View Full Version : Please help me interpret this dream.

29 January 2010, 12:11 AM

I have held on to this for awhile but now feel I must share. Last November I had a very troubling dream. I was near a river and there were dying animals, mostly goats all around me. Many goats were in pieces and they were all asking for my help. I felt very overwhelmed and wanted to help but could do nothing. When I awoke I could not shake the sadness of the dream for many hours, it seemed so real. When I went on with my day I checked the news and was shocked to see that the animal slaughter in Nepal had been happening as I slept. I was in shock!
I have tried very hard to understand why I was given this dream. I am very kind to animals and am an ardent vegetarian. Was I being told to do more to save animals? Was I feeling the karmic impact of this action all the way across the globe? After meditating on this I still have no answer so I am turning to you for possible explanations. Many thanks.

Om Shanti,

29 January 2010, 02:36 AM
well the practice of interpreting a dream is deep rooted in the long history of india . ancient monarchs would often hold councils or sabhas to have their dreams interpreted which was sometimes called swapnamangal sabha . but as this new age of rationalism and science engulfed india such practises gradually decreased a lot .

at the hight of european power the famous indian bengali poet rabindranath tagore also wrote a stairical comic poem on such a dream interpretation sabha by an indian monarch which untimately ends in destruction of the enrtire kingdom .

while every dream doesnt hold any speciall significance some surely does . sri ramakrishna once said that dreams where one calls out himself by his own name is specially good omen in field of sadhana .

however we must be carefull not to stop satisfied with such a dream .

your dream might not mean that you r not doing sufficeint work for animal cause . it might as well mean that your love for them made you feel out for those helpless animals thousands of kilometres away . or it might not mean anything atall .