View Full Version : Sexual Tantra

02 April 2011, 05:09 AM

I do not know much about Tantra, but I read Osho who says sexual urges must be sublimated rather than suppressed. What exactly does it mean? When an urge shows, what are we supposed to do - just observe?

Insights from actual practitioners would help.


02 April 2011, 05:18 AM
Initially I too was confused on exactly what sex transmutation is.

Until I read about it in this website, which should help you understand sex transmutation.


Eastern Mind
02 April 2011, 06:50 AM
Vannakkam astrostudent: This is a difficult assignment, not easily accomplished overnight.

Think of a smoker. Repression (or suppression) is saying, "I won't smoke. I won't smoke. Smoking is bad. I'm a horrible person." over and over and over. What does that do? It reinforces the mind into thinking about smoking all the time. Eventually it can no longer stand to not smoke, and smokes even more than it did before.

Sublimation is letting it happen naturally via healthy distraction or substitution. It is not thinking about it at all. Avoidance of circumstances that may bring the topic up. Eventually over a very long period of time (like 10 - 25 years or lifetimes even) it will fade. But the physical side remains. So the energy has to go somewhere. By directing awareness into spirituality, that's where it goes.

Here's another link that may be helpful. http://www.himalayanacademy.com/resources/books/virtue/IntroVirtue.html

Aum Namasivaya

02 April 2011, 07:40 AM
Sexual energy is the primordial energy sourced from kundalini.instead of ascending in brahmanadi to sahasrar,it goes down and out through Kuhu nadi. changing the direction from flowing down into kuhu nadi and making its way through brahma nadi is called trasmutation.

this energy is like ambrosia/nectar.it always flow up and down in EDA and PIANGALA (chitrini and bajrini) which are on two side of brahmanadi(central most path in spinal cord). at level of manipura chakra we can coonect these two nadis and direct the flow of this nectar into brahmnadi which connects directly to sahasrara. this can be attained by YONIMUDRA and NAVIDHYANA practice. otherwise these two nadis open up into sexual energy tracts at level of Swadhisthana chakra which is naturally open in all creations and lost with lower sexual act.

If we can transmute it we can achieve samadhi and infinite bliss.but unfortunately we loose it like buying cheap tissue paper using credit card.

Easiest way is path of devotion.if you can love your ISTHA ,no other thing is necessary.
other yogic,tantrc techniques are available. one link may help you.



02 April 2011, 08:11 AM
I've always wondered about the psychological significance of the sexual act. It was a brief look at tantra and kundalini that shed some light on my doubts.

In my current understanding the sexual act is the highest act of integration between masculine and feminine life forces and therefore very sacred, it's not in vain that it is through this act that life is perpetuated.

I think the attachment to sexual pleasure is in fact attachment to the brief feeling of union and pure bliss one gets, popularly coined an orgasm.

I have some links favorited regarding tantra:


02 April 2011, 10:32 AM
hariḥ oṁ


To confuse sexual congress for tantra would be the same as confusing a diamond as a rock.

tantra तन्त्र- as a noun means a loom; the notion of weaving comes to mind as this word is also used for a row , number , series , that you would find in a weave. If this is a loom, then who are the weavers? Śiva and Śakti. And what is woven? Creation. It is creation that is worn by us, woven by Them.

tan + tra
tan तन्- to extend , spread , be diffused (as light) over , shine , extend towards ; to extend or bend. The masculine applicaton is uninterrupted succession. tra त्र- is protecting. Hence tan + tra is that which is extended, protecting overall.



02 April 2011, 10:36 AM
I'm sorry if my words were unwise and gave that oversimplified impression.

02 April 2011, 02:23 PM
hariḥ oṁ

namasté PI

I'm sorry if my words were unwise and gave that oversimplified impression.
No ~foul~ has been done.

In fact if one looks to the 69th and 70th sūtra-s of the vijñāna bhairava kārikā-s ( considered tantra) sexual congress is called out. It is śakti saṁgama. Yet it is not what one thinks - this is where the confusion begins that ~tantra~ then is the sexual act.

From a kaśmir śaivism point of view, svāmī lakṣman-jū informs us these kārikā-s ( 69th and 70th) are examples and not practices. He is saying it is to show the aspirant what kind of joy one may experience in samādhi - brahma sukha.
