View Full Version : What is 11:11 time

31 October 2010, 04:52 PM

Do anybody know the meaning of 11:11 time. Whenever I boot the computer the time will be exactly 11:11 or 1:01. I could see the 11 everywhere in my daily life. Last year I went to a post office on 11th of Nov and I picked my wait ticket. It's number is 111. I couldn't escape from it. What does it indicate ? It's not coincidence for me.

03 November 2010, 05:39 PM
hariḥ oṁ


I do not have an answer for you, yet today my friend emailed me this information and I thought of your question:

On 11-11, 2010, one million people across the globe will mentally project a unified vision of a new paradigm for our species… a new reality. The very real physics that connects human consciousness with molecular structure will be harnessed en masse during the largest scale simultaneous manifestation transmission in recorded history.

Here is one site: http://beyondbodymindspirit.com/p/a-powerful-1111-global-link-up (http://beyondbodymindspirit.com/p/a-powerful-1111-global-link-up)
I cannot get into the actual site: http://www.newrealitytransmission.com (http://www.newrealitytransmission.com)

Yet from a jyotish orientation 11 is owned by rudra... the 11th house is a house of gains, also elder brother(s) , friends, hopes and wishes. The kāraka¹ is guru ( jupiter)


kāraka - that which produces or creates; instrumental in bringing about an action related to the house in question; in this case the 11th bhāva from bhū - becoming , being , existing , occurring , appearance ; manner of acting or conduct dharma

04 November 2010, 12:19 AM
yes, the 11 happens to me also