Thanks to moderators for creating new thread.
I find that people don't listen at all to what the Advaitins say .... they themselves (Non-Advaitins) don't understand how it works and they keep finding their own arguments and their own wrong inferences. In the above discussion, Sanathan doesn't know how the Consciousness works or mind works and what exactly Mithya means but starts applying his logic in without respecting the frameworks of the Axioms in the context of Advaitic discussion. So, it doesn't reach anywhere, as it is bound to be.


Dear Devotee,

I have listened all your words, but you didn't answer any of my questions with proper logic, but just put assumptions and asked me to believe them.

Yes, I don't know how consciousness works and what mithya you know it? there any knower at all to know how consciousness works? that disproves your theory of pure-cosnciosuness.

I don't know why you can not see a simple logic .

You are iterating same things..that there are some mind waves in consciousness , but how do you know that man? then you have given answer that "self-realizaed" person knows there is a knower of that state..that disproves your statement that "it is pure consciosuness without a knower of it".

And there are many statements made by you are just assumptions or imaginations of your own, not such I pointed out was "after every sleep a new "i" is created .." ..please first read sastras and also use logic , mere imaginations can't help you or me.

For your information..all these discussions are happening between you and me ..who are subjects, but you are denying the very subject as illusion ..but you forget one fact declare such fact.."you" are required who is again a knower of that fact..otherwise that fact itself can not be declared.

If you are really searching TRUTH or already found the TRUTH..then you should not have any fear to think on each and every point I have raised here should be able to answer it..
If you just want to stick to your pre decided thoughts or convictions, then ofcourse you won't dare to try to think on my points .