View Full Version : Prathamo Durjano vande...

19 November 2010, 06:51 AM
Prathamo durjano vande, sajjano tadantara.

I heard this in a lecture on the story of madhu and kaitabha. It means, salute the bad person first and the good person afterwards, (because the bad person will take offense and the good person will not).

19 November 2010, 07:52 AM
Prathamo durjano vande, sajjano tadantara.

I heard this in a lecture on the story of madhu and kaitabha. It means, salute the bad person first and the good person afterwards, (because the bad person will take offense and the good person will not).

Sorry Sahasranama ji, i don't know where this quote comes from.

But this is Great, Thank you so much for posting this here.
