View Full Version : I'm back :)

07 May 2010, 03:30 PM
Namaste! :)

I hadn't been here in so long I nearly forgot about it...my life has been so chaotic for the past few months (so many uni assignments, clinical reports to write, presentations, etc!). Thankfully Lord Ganesha never gave up on me and remained in my heart, even though I haven't prayed to Him "properly" (so to say) for ages, I did still ask for His help some times, but I feel so bad about having been like this and letting wordly stuff interfere with my path for Sanatana Dharma! I know I probably shouldn't "feel bad about it" as mistakes are but a tool to acquire more new knowledge so we don't repeat those errors, but I can't quite help it... *frowns*

I am determined to dedicate myself to Lord Ganesha again, may He help me do this. If possible, I would like to ask you to say a quick prayer to Lord Ganesha so that He may make my will grow stronger and stronger every day! I'll be eternally grateful if you could possibly do that for me, and may Lord Ganesha send twice as many blessings your way! :)

I'm also going to ask my local friend (haven't seen her in a few months either...) to take me to the Temple again when she can. I sooo badly want to go there but my timetable is pretty much incompatible with their opening hours... >_<

Sorry about the longish post, and apologies if it sounds a bit weird, I just needed to clear my mind a bit so that deep inside I know I'm "back on track" (if that makes any sense). :)

Eastern Mind
07 May 2010, 03:38 PM

Welcome back. There are lots of newbies here too.

We all 'get busy' at times. I worked 16 hour days around parent-teacher interviews. Sleep came before sadhana some days. Hope you make it back to temple too.

Aum Namasivaya

07 May 2010, 04:29 PM
Thanks EM, for always being around. You really are a source of inspiration to me! I still cherish the prasad you sent me (or rather, Lord Ganesha sent through you!). :)

07 May 2010, 06:29 PM
hariḥ oṁ

namasté star,

nice to see your post... busy as a mouse perhaps?

oṁ mūṣikavāhanaya namaḥ - gaṇeśa-ji is the One that rides (or has a vehicle) a mouse or mūṣika; vāhana means 'carrying' ; so this mouse carries gaṇeśa-ji.

We know gaṇeśa-ji is everywhere - that means in you too , no?
So, wherever you are you are a temple that houses gaṇeśa. He is with you always. When you think of Him or sound His name here is there.
You are never far from Him, yet some think so.

Let this bring you peace ... 'busy' is the nature of life; Stillness within is gaṇeśa.


07 May 2010, 09:51 PM
I'm sure I'm mispelling this, but I use the prayer Om Gaam Ganapatiye Namah to pray to Ganesha as the first prayer of the day before other mantras.

10 May 2010, 10:52 PM
Welcome back Star. I will pray to Lord Ganesha for you. Good luck with everything!

Hare Krishna