View Full Version : Staying in present moment with Lord Siva

07 August 2009, 08:41 PM

So I am focusing a lot of mindfulness lately. I have been watching the breath and sometimes I will use thich nhat hanh's(Vietnamese Zen monk) phrases but will manipulate them a bit for an example:

Thich nhat hanh gives a practice of
Breathing in I know that I am breathing in
Breathing out I know that I am breathing out
Breathing in my body is calm
Breathing out I smile
(Breathing in) dwelling in the present moment
I know that this is a wonderful moment.

So he recommends these Gathas which are very helpful to me in maintaining mindfulness.

But I will say
Breathing in I know that I am breathing in
Breathing out I know that I am breathing out
Breathing in Siva calms my body
Breathing out Siva smiles within me
Dwelling with Siva in this moment
I know this is a wonderful moment.

Anyways, would any of my dharma brothers and sisters have any other suggestions in staying present with Lord Siva and mindful of Lord Siva?

with love

08 August 2009, 06:26 AM


09 August 2009, 03:56 PM

I am on my own lol. Well anyways sometimes I will also do deep breathing and imagine that I am breathing in Pure Radiant Energy from Lord Siva and breathing out maya or dillusion of this "reality". It has helped me feel the inner energy within me that is ever not separate from my Deity that pervades all things.

Eastern Mind
27 September 2009, 07:31 AM
SS: You are not alone for Siva is with ypou always. But I get the point. I do remember this thread. Practical suggestions are sometimes hard to come up with. It occurred to me today that we can replace marketing jingles with mantras. So if you have some jingle in your head from listening to advertising, the same thing applies to a bhajan. i would suggest finding a simple CD of 'Aum Namasivaya' and using it during daily sadhana. then when you observe or catch yourself going out into the dross of the world. what happens? You begin to hear the mantra or bhajan inside, and a peaceful feeling comes over you.

Aum Namasivaya