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Thread: jnana yoga

  1. #1

    jnana yoga

    This is a new yoga I've never heard of and I have a question. It is taught in chrsitianity that sex outside of marriage is a sin. Is there sin in Hinduism? I've also read it's not the act it's the attachment. Is it possible to do this without sinning and begin unattached?


  2. #2

    Re: jnana yoga

    There are two languages: Language of Morality and Language of Immortality. Language of Morality is a language in progress, while Immortal Language is eternal, sanatan.

    Language of Morality is required, for a time being, when the seeker is still evolving. But to make that language into a permanent form, i.e., religion, would be like conceding that Evil also exists, is also real.

    So when in Rig-Veda Varun, the God of Life & Desire, extends his kingdom, starting from Earth, up to Heaven, an "expansion" is implied rather than a "contraction" or a "denial". Marriage itself, in its real essence, is more than a ceremony.

  3. #3
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    Re: jnana yoga

    Quote Originally Posted by billcu View Post
    This is a new yoga I've never heard of and I have a question. It is taught in chrsitianity that sex outside of marriage is a sin. Is there sin in Hinduism? I've also read it's not the act it's the attachment. Is it possible to do this without sinning and begin unattached?

    Vannakkam: If you google jnana yoga, you'll get a lot of hits. Opinions vary on the nature of jnana yoga, moetly in where this intelligence comes from. There is no 'sin' in Hinduism in the same way there is in other faiths. There is dharmic and adharmic. Adultery would be considered adharmic, yes, and in that sense you are accruing 'bad'' karma. The marriage samskara is considered a vow for life.

    It is not possible to do it without attachment. You may intellectually convince yourself its okay somehow, but that's just anava.

    Perhaps you'll get different opinions on this, though.

    Aum Namasivaya

  4. #4
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    Re: jnana yoga

    Quote Originally Posted by billcu View Post
    This is a new yoga I've never heard of and I have a question. It is taught in chrsitianity that sex outside of marriage is a sin. Is there sin in Hinduism? I've also read it's not the act it's the attachment. Is it possible to do this without sinning and begin unattached?

    if you are not attached and not looking for some form of gain you wouldnt even go there, would you? Namaste and welcome.

  5. #5

    Re: jnana yoga

    Quote Originally Posted by charitra View Post
    if you are not attached and not looking for some form of gain you wouldnt even go there, would you? Namaste and welcome.
    lol I don't suppose. But then again I haven't reached satva much lesss enlightenment.


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    Re: jnana yoga

    hariḥ oṁ


    Jñāna yoga is that which erases the ~sin~ of moha (delusion, wrong perceptions, etc.).
    Jñāna is defined as knowing , becoming acquainted with , knowledge , especially higher knowledge. Yet this knowledge is not that of 2+2 = 4, or knowing all 7 continents. It is that knowledge that aligns one's self to one's SELF. It is that knowledge that removes ignorance.

    Within the kaśmiri śaivism ~ in general~ ignorance or āvidya comes in two forms: pauruṣa ajñāna and bauddha ajñāna i.e. spiritual and intellectual ignorance. When properly applied, jñāna yoga is that ointment that helps rid oneself of these blemishes. The keyword is 'helps' , as in the final analysis it is the grace of the Supreme that brings the final stroke.

    यतसà¥à¤¤à¥à¤µà¤‚ शिवसमोऽसि
    because you are identical with śiva


  7. #7
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    Re: jnana yoga

    hariḥ oṁ


    Quote Originally Posted by yajvan View Post
    Within the kaśmiri śaivism ~ in general~ ignorance or āvidya comes in two forms: pauruṣa ajñāna and bauddha ajñāna i.e. spiritual and intellectual ignorance. When properly applied, jñāna yoga is that ointment that helps rid oneself of these blemishes. The keyword is 'helps' , as in the final analysis it is the grace of the Supreme that brings the final stroke.
    Within vedānta, and within what is found in the upaniṣad-s¹ , We would say it this way... the Self (ātman) is svatāsiddha is self-revealed, self-known on a personal -subjective -intimate level. The Self reveals itSelf to itSelf, so says the upaniṣad-s.

    What then is our responsibility ? to prepare, make ready.


    1. Two upaniṣad-s call this out : kaṭhopaniṣad (1.2.23) & muṇḍukopaniṣad (3.2.2)
    यतसà¥à¤¤à¥à¤µà¤‚ शिवसमोऽसि
    because you are identical with śiva


  8. #8

    Re: jnana yoga

    Quote Originally Posted by yajvan View Post
    hariḥ oṁ


    Within vedānta, and within what is found in the upaniṣad-s¹ , We would say it this way... the Self (ātman) is svatāsiddha is self-revealed, self-known on a personal -subjective -intimate level. The Self reveals itSelf to itSelf, so says the upaniṣad-s.

    What then is our responsibility ? to prepare, make ready.


    1. Two upaniṣad-s call this out : kaṭhopaniṣad (1.2.23) & muṇḍukopaniṣad (3.2.2)
    I have never read the upanishads. What can I do then to erase sin? In the catholic church they have absolution. I don't think that erases karma. That takes a long time.


  9. #9
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    Re: jnana yoga

    Namaste billcu,

    Your question shows your lack of knowledge of both Jnan Yoga and Karma Yoga. Though both are not mutually exclusive, I would recommend that you should first try to understand the concept of Karma Yoga as your question belongs to that.

    First of all the concept of sin in Hinduism is completely different from that in other religions. The whole universe is created and maintained under very strict laws of nature. There are right and wrong actions and there are mixed. Your actions are judged by your motives. What is right and what is wrong ? If an action takes you towards God, it is right. If it takes you away from God it is wrong.

    I try to consolidate some of the teachings pertinent to our actions and fruits of actions i.e. laws of Karma :

    a) Your actions are judged by your motive and not by just the mechanical action. If you kill your enemies (even thousands of them) in a war to safeguard your country ... you are not punished but rewarded with your place in heaven. (Ref : Bhagwad Gita)

    b) Indulging in any act for sensual pleasure will lead to misery in the long run as it is taking you away from God. Any distance from God will push you into misery. So, sex outside marriage surely will lead to misery and sufferings. In fact, sex with spouse too should be checked and controlled ... otherwise, this would also lead to unhappiness and sufferings. Too much focusing on sex in marital relations makes the marriage strained and makes the bonding superficial limited to physical level which creates occasions for psychological and spiritual conflicts.

    c) Please remember that God doesn't punish us for our wrong acts. It is the ever applicable Laws of Nature (also called the Laws of Karma) which automatically come into play to create sufferings for us for our wrong actions. The same laws work to create beneficial opportunities for fulfilling our desires if we perform the Right Actions. Sincere prayer to God can alleviate sufferings and can also show us path out of our sufferings.

    d) Laws of Karma are applicable to us only till we are not Self-realised. Self-realisation roasts all seeds of Karma and doesn't allow bearing Karmaphala (fruits of actions).

    "Om Namo Bhagvate Vaasudevaye"

  10. #10

    Re: jnana yoga

    Quote Originally Posted by devotee View Post
    Namaste billcu,

    Your question shows your lack of knowledge of both Jnan Yoga and Karma Yoga. Though both are not mutually exclusive, I would recommend that you should first try to understand the concept of Karma Yoga as your question belongs to that.

    First of all the concept of sin in Hinduism is completely different from that in other religions. The whole universe is created and maintained under very strict laws of nature. There are right and wrong actions and there are mixed. Your actions are judged by your motives. What is right and what is wrong ? If an action takes you towards God, it is right. If it takes you away from God it is wrong.

    I try to consolidate some of the teachings pertinent to our actions and fruits of actions i.e. laws of Karma :

    a) Your actions are judged by your motive and not by just the mechanical action. If you kill your enemies (even thousands of them) in a war to safeguard your country ... you are not punished but rewarded with your place in heaven. (Ref : Bhagwad Gita)

    b) Indulging in any act for sensual pleasure will lead to misery in the long run as it is taking you away from God. Any distance from God will push you into misery. So, sex outside marriage surely will lead to misery and sufferings. In fact, sex with spouse too should be checked and controlled ... otherwise, this would also lead to unhappiness and sufferings. Too much focusing on sex in marital relations makes the marriage strained and makes the bonding superficial limited to physical level which creates occasions for psychological and spiritual conflicts.

    c) Please remember that God doesn't punish us for our wrong acts. It is the ever applicable Laws of Nature (also called the Laws of Karma) which automatically come into play to create sufferings for us for our wrong actions. The same laws work to create beneficial opportunities for fulfilling our desires if we perform the Right Actions. Sincere prayer to God can alleviate sufferings and can also show us path out of our sufferings.

    d) Laws of Karma are applicable to us only till we are not Self-realised. Self-realisation roasts all seeds of Karma and doesn't allow bearing Karmaphala (fruits of actions).

    Thanks that clears up alot.


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