View Full Version : 10 obstacles to Yoga (Moksha Yoga)

08 October 2008, 02:15 AM
The second (obstacle) is doubt;

the third is carelessness;

the fourth, laziness;

the fifth, sleep;

the sixth, the not leaving of objects (of sense);

the seventh, erroneous perception;

the eighth, sensual objects;

the ninth, want of faith;

And the tenth, the failure to attain the truth of Yoga.

Physical difficulties are generated in one’s body through the following causes, viz., sleeping in daytime, late vigils over night, excess of sexual intercourse, moving in crowd, the checking of the discharge of urine and faeces, the evil of unwholesome food and laborious mental operation with Prana.
If one Yogin is afraid of such difficulties (when attacked by them), says, “my difficulties have arisen from my practice of Yoga”.
Then one will discontinue this practice. This is said to be the first obstacle to Yoga.

A wise man should abandon these obstacles after great deliberation.


08 October 2008, 10:42 AM
hari om

A wise man should abandon these obstacles after great deliberation. Brahman


how are they abandoned?


09 October 2008, 12:42 PM
hariḥ oṁ

how are they abandoned?


In Patañjali’s yogadarśana (the yoga sutras of Patañjali), chapter two Sādhana Pada, calls out the 8 limbs of yoga. Within these 8 limbs he outlines yama & niyama¹. We have several posts on this found in in this folder: http://www.hindudharmaforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=57

Some may call this the restraint (conquest or jaya) of the senses or indriyajaya. Some say one needs to overcome the 6 enemies ariṣaḍvarga i.e. grreed (lobha), pride (māna), desires (kāma), etc.

So many things to work on, so many. How does one do all this and be successful? It's as if there is a tree and you want the tree to grow to prosper. To the casual observer not knowing (mūḍha) the structure of the tree, they begin to water each leaf of the tree! So many leaves to maintain!

It is the wise who say water the root of the tree and the whole tree is nourished. Like that , what yogāṅaga-s ( yogic techniques) does one consider to manage the whole tree of the individual? This is whats of value. What is the root of the individual? Consciousness, awareness, Being (sattā). We 'water' with this, and all is nourished.



Yama यम - we know this as restraint - the act of checking or curbing , suppression , restraint; self-control forbearance;
Niyama नियम - we know as observances; any fixed rule or law , necessity , obligation ~ compliance.

10 October 2008, 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by brahman
A wise man should abandon these obstacles after great deliberation. Brahman

Yajvan : how are they abandoned?

Here is the right answer from you for that
Yajvan: Consciousness, awareness, Being (sattā)

I appreciate it.

Originally Posted by Yajvan
We 'water' with this, and all is nourished.

We only need to water it, both nourishing and perishing shouldn't be our concern.

we need to water the tree with lots of love for it, when that love grows the tree reminds you to water it regularly. Gradually the love nourishes and you would even forget the reason for watering, only that love remains ultimately.
Love for Bhagavan is important and that will let one water his tree.

Yajvan: To the casual observer
Obstacles are natural, but a person new to trees would think an insect/pest attack or falling leaf as the end of it(tree).
Better one has an idea of all these natural difficulties.



11 October 2008, 12:09 AM
Please note: Three Gunas of Prakrti are the cause of all these difficulties.

24 November 2008, 10:28 PM
Do you mean we should not sleep? What do you think the best solution is there?

25 November 2008, 10:04 AM
hariḥ oṁ

Do you mean we should not sleep? What do you think the best solution is there?

Namaste naomi,
these 'obstacles' without content or discussion are misguided. Of course we need our rest and is a natural part of the rhythm of life. Even Brahma has rest ( prayala) and activity (sṛiṣṭi or creation).

The number 1 obstacle is ignorance. But of what ? Facts and figures? Scientific equations? No say the wise. It is the ignorance of not knowing our SELF, ahaṁ ( Pure I , pure consciousness, Universal SELF). It is removing the blemish ( mala) that is part of spiritual life.

Abhinavagupta suggests the following:
Just as by washing the dirt or impurity lying in the inner fold of a cloth, the dirt lying on the upper portion ( the outer folds) gets automatically washed or cleansed ; even so, by the removal of the dirt (mala) lying at the subtle levels, the dirt residing at the madhyamā levels get automatically removed.

Here is just one post on this 'blemish' idea. I will be happy to point out several more, if there is interest.


27 November 2008, 12:23 AM
Do you mean we should not sleep? What do you think the best solution is there?


Being unaware of our spiritual, uncuttable, pervasive nature that is the beginning, the middle, and the end, is sleeping. Acting from the premise of a localised body as "I" or "Me" is ignorance, forgetfullness, and sleep. This ignorance, needs constant watchfulness, as a moment's sleep is said to create painful visions eventually.

The best solution for different minds will vary. One way for some initiates however, may be to remember that OM is ONE WHOLE, what was there, what is there, what will be there, and also what is transcendental to time. It is the Good.


03 December 2008, 11:59 AM
Posted by:Naomi Ningishzidda
Do you mean we should not sleep? What do you think the best solution is there?

Obstacles to The Arab-Israeli dispute is a conflict about
1) land
2) shared water

it doesn't mean the Arab-Israeli conflict is all about a bottle of water shared between an Arab and an Israeli.

be more present Naomi Ningishzidda, and be patient too, then you may able to follow it well. What we discuss here is advaita, the most intellectual topic.

You may sleep, but keep your intellect awake, until it attains Samadhi