I am simply BLOWN AWAY by the energy (money) these souls attract!

Om Shanti,

Om Shanti Nithyananda.Org,
Thank you for your reply to my posting. I have viewed many of Swamiji's videos on YOUTUBE. As a matter of fact that's where I go now to get answers to some of my questions.

Nithyananda says we are all enlightened; we are all born with divinity within ourselves. It is the awareness of this divinity within us that is missing in most of us. " The only difference between you and I , " he says, " is that I know I am divine, and you as yet do not know." Since that truth exists in us, we cannot achieve it; we just need to become aware of it , that's all. And it is his work to remind us of this inner divinity ( buddha nature) within.

I find this statement to be very interesting. When I close my eyes to meditate or especially after chanting there is the feeling of a presence, a presence that is not there during regular everyday life. I chant different mantras and each one seems to create a different tingling or pulsation rate within my body, especially in the crown chakra. The first time I chanted the Durga mantra my midrift area seem to heat up.

I am convinced that we are definitely more than just physical. However, if we all are truely divine then why is it that I have to meditate or chant to feel divine? Now there have been several occasions when the effects of meditating have overflowed, meaning that I feel that I am walking 10 steps ahead of my body or that I am maybe 2 feet taller than I really am. But those effects only last maybe 15 minutes after starting my regular life routine.

Paramhamsa Nithyananda has disclosed many different meditation techniques which I have tried. As he has said they are very powerful. I certainly believe him. So how does one bring Devi into the physical life?

So far I haven't come across any information on how one would live an enlightened life.

Om Shanti

01 September 2008, 11:34 AM
Hi everyone,

I am convinced that we are definitely more than just physical. However, if we all are truely divine then why is it that I have to meditate or chant to feel divine?

Enlightenment is not a performance, it is not something to be achieved through anxiety and effort. On the contrary, when you are ready, you will slip into it of your own accord, naturally and effortlessly.
If you're working towards Enlightenment - and worrying about it, on top of that-you can be sure you won't get anywhere close! The only way to approach Enlightenment is to forget about it altogether. Of course, it's not easy to forget, but the problem with focusing too hard on the destination is that you miss out on the joys of the journey. Surrender to the present moment, and the future will take care of itself.

The worry about enlightenment is the last big declaration of the ego. Don't be deceived by it; it is only taking you further away from your destination. Enlightenment can happen only when you are in the egoless state, ready to receive.

So far I haven't come across any information on how one would live an enlightened life.

If for a moment, we could suspend desires and thoughts, if only we could disengage our minds, we would be in the present. We would be where reality is, where life is, where bliss is. Being in the present , being in the here and now guarantees that we are grounded in reality, free from maya. In this state, we see life as it is, not as we want it to be.

In this state of the present , there are no expectations, as we take things as they are, as they come; there are no emotional attachments and we are light in the Being; there are no unfulfilled desires, no samskara anymore, and we are close to the awareness of enlightenment.

01 September 2008, 09:57 PM
Hi everyone,

[/i][/color] Enlightenment is not a performance, it is not something to be achieved through anxiety and effort. On the contrary, when you are ready, you will slip into it of your own accord, naturally and effortlessly.
If you're working towards Enlightenment - and worrying about it, on top of that-you can be sure you won't get anywhere close! The only way to approach Enlightenment is to forget about it altogether. Of course, it's not easy to forget, but the problem with focusing too hard on the destination is that you miss out on the joys of the journey. Surrender to the present moment, and the future will take care of itself.

The worry about enlightenment is the last big declaration of the ego. Don't be deceived by it; it is only taking you further away from your destination. Enlightenment can happen only when you are in the egoless state, ready to receive.

If for a moment, we could suspend desires and thoughts, if only we could disengage our minds, we would be in the present. We would be where reality is, where life is, where bliss is. Being in the present , being in the here and now guarantees that we are grounded in reality, free from maya. In this state, we see life as it is, not as we want it to be.

In this state of the present , there are no expectations, as we take things as they are, as they come; there are no emotional attachments and we are light in the Being; there are no unfulfilled desires, no samskara anymore, and we are close to the awareness of enlightenment.

Pranam Nithyananda.Net,
Thank you for your reply. I agree with most of what you have said. I do feel as if I live in the present right up until the moment I have to interact with others. It's a wonderful life inside my apartment alone with all the beautiful pictures of the Deities, the constant sound of chanting and aarties being heard on the stereo and the hypnotizing movements of my goldfish. A very peaceful environment.

Unfortunately, there exist an "unreal" world in which we also have to live, work and exist in. A world filled with people (family, friends, acquainteses, as well as strangers) whose vices are almost unbearable, and who act as if meditating, chanting and being a vegetarian is just plain nuts. What they think would not phase me in the least if it weren't for the fact that they are the managers, assisstant managers, supervisors as well as family, friends, and acquainteses. This is reality, the "unreal" world.

I sometimes wonder what is the point of being enlightened you still have to go to work to maintain a living. In other words one still has to serve Ravan to survive.

Enlightenment is not a performance, it is not something to be achieved through anxiety and effort. On the contrary, when you are ready, you will slip into it of your own accord, naturally and effortlessly. Surrender to the present moment, and the future will take care of itself.

Please clarify the above statements?

If it weren't for the effort I put into meditating and especially chanting the mantras we would not be having this conversation at all. O.K. let me put things into perspective. THEY say that I am a spiritual seeker because I was born under the saggitarius stars. I guess I can say that I had nothing to do with when and where I was born. That being the case I was destined to have this knowledge; and what you have said (when you are ready, you will slip into it of your own accord, naturally), is true.

Enlightenment can happen only when you are in the egoless state, ready to receive.

I still have a hard time agreeing that enlightenment will come effortlessly. That's only because so much effort has already been made. Killing the ego is no easy task. I cannot help but think of what a task it was for the Pandavas.

Sir, if you know of some way to end this war I wholeheartedly look forward to your response.


02 September 2008, 11:12 AM
Pranam Nithyananda.Net,

If it weren't for the effort I put into meditating and especially chanting the mantras we would not be having this conversation at all. I still have a hard time agreeing that enlightenment will come effortlessly. That's only because so much effort has already been made. Killing the ego is no easy task. I cannot help but think of what a task it was for the Pandavas. Sir, if you know of some way to end this war I wholeheartedly look forward to your response.

Hi Hiwanis,

Have you ever wondered who is the one that want enlightenment? If there is no ego / sense of a separately existing self, then what is left to want the achievement of enlightenment. The quest/ attachment to enlightenment is a tool to help you let go of all other attachments and unnecessary desires , because attachments of any kind bring pain. Once all your efforts of chasing enlightenment burn away all your attachments to the world of the 5 senses , it is then the right time for you to let go of this attachment to enlightenment also. A person living without any attachment to anything is light and joyful. Even when he/she engages in the world, it is like a child at play, a lila.

Think of it like this, you have a funeral pyre that you have to burn (all your attachments, samskaras, societal conditionings, borrowed desires), you use a burning stick to light the pyre ( stick representing your seeking/desire for enlightenment). Once the pyre with the stinking corpse are burned up, would you want to hang on to the burning stick in your hand? There is no longer a need for it, it has served its purpose. Besides, what will happen if you continue to hold on to it? The fire will soon reaches your hand and you will get burned ( the pain resulting from hanging on to the attachment to enlightenment.

Note that for a person who still have a lot of worldly attachments, there is a need for intense seeking . Instense seeking for enlightenment serves as a raft to help you cross the ocean of attachments, only then do you abandon the raft, not before using it to help you cross. For a person you haven't started , you still need the raft.

Best wishes,

03 September 2008, 06:33 PM
Have you ever wondered who is the one that want enlightenment? If there is no ego / sense of a separately existing self, then what is left to want the achievement of enlightenment. The quest/ attachment to enlightenment is a tool to help you let go of all other attachments and unnecessary desires , because attachments of any kind bring pain. Once all your efforts of chasing enlightenment burn away all your attachments to the world of the 5 senses , it is then the right time for you to let go of this attachment to enlightenment also. A person living without any attachment to anything is light and joyful. Even when he/she engages in the world, it is like a child at play, a lila.

Guru Brahma
Guru Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Satshai param Brahma
tasmaishri Guruve Namaha

Pranam Nithyanandam.net
I like the above analogy. So much so that I am going to save it on my hard drive. I am not sure if you were advising me to decrease or increase my efforts however I can definitely say the above analogy has sustained them.

Hiwaunis Wise