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Thread: Staying Happy

  1. #1

    Staying Happy

    Hi guys,

    Coming into this religion, and so into this community, has helped me immensely, but it is still difficult for me to stay happy and peaceful at times. I am living very humbly. I have a simple job, I live in a small house and within my means, and my fiance is unemployed by choice, not that we're rich enough to only have one of us working, but because we find that is working for us better right now. I live in a small town, I don't have large future goals.

    But the country that I'm in, and the way my parents treat(ed) me makes me feel that I'm not doing what I should be, or that I should be reaching for more - and this leaves me feeling unhappy where I am at. I try my best to not be material because it does depress me. When you think, "We don't have this, we don't have that" - but I know I don't NEED That. I am able to eat, go to the doctor, and take care of my animals. Yet I have this uncomfortable undercurrent in my mind saying, "You are not happy, you need more." and it's disturbing because I look at things honestly and yes, I am happy!

    How do you stay happy in a society that teaches us to hunger for "more more more!" and not be happy with what we have?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    August 2012
    Indiana, USA
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    Re: Staying Happy

    Namaste Ninendiva!

    I want to answer your question more fully then this, but am about to leave for errands! I will answer you more fully later but for now I will say this:

    Keep in mind, that our parents grew up in a different time and with a different definition of what it means to be successful. At the time they were young, it was entirely possible to have the big house, the two cars, the 3 kids etc.

    In today's world, it is different. We simply can't have it all. And that's not the message of someone who has given up. It's simply based on the economics of it all. Someone who makes minimum wage cannot afford the average rent AND eat healthy food, AND go to the doctor on a regular basis. Oh, AND have the best cars, and travel the world. The list goes on.

    The solution isn't to kill ourselves by working more and letting our lives suffer. The solution is to change our definition of success. If you are happy with your life, and what you have, there's no reason to doubt your choices. There are so many people in this world who have vastly more then they need and it has become a burden for them. The more things you have the more you have to lose too.

    Like I said, I will give a better answer later when I have more time! I hope this makes sense!

    "God will not have his work made manifest by cowards."
    ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

  3. #3
    Join Date
    September 2007
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    Re: Staying Happy

    Vannakkam Ninendeva: Firstly, Hinduism is no magic happy pill, as I'm sure you already realise. It may help with an inner contentment, but to expect that we have no more karma to work through (the cause of much unhappiness) is , in my opinion, unrealistic.

    The God of the west is materialism, as much as it is Abrahamic. Little value is put into spirituality, more free time, relaxation, the arts, or even recreation. So it's tough, faced with a media bombardment of work work work, get less sleep. earn more money.

    Although sometimes other like-minded souls do exist, they're sometimes hard to find. I'm sure there are more than you know. Here on HDF I suspect there are a few. Certainly I am. My wife never worked outside the home, I earned a reasonable salary, rented for awhile, owned beater cars, and got asked 'Why?" more than once by 'the other side'.

    But then you sit back, take a deeper look, and ask, "Who's happier?" Are double income no kids in big house with fancy cars really happier? Well, no, they're not. So I think you're on the right track, not that that will make it any easier.

    Best wishes.

    Aum namasivaya

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