I have heard the story that wonderful Ganesha used his broken tusk as a writing instrument but I consider it a wonder story full of metaphor to express spiritual truths not actual events.

The Mahabharta was not written by Lord Ganesha as incarnations of Lord Shiva is not in the philosophy Shaivism. All of the wonderful stories are metaphors of spiritual truths that are much greater than the literal stories told.

As a Shaivite I am a non-dualist I do not accept that the Supreme and Absolute is separate from us but his essence is us and everything seen, unseen and the places inbetween from the infinitesimally small to the infinitely grandest as illustrated by Ganesha riding a mouse.

This has been a theme for me today. If I am a devotee of Lord Shiva I must accept it all and not mix and match with other phils.