View Full Version : Non human astral beings

21 January 2010, 01:07 PM

I would like to hear if anyone has had any experience with seeing astral beings that look different than us. For an example: A week ago I astral projected not by will, but through keeping my mind awake while the body slept, and I instantly projected infront of a being which the best I could describe would be (human shaped) but of green vibrational energy. What are these beings?

21 January 2010, 06:39 PM

I don't know the answer to your question, but I've seen many of what I call "noncorporals" along the way. When I was a child, they were shiny blue metallic colored, not green :)

My general practice is to attempt to engage in polite conversation.

ZN/as in "Poletergeist" (the movie) ... "they're HERE"

21 January 2010, 07:14 PM

Haha thank you for the feedback. hmmm it seems like we are seeing beings from another dimension. Next time I will engage with them. When I saw him I was freaked out but my wife murmered in her sleep "whats going on" and it freaked me out so I came back into my body lol. I get easily scaired when I am outside of my body because it is so strange to me. I projected three days ago outside of my bedroom and into the living room and I was scaired of the dark lol. I would love to hear if there is any knowledge concerning beings from the astral realm. My Guru Paramhansa Yogananda has many talks in which he speaks of the astral realm, but I havent heard much as regards to there being other beings there.


21 January 2010, 07:49 PM
There are lots of beings out there; some I think are humans w/out bodies, others are not humans and still others are thoughtforms created by others.

Being polite has generally served me really well.

When in doubt, prayer to GodZ (in singular/multiple manifestation) works when polite doesn't cut it :)

If you have a Guru, you'd best seek counsel there, as well.


22 January 2010, 11:16 AM
Thats a good idea. I will have to contact my teachers. I am more encouraged though to experience more of the astral planes.