View Full Version : Shout It From The Rooftops Thread

31 December 2011, 11:40 AM
Vanakkam Everyone,

I decided to create a "shout it from the rooftops" thread.
This thread will contain things that every Hindu should know about.
If you know any Hindus, tell them about what you see here. Also tell them to pass on this information to anyone they know.

07 January 2012, 11:49 AM
Here's one thing that I'd like people to shout from the rooftops:
The Vedas describe a migration of Persians out of India rather than a migration of Aryans into India. The following quote comes from Book 7, Hymn 6 of the Rig Veda:

3 The foolish, faithless, rudely-speaking niggards, without belief or sacrifice or worship,—
Far far sway hath Agni chased those Dasytis, and, in the cast, hath turned the godless westward.
As you can see, the Rig Veda states that the enemies of the Aryans went westward, and Persia lies to the west of the Indian subcontinent. Also, the Rig Veda refers to the enemies of the Aryans as "Dasas" or "Dasyus". If you look at the Dravidian tribes who live in South India, you will find that none of them refer to themselves as "Dasa". Instead, the term "Dahae" is used by an Iranian tribe. Finally, the pre-Islamic religion of Persia was Zoroastrianism, where the Ahuras are considered to be divine and the Devas are considered to be demonic. This is the exact opposite of the Vedic religion, and indicates that some kind of split took place.