View Full Version : Hither Not, Thither Not, Mayhap Maya!!!

10 January 2012, 04:23 AM

This rose is before us

Now let’s see the factors enabling us to distinguish it as a rose, its colour, shape, fragrance and the like.

But when these factors (colour, shape, fragrance etc) are separately considered, it’s not rose, but are different qualities of the same rose.

Whatever directly perceived is not the qualified rose, but the qualities of the rose. That means, the qualified rose is not perceived, but our experience is of having seen it.

Now we switch our attention to the world we perceive.

We perceive the world to have countless qualities. Even while knowing the qualities of the world, the qualified world remains not directly known (considering the rose example). Yet the existence of the qualified world is undeniable, and our experience is to see it.

Where does, this rose, this world we experience then exist?

The object, the world, is merely an idea we formulate in our mind, with qualities perceived being instrumental. That means the qualified object’s existence, that is the world’s (rose’s) existence, is in consciousness.

The World’s existence is in the consciousness has been sufficiently made clear.

Now where do the countless qualities we perceive exist?

Common thinking is that, its existence is substantial, but how is it possible? The qualities can only exist where the qualified is. To say that a rose is here and its colour and other qualities are somewhere else is meaningless. If the qualified existence is on our consciousness then the qualities also have to exist in consciousness itself.

If both the qualified and the qualities exist in consciousness, then what do we perceive as substantial existence?

This is what is counted as Maya in Vedanta, A mysterious creative urge inherent in Consciousness make IT appear both as qualified and the qualities.

Now the the experiences "I am the perciever" and the "world(rose) is perceived" are all effects.

In this specific sense, drik or the knowing Consciousness is the cause and the drisya or "the perceived" is the effect.

****The effect pot has no existence apart from that of the cause clay, is famous***

Thus closely looked at, we realize that what appears as the objective world is no more than the variegated and never ending creative self expression of the one Consciousness. A dream alike....

Advanced thoughts on this please. Love:)
