View Full Version : Shiva & Shakti together

Divine Kala
09 March 2011, 09:53 PM
Is there a school of worship that venerates both Shiva and Shakti as equal? I know the two sides, Shaiva and Shakta, but I am drawn to both as one. Perhaps if there was a school that held Ardhanarisvara as supreme I might he follower of it, but as far as I know there is no such school of though.

Perhaps I should start my own?

09 March 2011, 10:29 PM

09 March 2011, 11:21 PM
Is there a school of worship that venerates both Shiva and Shakti as equal? I know the two sides, Shaiva and Shakta, but I am drawn to both as one. Perhaps if there was a school that held Ardhanarisvara as supreme I might he follower of it, but as far as I know there is no such school of though.

Perhaps I should start my own?

For shaivas belonging to vidyapitha (i.e those following bhairava) and shaktas there is no diff between the two, so question of equality is a fallacy really.

However what you are after may be the practice of south indian orthodox smarta community who also worship by tantric mantras, but according to smartic tenents and interpretation.

For example shankara in each of 4 mathas established a goddess as well as a crystal shiva linga (chandramoulisvara) and both are worshipped equally by the acharyas of these mathas. I am not familiar with ardhanarisvara as a main deity, it is meditated upon in the morning after rising. Main rituals in such cases center around the divine couple and not a deity like ardhanarisvara. I may be wrong here.

Divine Kala
10 March 2011, 01:36 AM
While the idea of worshipping the divine couple as Shiva and Parvati appeals to me (I view the linga not simply as Shiva but as Shakti as well and so when I perform abhishekam of the lingam I am paying homage to both together), Ardhanarisvara has always been in the back of my mind, niggling at my thoughts.

The idea of one who is both and beyond and totally inseparable, really, really appeals to me.

10 March 2011, 02:43 AM
Namasté Divine Kala
I feel your last post speaks loudest. :)

To offer an answer on a slightly different approach, I have found that defining our method of worship based on books and philosophy is fine as long as our heart and mind agree with it already. Otherwise we end up feeling more confused and at doubt with our choices.

I see no reason why you should not worship both as one, in your heart. Put the books and thoughts aside during that time of worship and see where it takes you. The point is to bring you closer to them, and that means transcending the doubts which niggle the mind.

Eastern Mind
10 March 2011, 07:00 AM
Vannakkam Divine Kala: I'm not sure about Shaktas, but that is already how most Saivas view it, for you cannot have one without the other. From this view, it only becomes Shakta when worshipped separately.

Aum Namasivaya

10 March 2011, 03:49 PM
Namaste Divine Kala,

I completely agree with Onkara. There probably are sects out there that hold Ardhanarishvara as supreme, but they are just not well known. You can just adopt Ardhanarishvara as your ishta-deva and pray, meditate, and do puja to that form of the Divine.

Jai Sri Ram

Divine Kala
13 March 2011, 09:20 PM
I will need to find a small Ardhanarisvari murti, I believe! I have always felt very drawn to that manifestation of Shiva/Shakti so I will enjoy worshipping it, I believe.

14 March 2011, 03:17 AM
I think there is no better Ardhanariswar Idol than one"s GURU". as philosophically and emotionally Guru is true Ardhanariswar. when he guides us,punish us,gives moksha he is Purus(male).when he nurtures us,save us from downfall,protect us, he is supreme mother.

i always sees each and every divine figures in Guru. no imaginary or mythological idol is as direct and divinely near as one"s Guru. because we are reluctant to accept him in true brahman,because of our manly view of guru,we are always at far away of his true swaroop.

Divine Kala
14 March 2011, 06:19 AM
I think there is no better Ardhanariswar Idol than one"s GURU". as philosophically and emotionally Guru is true Ardhanariswar. when he guides us,punish us,gives moksha he is Purus(male).when he nurtures us,save us from downfall,protect us, he is supreme mother.

i always sees each and every divine figures in Guru. no imaginary or mythological idol is as direct and divinely near as one"s Guru. because we are reluctant to accept him in true brahman,because of our manly view of guru,we are always at far away of his true swaroop.

While this is a wonderful view, I don't have a Guru as of yet and consider Shiva and Shakti as my Guru until then.

22 March 2011, 09:24 AM
While this is a wonderful view, I don't have a Guru as of yet and consider Shiva and Shakti as my Guru until then.

..Namaste !

Its indeed a wonderfull idea ! - - They are without doubt , the original Gurus of all !!
