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Thread: Effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatographic

  1. #1
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    Effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatographic

    Comparative study of the effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatographic method

    Abstract: Many comparative studies on the benefits of vegetarian and non-vegetarian food are available. This article sheds light on the effect at a spiritual level of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food. In this article we are presenting our study using the Electrosomatographic method with the help of a biofeedback machine, the DDFAO, of the effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food on the Kunḍalinī chakrās of seekers with and without negative energy distress.

    Principal Investigator: Dr. Nandini Samant, MBBS, DPM

    Please read our article Introduction to spiritual research using the electrosomatographic scanning technique before reading this article, so as to understand it better.



    5.1 There are two functional groups of chakrās

    The upper four chakrās (Sahasrār, Ādnyā, Vishuddha and, Anāhat) are predominant in the Absolute Air Principle (Vāyū-tattva) and act at the nirgun-sagun (More of nirgun than sagun) level, while the lower three chakrās (Manīpūr, Swādhishthan and Mūlādhār) arepredominant in the Absolute Fire Principle (Tēj-tattva) and act at the sagun-nirgun (More of sagun than nirgun) level. The upper four chakrās are functional in tasks related to intellect and the lower three chakrās are functional mainly related to the mind. Thus the seven chakrās are divided into two groups – upper four chakrās and lower three chakrās. Hence, upon consuming non-vegetarian or vegetarian food, generally they have similar effects on the chakrās in each group.

    5.2 Effect of sāttviktā gained upon consuming vegetarian food

    5.2.1 Activation of Kunḍalinī chakrās

    Activation of upper chakrās:Upper chakrās are more sensitive in responding to Sattva guna than the lower chakrās. Hence, upon consuming vegetarian food, due to the sāttvik vibrations of the vegetarian food there was improvement in the activity of the upper four chakrās in seekers with and without negative energy distress.

    Activation of lower chakrās in seekers who follow Karmayoga: In seekers with and without negative energy distress and who follow Karmayoga, the activity of the lower three chakrās was improved upon consuming vegetarian food.

    5.2.2 Spiritual healing of Kunḍalinī chakrās

    In seekers with negative energy distress, māntriks (from hell) create centres of distressing energy in the upper four chakrās. Thus, these chakrās function on the strength of the black energy stored in these centres. Upon consuming vegetarian food, sāttviktā gained from this food decreases the black energy in these centres, thereby reducing their activity. In other words, the upper four chakrās undergo spiritual healing and thereby activity of these chakrās is reduced.

    5.2.3 Kunḍalinī chakrās assume nirgun state upon gaining Sattva guna continuously from the vegetarian meal

    Upon consuming vegetarian food by seekers without negative energy distress, sāttviktā gained from this food causes improvement in the activity of the upper four chakrās. When Sattva guna is available continuously as the meal progresses, the upper four chakrās attain nirgun state, and thus become inactive.

    5.3 Detrimental effect of Tama guna gained upon consuming non-vegetarian food

    5.3.1 Upper four chakrās in seekers without negative energy distress get activated to fight effect of Tama guna gained upon consuming non-vegetarian food

    In seekers without negative energy distress, the upper four chakrās are more sensitive than the lower three chakrās. Hence, they get activated to fight the effects of Tama guna gained upon consuming non-vegetarian food. Later, they need to assume nirgun (Non-materialised) form so as to fight the root of Tama guna. Finally, they have to get activated again so as to regain the Sattva guna lost in this battle. Thus there is net loss of energy of upper chakrās.

    5.3.2 Upper chakrās in seekers with negative energy distress get activated due to absorption of Tama guna gained from consuming non-vegetarian food

    In seekers with negative energy distress, the centres of black energy in the upper four chakrās created by superior māntriks (from hell) get activated so as to imbibe Tama guna from non-vegetarian food. Hence, there is increase in activity of upper chakrās.

    5.4 Factors deciding the duration of effects of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food

    5.4.1 Spiritual level

    If the spiritual level of an individual is less than 60%, the duration of effect of sāttvik and tāmasik components is prolonged. In individuals above 60%, due to dissolution of their mental sheath, there is minimal effect on the mind regarding worldly things such as eating, drinking, clothing etc. Hence, the duration of effects of sāttvik and tāmasik components is short.

    5.4.2 Severity of negative energy distress

    In seekers with mild negative energy distress, the effect of tāmasik components like non-vegetarian food is sustained for a short duration; whereas the effect of sāttvik components like vegetarian food is sustained for longer duration. In seekers with severe distress, the effect of tāmasik components like non-vegetarian food is sustained for longer duration since the Tama guna is stored; whereas since the Sattva guna in sāttvik components gets used up in fighting against the negative energies, the effect of sāttvik components like vegetarian food is sustained for a short duration.

    6. Key points learned

    Consuming vegetarian food is more conducive to optimum functioning of the body, mind and the intellect. Considering this, we can try to reduce consumption of non-vegetarian food and increase intake of vegetarian food.

    Doing spiritual practice to attain the 60% spiritual level is important because upon attaining this level, both the sāttvik and tāmasik components have less effect on the individual.

    Doing spiritual practice regularly also protects us against negative energy distress. Negative energy distress results in a prolonged effect of tāmasik components and reduced effect of sāttvik components.
    तद्विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया ।
    उपदेक्ष्यन्ति ते ज्ञानं ज्ञानिनस्तत्वदर्शिनः ॥

    उस ज्ञान को तू तत्वदर्शी ज्ञानियों के पास जाकर समझ, उनको भलीभाँति दण्डवत्* प्रणाम करने से, उनकी सेवा करने से और कपट छोड़कर सरलतापूर्वक प्रश्न करने से वे परमात्म तत्व को भलीभाँति जानने वाले ज्ञानी महात्मा तुझे उस तत्वज्ञान का उपदेश करेंगे. श्रीमद्*भगवद्*गीता-4.34

  2. #2
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    Re: Effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatogra

    You should send this article to Nature and other top scientific journals. I am sure scientific and the medical community will be thrilled that you guys have found ways to not only identify but also prove the functioning of all the chakras of both traditional and new age repute. Veg vs Non-veg is an additional bonus for the leaf-addicted. India badly needs such ground breaking scientific work to be at the top of the world again, far too long we have been left with Zero being only significant scientific contribution of any type [at least in popular perception]. Well done.

    Of course if Nature or Scientific American does not accept this brilliant work as scientific enough, you can always try the journals where Dr. Valerie Hunt must have published her equally earth shattering bio-energy research.
    Last edited by Twilightdance; 11 August 2012 at 04:11 AM.

  3. #3
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    Re: Effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatogra

    TD I think it is already published in
    Spiritual Science Research Foundation
    (Bridging the known and unknown worlds
    A non-profit research organisation registered in Australia and USA)
    तद्विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया ।
    उपदेक्ष्यन्ति ते ज्ञानं ज्ञानिनस्तत्वदर्शिनः ॥

    उस ज्ञान को तू तत्वदर्शी ज्ञानियों के पास जाकर समझ, उनको भलीभाँति दण्डवत्* प्रणाम करने से, उनकी सेवा करने से और कपट छोड़कर सरलतापूर्वक प्रश्न करने से वे परमात्म तत्व को भलीभाँति जानने वाले ज्ञानी महात्मा तुझे उस तत्वज्ञान का उपदेश करेंगे. श्रीमद्*भगवद्*गीता-4.34

  4. #4
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    Re: Effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatogra

    Quote Originally Posted by dhyandev View Post
    TD I think it is already published in
    Spiritual Science Research Foundation
    (Bridging the known and unknown worlds
    A non-profit research organisation registered in Australia and USA)
    Dhyandev, I'm pretty sure Twilightdance was speaking tongue-in-cheek. Nature is a highly respected scientific journal, probably tied for "most prestigious" with Science. The collaboration I work with recently published a paper in Nature, and there are all sorts of rules on press embargos and such. A Nature paper is indeed a lifetime achievement for any scientist. A paper would likely be rejected if the editors discovered that the author so much as submitted it to a journal called "Spiritual Science." And with good cause, because real scientists don't read this sort of stuff.

    All that said, I do believe that consuming meat is spiritually-harmful.

  5. #5
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    Re: Effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatogra

    Quote Originally Posted by sanjaya View Post
    All that said, I do believe that consuming meat is spiritually-harmful.
    We can at least say now, after Sushil Kumar's grappling efforts, that Veg diet does not make one weak & protein deficient as often claimed by meat advocators. Ofcourse he made some judicious use of protein powder, but still - badam milk deserves the due credit.

    I do believe that strictly not consuming meat can be "spiritually" harmful.

  6. #6
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    Re: Effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatogra

    Quote Originally Posted by Twilightdance View Post
    I do believe that strictly not consuming meat can be "spiritually" harmful.
    Vannakkam: I'm not sure what you're saying here. Can you explain? Are you actually saying it's spiritually unwise to be a vegetarian?

    Aum Namasivaya

  7. #7
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    Re: Effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatogra

    Quote Originally Posted by Twilightdance View Post
    We can at least say now, after Sushil Kumar's grappling efforts, that Veg diet does not make one weak & protein deficient as often claimed by meat advocators. Ofcourse he made some judicious use of protein powder, but still - badam milk deserves the due credit.
    Indeed. I have no doubt that meat-eaters get more protein. After all, animal muscle tissue contains more protein than a head of lettuce. But by that logic we should all just go ahead and drink creatine shakes. If your sole objective is to get as much protein as possible, then there's always a better option, but these options become increasingly less natural.

    Which is not to say that I equate "un-natural" with "bad." Actually I think that drinking creatine shakes isn't such a bad idea so long as you understand that they must be followed by a real workout. Eating meat, on the other hand, I don't consider to be such a good idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Twilightdance View Post
    I do believe that strictly not consuming meat can be "spiritually" harmful.
    Guessing there's a typo in here?

  8. #8

    Re: Effect of consuming non-vegetarian and vegetarian food using the electrosomatogra

    So how exactly does one measure 'chakra activation' and 'spiritual energy'? I am quite sure that modern medicine does not accept this, but what would I know. What other peer-reviewed journals has this research been submitted to?

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