Re: Consciousness and Knowledge
Namaste AIH,
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What is called consciousness, rather super consciousness and what is called knowledge ? In general terms, we call awakening, which is beyond the 5 senses but what that - beyond 5 senses - we get which is called consciousness ? With my one sense, I can perceive - There is a tree, so without use of any of 5 senses which type of awakening do I get ?
"Consciousness" is the power which makes witnessing, thinking, deciding, analysis possible. Consciousness is perceived at three different levels : Waking Consciousness, Sub-consciousness and Super-consciousness. Waking Consciousness is our Consciousness of individual mind when we are awake. Sub-consciousness is what stores information gathered by waking consciousness for retrieval and use in future ... we remember past things, nurture tendencies in our nature by our Karma due to this sub-consciousness. This Sub-consciousness is also which is responsible for creation of dreams and visualisation in mind.
Super-Consciousness is also called as "God-Consciousness". This is the substratum of the previous two consciousness. Superconsciousness is the essence upon which the earlier two consciousnesses appear to exist. Superconsciousness is reached by intense Bhakti, Meditation or just by God's/Guru's grace.
Now 5 senses and the Consciousness :
The 5 senses are like bulbs which get their respective power of "sensing" because of Consciousness. In absence of Consciousness, the 5 senses are dead meat. Apart from the five senses, the arising of individuality i.e. "i" in any being is due to this Consciousness. "Awakening" is not a knowledge of something that is outside. Awakening is the Realisation of one's True Nature. The actual description of Self-Realisation cannot be described as it is beyond words. However, Those who have attained Self-Realisation have tried to describe it in these words :
a) "I"-"I" perception ... "I alone exist" --- I am Brahman
b) It is Self annihilating knowledge ... the Knowledge, Knower and object of knowledge are non-different from each other
c) It is a state of supreme bliss. After attaining this, one is detached from all worldly pleasures/pains
d) It is best described by perfect silence coming at the end of Cosmic Sound "AUM"
"Om Namo Bhagvate Vaasudevaye"