View Full Version : Finances World Wide - Why?

17 March 2009, 05:24 PM
hariḥ oṁ

ॐ बृं वृहस्पतये नमः
(oṁ) briṁ vṛhaspataye namaḥ

I was wondering if anyone was going to ask the question :
We look at the world economy and there is financial troubles across the globe. Is there an astrological influence one can point to?

As I see it, it is Guru ( Jupiter) also known as Bṛhaspatiš , that is nīca नीच (pronounced neecha) or debilitated, fallen, in Capricorn, also called Makaraš.

Guru is the kārakaš of prosperity, of wealth, intelligence. People that are in positions of banking, investments, charitable institutions, judges, law, courts, etc. are greatly influenced. Note that W-wide these areas are being exercised and influenced the most.

Guru is the owner of ākāśa , of space and expansion. When Guru is nīca , then this expansion is constrained, ones wealth is constrained, finances, etc. and we see this throughout the financial institutions world wide.

Also note Guru (Jupiter) is placed adjacent to Rahu who brings upheavals, harshness, falsehood, pain, cunningness, etc. who is also in Capricorn.

Why are so many losing their jobs ( in the USA)? - look to the definition of Makaraš. It tells the story. Makara is the natural 10th house that of careers. We have Rahu there ( causing mischief) and debilitated Guru who is weak there , which cannot sufficiently support the 10th house robustly (IMHO).

So when does this subside? When Guru leaves Makara (Capricorn). When is that?

The first time Guru leaves Capricorn will be May 1, 2009, yet returns back (retrograde) to Capricorn again ( 30th of July 2009).
It then exits Capricorn 19th of December 2009 and continues its forward motion, not to return to Capricorn for some time.Hence Bṛhaspati will have stayed in Makara from the 9th of December 2008 to the 19th of December 2009. So how will things improve? Slowly. Guru brings increased results (expansion) over time as it gets to its best position in Cancer, where Bṛhaspati is exalted or uccāš(pronounced uchchā).

Note too , experiences vary based upon one's janma kundali ( birth chart)… but no matter, collectively look at the world financially today.

ॐ बृं वृहस्पतये नमः
(oṁ) briṁ vṛhaspataye namaḥ ( Guru's seed or bīja mantra)
Note the 'V' sound is a cross between 'B' and 'V' sound



words & references

Bṛhaspati bṛ́has-páti बृहस्पति bráhmanas-páti - lord of prayer , chief offerer of prayer and yajya (worship).
nīca नीच- deep , depressed, fallen, the lowest point of a planet
kāraka कारक- who does, or produces or creates (a doer) ; instrumental in bringing about attributed actions
Makara मकर- a kind of sea creature ; the 10th sign of the natural zodiac (Capricorn). Ma+kara - Ma as a noun is considered welfare, happiness +kara is doer, that act of doing. We can see how this is associated with the 10th sign. The 10th house is of one's career; actions (kara) that bring welfare (ma). And śani is the kāraka ( the doer, the indicator, instrumental in bringing about an action) of labor and work.
graha ग्रह- seizing , laying hold of , holding i.e. a graha ~seizes~ or influences the circumstances of the native. This is done via the tattva they manage and control.
uccā उच्चा -above (in heaven) , from above , upwards , some say uccais उच्चैस् aloft , high , above , upwards , from above , intense, powerfully
More on Guru in Capricorn at this HDF post : http://www.hindudharmaforums.com/showthread.php?t=3636 (http://www.hindudharmaforums.com/showthread.php?t=3636)

01 May 2009, 11:06 AM
hariḥ oṁ

ॐ बृं वृहस्पतये नमः
(oṁ) briṁ vṛhaspataye namaḥ

Jupiter entered Aquarius today approx. 15:55 Universal Time ( Some call GMT).

The first time Guru leaves Capricorn will be May 1, 2009, yet returns back (retrograde) to Capricorn again ( 30th of July 2009).
It then exits Capricorn 19th of December 2009 and continues its forward motion, not to return to Capricorn for some time.
