
Hinduism is special to young men, no matter what their age is in body. Once discovered, then a great adventure begins. Hinduism is present for much more than just the boys of this world, of course. No one is saying otherwise. But Hinduism is also for the boys of this world.

Some are very lucky. They see this adventure as soon as they open their eyes for the first time. Often because they see India.

The ageless histories of India are a treasure of amazing events, personalities, visitations, contractions, struggles and victories, a congregation of souls from every state of being imaginable to our imperfect but expanding human mind and its far reaching consciousness which is easily taken by surprise at the vast diversity and even uncomprehensible wonders that move like waves of light and sound over oceans, sands, islands, jungles, mountains, timeless cities, lost and emerging empires, holy and sacred places, doors visible and invisible, and moments in time which moved in the past and often continue to move at this moment, or at least linger with great presence under, on and above this gathering ground of Gods which has for a long time has been called "Bharat".

In some way, and some how, even the animals which cross beneath, upon and over this famous and epic Land each has a moment in the sun and in timeless sounding as if each has struck a bell of sharp tone, or hit a drum of thunder that will be remembered for as long we value every adventure and path that Mother India has afforded to all of us.

There is great simplicity found there as well, which resides right next to and at the feet of vast and complex clockwork, a place where a giant in soul who lives the most simple of lives inside a body, or for that matter almost any wide range of forms, can reach out with a hand and pick up a small object the size of a custard apple and the next moment hold in hand an object that may have the mechanics of immense power ready to turn worlds in directions that can defy fate itself.

So to explain everything, or even know of so many things is an undertaking in itself. But in almost a natural way, if we can become innocent again, it is second nature to believe that it is all real, that they are real. Even if we do not know why the watch works, we do know it keeps time. Sometimes we may even guess why, but that doesn't change the natural understanding that indeed it does work, and it does tick.

There were battles there. They actually happened. Of this there is no doubt.

War and conflict can, and mostly is, dreadful - death is around you and surrounds even the quietude before a battle. You walk right into what can almost seem to be a confusing and strange rattle of sounds, lights and shadows, overhead arrows scream, shattering shocks to the east while distant explosions are heard from the western horizon. In the shadows of smoke are seen death machines. You are both alone and a million, times moves very slow and very fast, angels are very clearly seen then, and if the collective mind of the soldiers think of their God of War then such a God of the collective will become and come an actual Soldier with them even if not seen by the artist or the observer.

The voice talks to the man who is the soldier and the man is also that child again. What is strange is, though some of these children become afraid as a child would only be, for so many others there is another child which once was full of adventure, even senseless glory, the wild dreams of young boys again alive and with the army who fights for their Rama. With them are Great Ones. A flag, saffron orange, the Flag of Hanuman.

In the battles of the Ramayana, and in so many of the battles in the Histories of Bharat, we hear of arrows in the sky. Some are snakes. Some are lights of great force. Overhead, the enemy may turn oiled mirrors to reflect the rays of Surya down upon the soldiers in attempt to burn, they may come in flying machines, the dogs of monsters turned upon the valiant children of God, but even the jungle is ready to help. We hear of arrows that rain down. Even poison arrows. And something called Sanjeevani.

Am I glorifying war? I hope not. In fact, not at all. The battles in the Histories of Hinduism have many things. Not just wars. Many Great Personalities. Many Great and immortal words were spoken or conveyed. Many Friendships. And sacrifices.

Hinduism is many things. But it certainly is India. For every boy no matter what your age, you know that you are surrounded by so many complexities. But it can be a great adventure. Not everyone is like you. They may have other reasons for their journey. But you know what you really want, if you just make it simple. Complex is just part of the adventure. Hinduism is both complex and simple. We cannot help but wonder, what is inside of the clockwork? We cannot help in stepping out and rather than simply accepting what these things are, we try to guess what makes them tick. In one way, because we try and guess, it only confirms they are true.

Om Namah Sivaya