View Full Version : Big Bang and Muslims

01 January 2010, 12:51 PM

A friend of mine sent me a youtube video of Zakir Naik a muslim caller proving the existence of God. He mentions about if we come across machinery we do not think that the machinery came from nothing. We will usually say that there was a maker up of the machinery or an inventor. I am not an atheist in the sense of believing in a nihilistic viewpoint, but I am of the type to think of the concept of God much different then western religions.

Seeing machinery or let us just say a piece of paper, we wonder where it came from. In Buddhism everything comes about through infinite causes and conditions. That piece of paper that is crumbled up on the ground is said to belong to Buddha. But what does it mean to belong to buddha? Does it mean the man, Siddhartha Gautama who lived in India 2,600 years ago? No, it belongs to the Buddha as in it comes about through interdependence.

There are INFINITE causes and conditions that brought that paper to its state of being crumbled on the ground. Within that paper are trees infinite and vast. In the paper there are bugs and birds. In it is the sun and the moon. The atmosphere of the earth and the planetery stations of other planests in our solar system and many other galaxies. Water is seen in the paper. Countless human lives are found in it. Not only this but animals are found in it. The humans that made the paper out of the tree come about through infinite causes and conditions. If you remove just the sun the conditions are not right for that human to take form nor for the paper. So from a Buddhist point of view it is not just looking at a piece of paper or machinery and believing it came out of nothing.

Zakir Naik in the video alleges that the Qur'an supports the Big Bang Theory. He quotes this verse of the Qu'an:

Do the Unbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, before We clove them asunder? We made every living thing from water. Will they not then believe? (Qur'an 21:30)

It is nice to see this, but if only the Muslims could truely accept the Big Bang theory, it would clear up a lot of their myths and tales.

According to the Big Bang Theory which may or may not be accepted as truth states that the entire infinite universe was infinite potential, infinite small matter, that was condensed in infinite hot and dense place. From this matter as we know it which is basically just energy vibrating at a certain rate began expanding and continues to expand. This means there is no end to the universe.

Now to some scientist and in particular Quantum Physicist, the view of the universe being an entanglement is probably due to the big bang. What is important to note here is that in Hinduism (more properly refferred to as Sanatana Dharma), Buddhism (the teachings of the Buddha), and Taoism (ancient Chinese way of life arisen from Shamanism) all teach that the Universe as infinite as it is is just one Whole Living Organism. This means that you and I are the same as a tree, rock, animal, or skies. Muslims who dont know much about this might say its silly or its an unproven theory. However, scientist have proven the interconnectedness of the universe. There are many experiments in the US and Europe that shows the relationship of the Universe. When we study subatomic particles we have to conclude that everything consist of these and thus there is truely oneness.
Not only this but scientist have proven Emptiness, which the Hindus (yogis and masters of old) knew way before Muhammad was even a small baby. The Taoist also knew this and after them the Buddhist. Shamans of not only eastern origin but also western knew of this as well. We might as well become Buddhist, hindus, and Taoist, and study western shamanism.

So firstly we have to ask the Muslims if they believe Oneness of all that exist. The answer would be no, unless you were asking a Sufi who would be branded a heretic for expounding the doctrine of Wahdat al-wujud (Oneness of Being-which includes Oneness with Allah).

Would Muslims like to admit that a Believer is equal to an Unbeliever? It is as one eastern philosopher said as much as we hate Hitler, he is still apart of us. This is QUITE LITERALLY.

Muslims are not ready for this truth just yet. Perhaps in the future when there are not so many radicals that are willing to slit your throat for believing in doctrines outside of the Quran. The Buddha, and many Yogis before him awakened to the Reality of the Universe and the One Life that exist. That single Unicity of consciousness is called God in some Hindu sects. Buddhism likes to keep things with less concepts and simply call it Emptiness or Shunyata. It is all the same thing. Muslims cannot accept this.

Another thing that the Big Bang Theory would provide an explanation for Evolution which is not really a theory as Muslims, christians, and jews like to say. Evolution is fact. It doesnt mean that we just all came from monkeys. It is more infinite then this. If Muslims understand evolution is quite possibly caused by the Big Bang. The scientific community is quite convinced that evolution is fact. We even see this today. Just recently on Yahoo News there was a story of a type of bird that was evolving because of the size of the bird feeder it was feeding from. Plants have been evolving as is evident in the many species. Not just that but plants actually sometimes fight for sunlight with other plants and make attacks on eachother. Through evolution plants have developed defense mechanisms against other plants and bugs as well as fungi.

No Scientist have proven a creationist theory. It is difficult to say that there was just a FIRST CAUSE and then here the universe is.
Its odd that Zakir Naik uses this verse to prove the Qur'an without realizing that it promotes a doctrine other than creationism. The Qur'an still accepts that Allah created Adam and Eve. If we trace back the lineages through the prophets and history we would find the earth not to be as old as modern day scientist tells us. This is the problem Judaism, christianity, and Islam have.

A Islamic caller named Yusuf Estes claims that evolution can be supported by the Qur'an. This to me just seems to be an apologetic claim.What is his proof? His proof is that Allah is called the "Shaper" in the Qur'an. This is a far stretch to conclude that evolution would be supported. We really would have to discard the story of Adam and Eve. We would also have to give up the fairy tales of Noah's ark.

If Zakir Naik really wants to prove the Big Bang Theory then he has just squashed the whole Islamic view point of creationism.

See Hindus believe in a Deity, but in Sanatana Dharma this Deity is expressed in all things and transcends all things. In Sanatana Dharma (hinduism) evolution can be supported by the vedis. The same thing can be said in Buddhism and Taoism. So does Zakir Naik want the world to become Hindus, Buddhist, and taoist and perhaps Shamans? Or does he just want to narrow his views down to what he interprets of the Qur'an?
Where are all the Islamic Scientist in the field of Quantum Physics that are finding the discoveries of Emptiness, Entanglement, and studying the possibility of the Big bang? How come they are silent and waited until modern day science (after non muslims began discovering it)? They could have told us all way before the modern science boom. We would be far more advanced, but the theories that the Qur'an supports these only came after Science became a strong foundation to discovering how the Universe works. It is much like the christians using so called scientific evidences in their works to prove their religion right. How come they all waited until these findings and then claimed the findings were in their books? Why didnt they lead the way and teach us about Emptiness, Oneness, Entanglement, and the Big Bang before non muslims founded it? If the truth had been in the Qur'an all along why not expound it?

The difference between Judaism, Christianity, Islam, with religions like Sanatana Dharma (hinduism), Buddhism, Taoism, and Shamanism, is that Hindus, Buddhist, Taoist, and Shamans are not trying to convert people based on scientific findings in their scriptures, but instead are explaining scientific findings by direct experience as taught in their scriptures. So instead of making a doctrine about it, the Buddhist, Hindus, Taoist, and shamans are busy actually experiencing the truths and finding for themselves in their physical bodies and out of their physical bodies how the universe works.

01 January 2010, 05:52 PM
Where are all the Islamic Scientist in the field of Quantum Physics that are finding the discoveries of Emptiness, Entanglement, and studying the possibility of the Big bang? How come they are silent and waited until modern day science (after non muslims began discovering it)? They could have told us all way before the modern science boom. We would be far more advanced, but the theories that the Qur'an supports these only came after Science became a strong foundation to discovering how the Universe works. It is much like the christians using so called scientific evidences in their works to prove their religion right. How come they all waited until these findings and then claimed the findings were in their books? Why didnt they lead the way and teach us about Emptiness, Oneness, Entanglement, and the Big Bang before non muslims founded it? If the truth had been in the Qur'an all along why not expound it?

The idea of "scientific miracles" seems to be a popular line of reasoning in Islamic apologetics. I've read silly stories about how the Qur'an supposedly contains information about the speed of light, the motion of the Sun around the galactic core, human embryology, and various other scientific topics. Of course all of these so-called miracles come after the fact. That's the fundamental problem. You'll never see an Islamic scholar actually use the Qur'an to deduce some principle of nature before it is discovered via empirical evidence and the scientific method. The problem with most religious texts is that in the absence of cultural context, they can be interpreted in many different ways. They can always be back-interpreted to support some scientific theory.

I wish people wouldn't do this, because it makes religious individuals look foolish. This is true whether it's Muslims talking about scientific miracles in the Qur'an or Hindus claiming that the Vedas contain information about modern physics. And this only lends credibility to the classic atheist claim that science and religion are natural enemies. If someone claims that their religious text contains information about modern science, then I would challenge that person to deduce a scientific principle from said text which hasn't been discovered yet. I fear that pseudoscience may do great harm to Hinduism in the same way that evolutionary theory has proven to be the Achilles' Heel of Christianity in the West.

As far as the Big Bang theory goes, current models suggest that quantum fluctuations in the early universe were blown up by rapid inflation, thus giving rise to galaxies. In effect, the universe is the way it is because of randomness. Maybe this theory is wrong, or maybe it's right. But it goes to show that the Big Bang theory doesn't necessarily support Western ex nihilo creation. And there's a lesson to be learned here. Science is always changing, but religions don't change. Even our Hindu religion, as adaptive as it is, is nonetheless rooted in ancient Indian texts. If you start to root your religion's validity in science, then the foundation of your faith will be destroyed every time new scientific theories arise. That, as the Christians would say, is a house built on sand.

01 January 2010, 08:48 PM
Namaste SS & Sanjaya,

I would go a step further & accept that their scripture has some great scientific theory but the way it is being thrust down the throats of the gullible that it is simply laughable ... sadly at the cost of those who believe these shrewd people.

Let's see this verse :

Do the Unbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, before We clove them asunder?

Dr Naik says that it proves Big Bang theory ! To me, it shows the stupidity of God !! If I were God & I had to make heavens & earth ... why should I make it joined together & then take them apart to show my proof of existence ??? Why should I be so foolish that things which I can make separately & when they are required to be always separate, I would make them joined first & then indulge in heroic effort of pulling them apart ??? And if they were joined without any action on my (God's) part ... then who joined them together ? Moreover, were human beings born to see this great stupid miracle of God when the heavens & earth were being pulled apart by this mighty God ? Then how can they believe his claim without being a witness of the event ? How does it prove God's existence ?

God is expected to be an intelligent being, isn't it ? Doesn't he appear a madman by claiming thus ?

We made every living thing from water. Will they not then believe? (Qur'an 21:30)

Why did he make anything from water ? Why was the necessity to create things from water ? When he is omnipotent why didn't he create things just like that (i.e. without using water ) ? Why did he need water to create anything ? Moreover, that raises a doubt that who created water then ?

Again, water contains only Hydrogen & Oxygen. A human body, a plant, animals etc. contain many other elements. How can a human being, a plant, animals etc. can be made only from water ?? Why didn't he create some new element to create all beings ? Unnecessary so much time (Billions of years) was lost in evolution of a human being who could believe him. After all, why did he delay creation of human beings ?

Moreover, how does it proves existence of God ? Did he do all such foolish acts just to prove his existence to mankind ? Nice stupid fellow !!

That shows that God is really great ! I now believe what every Muslim says during Azaan : Allah o' Akbar !! (The God is great !)


03 January 2010, 07:35 AM
Namaste Devotee and sanjaya.

Very good feedback. I think dogma makes us turn a blind eye to reality. When it comes to science being used to prove a religion I am quite against this, because you can find these things in so many religions or find ways to "stretch" the truth to prove that some verse demonstrates advance science. I think Muslims need to stop with their scientific propaganda. As you pointed out sanjaya, they only discover these scientific "proofs" after non believers discovered them. It is easy to find science in scripture if you already know the reality of that certain thing. You can twist any kind of verse to suit your needs.

I mentioned the Hindus and Buddhist and others not because i think the findings in their scriptures prove their religion should be followed, but because these hindu, buddhist, Taoist and others have been saying all along (which means they discovered it) whereas the Quantum Physicist are just now discovering this. This is unlike our muslim brothers and sisters who wait for scientific discoveries and then find verses of the Quran that supposedly demonstrates that scientific finding. The Yogis of India, Buddhist, Taoist all knew the universe was emptiness. They knew of the power of the mind to move small particles. They knew about oneness. They knew about the quantum field. Hell, they expounded the fact of what quantum physicist call Entanglement. Hindus, buddhist, and Taoist didnt wait for discoveries and then start beating propgananda into "non believers". Instead the whole time they were expounding these facts not for some materialistic science but for the spiritual science.


03 January 2010, 08:36 PM
Namaste Devotee and sanjaya.

Very good feedback. I think dogma makes us turn a blind eye to reality. When it comes to science being used to prove a religion I am quite against this, because you can find these things in so many religions or find ways to "stretch" the truth to prove that some verse demonstrates advance science. I think Muslims need to stop with their scientific propaganda. As you pointed out sanjaya, they only discover these scientific "proofs" after non believers discovered them. It is easy to find science in scripture if you already know the reality of that certain thing. You can twist any kind of verse to suit your needs.

I mentioned the Hindus and Buddhist and others not because i think the findings in their scriptures prove their religion should be followed, but because these hindu, buddhist, Taoist and others have been saying all along (which means they discovered it) whereas the Quantum Physicist are just now discovering this. This is unlike our muslim brothers and sisters who wait for scientific discoveries and then find verses of the Quran that supposedly demonstrates that scientific finding. The Yogis of India, Buddhist, Taoist all knew the universe was emptiness. They knew of the power of the mind to move small particles. They knew about oneness. They knew about the quantum field. Hell, they expounded the fact of what quantum physicist call Entanglement. Hindus, buddhist, and Taoist didnt wait for discoveries and then start beating propgananda into "non believers". Instead the whole time they were expounding these facts not for some materialistic science but for the spiritual science.


There are a few things I see in physics that agree with Hindu theology. For example, the Rig Veda says that in some sense the creation of the universe is unknowable, and this agrees with the idea of the universe being created out of quantum fluctutions. However, once again we must be careful about misapplying religion to science. I mean no offense, but there are a few things here which I should address. To my knowledge, there is no scientific evidence that it's possible to move small particles with one's mind. Also, physics shows that the universe is not empty, since even the vacuum is filled with virtual particles. If I'm misunderstanding you, please feel free to correct me.

03 January 2010, 10:14 PM
Namaste Sanjaya,

To my knowledge, there is no scientific evidence that it's possible to move small particles with one's mind.

What do you mean my "scientific" evidence ? I have seen things being produced out of "seemingly" nothing. And no, it was not done by a magician with long clothes and with help of anything concealed somewhere. It was done by an Augadh in torn clothes in front of my own eyes. BTW, I was a student of science & I was considered a bright student. So, you can rest assured that I didn't accept things blindly.

I think extensive research is going on for being able to do things by thinking in mind. I am not sure but I think, already scientists have been able to translate brain signals into electronic signals for controlling cars etc.

Also, physics shows that the universe is not empty, since even the vacuum is filled with virtual particles.

Hindus don't believe in emptiness. Our scriptures talk about fullness. The entire universe is filled with same infinite consciousness.

However, are the particles, you mention, without emptiness ? You take 1 cubic meter of solid steel. Science due to its own limitations has not been able to go beyond quarks & anti-quarks (sub-atomic particles). So, let's assume that quarks & anti-quarks are fully solid without emptiness ... but what about the rest of the volume we considered completely full of materials ? What is the total volume of the quarks & anti-quarks as compared to 1 cubic meter of solid steel in percentage terms ? Again, is science sure that quarks & anti-quarks cannot be broken further ? And if those particles can be broken ... how are we sure that the rest of the volume will also not come out to be empty ? Till now, the deeper we have gone inside the materials, we have found more & more emptiness & that gives a strong reason to believe that if we go even further, it would lead us to even more of emptiness.

What I am trying to say that if I don't know that anything exist then I cannot say that it doesn't exist. Here, you are considering that spiritual truths need to approved by science ... i.e. giving more credence to science than spirituality. Science is because Consciousness is. Can anyone deny it ? But tell me, how much science knows about this consciousness ? And unless it knows about what consciousness is & how it acts ... its knowledge is too superficial & shallow.

Actually our definition of science too is too narrow. Why only Physics & Chemistry & Biology is science & Spirituality is not science ? The One-ness has been experienced by many in the past & anyone can experience it following the right path. Can we say that it is unscientific ? How do we define science then ??