View Full Version : What do Hindus think of Naxals ? (Maoists)

08 August 2011, 01:09 PM

I have from a young age admired Communism. I am talking about the pure authentic Communism of a peoples government. I admired Che Guevara with my Latin back ground and readings on freedom fighters. I have been following a lot about the Naxals of India. These are Maoist who are fighting the government to establish a peoples government. Its hard these days for me to be sympathetic to Socialists that may be using violence to resist oppressors due to my views changing with the Dharma, but at the same time I see many freedom movements as useful for the sake of uplifting humanity. I am wondering what Hindus think of Naxals? I hear that they have millions of followers, but I am not sure about actual devout Hindus.


09 August 2011, 11:09 AM
I think there isnt one Dharmic view on this. Belief/lack of belief in religion could be quite independent of support for or against the Naxals [Maoists].

The problem in India that gives rise to Naxals is complex.

Our politicians in Delhi are corrupt to their bones in many cases. Each of them thinks "I dont know when I can come to power next. So, let me loot the country as much as I can. What do I care for the folks that were stupid enough to vote for me? I will relax in Swiss Alps or Florida after looting my motherland". With this mindset, no money for development ever reaches the ground level.

Now, the Naxals, imho, are just ordinary folks like you and me. The difference is that they live in parts of the country where despite many promises from the state/central government no development has occurred. No electricity, no water, no sanitation. How many of us can live under such conditions and look at life with equanimity?

So, I do find some sympathy for their cause.

I do think ultimately it is capitalism that can really lift millions out of grinding poverty. But capitalism and Indian corruption with no checks and balances will lead to certain sections of our country completely out of the loop. The Naxals are such a group.

What I DO find abhorrent is that much of the intellectual support for the Naxals comes from those on the extreme left of the spectrum. The likes of Arundathi Roy, N. Ram, etc. are capable of seeing only one side of the problem. The problem requires a multi-dimensional approach and simply shutting one's eyes and ears and claiming that Communism/Marxism/Naxalism is the way to go is abhorrent.

11 August 2011, 09:39 AM

Thank you wundermonk for your view. I find that there is much chaos in the capitalist system. I see that you think it may work if there are check and balances. You may be right. On another note I think I need to know the Self before making such hasty decisions of support. I consider myself a Marxist, but this is just a play of form. I wonder if as a jnani if there would be the need to profess oneself as a Marxist or even work towards a state of equality. I do not know, but I should lay this questioning down for the time being until the Self is found to be here, then everything else should fall into its proper place.

16 August 2011, 05:46 PM
Misguided is the word that comes to mind when thinking about Naxals.

As Wundermonk stated, Naxals are just "ordinary" folks who are usually disenfranchised by a fast-moving economy.

A few shrewd leaders of their groups are not from their backgrounds (like Bengali Brahmin communist who was arrested and let off recently [forgot his name]) and are using them as pawns to gain power, notoriety, etc.

05 October 2011, 02:19 AM
also its better to keep in mind that capitalism/communism are not the only
way in which economic organisation could be done. these are western originated movements. i think both will eventually fail in india. hindus should come up
with something which is in harmony with nature. in the past Vaishya jati were
subordinate to Bramhan jati. I think that probably put brakes to rabid greed. Nowdays in india , corporate elite has become very powerful. they don't care for
ecology, they don't care for environment. there are no brakes on these people.