View Full Version : Reverb within the landscape of human consciousness.

25 August 2011, 03:46 AM
Namasté All

Seated at my desk trying to move forwards in the material world one of life's little events by which I am so prone to being distracted has just stopped me in my tracks.

A ship leaving the port has just sounded its horn, a fairly regular event here. Only this time it was the echo that caught my attention. A near perfect repetition reflecting from a near by hillside or building.

Having done a certain amount of study into acoustics, it has occurred to me that the self similar repetition that happens so often in the apparent material world may be caused by reverb from within conciousness. The initial reflections of perception eventually decaying into the background reverberation of conciousness.

Any who have not experienced the importance of reverb in our auditive world need look no further than an anechoic chamber (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anechoic_chamber) for enlightenment.

The importance of reverb for our perception of the world is utmost, without being in deep meditation we are never in an environment without reverb. The same is true of light as for sound, if it did not bounce back from objects we would not see them. In effect all that we see is reflected light. Without the background light level caused by the reflected light we would only see the front of objects and never the sides or behind them, the face opposing the light source.

So that which appears to be self similar reflection within the field of conciousness can be likened to the first reflections of reverb. Or the ambient light showing form within the occluded shadowed side of objects.

Thus these reflections reveal an occluded depth to conciousness which is not present in the forefront of the mind.

Right back to work, now where was I :rolleyes:?

