Originally Posted by
Namaste Yogic_lighter
There seems to be some confusion. By referring to God means the same Brahman which is formless attribute and not a personal deity like Rama, Krishna. Shiva is also one of the trinity known by other names like Mahesh and Shankar. There is another meaning of Shiva, meaning 'Kalyan kari' which means auspicious, doing good, beneficial or sometimes even referred to as ever blissful. Many say that Shiva and Shankar are different. Shiva is formless from which everything including trinity emerged.
The reason I suggested to chant Om Namah Shivaya and worship linga swarupa is that initially you can feel it is a dual worship, but later on, you can shift to non-dual.
Technically, there is no need to chant more than one mantra. When one can meditate for 3 hours, mantra continues in subconscious mind the whole day even when you are fully concentrating in your work like studying or developing a software (coding). It continues in sub-conscious mind. when you drop the work or just finish the work and relax, spontaneously the mantra pops up, just like a song pops up without making conscious effort to recall it. Even the mantra goes on whole night and the proof or barometer is that the first thought upon waking should be the mantra.
This is the reason why one should not chant more than one mantra. You bend and respect all deities, but worship only one for salvation (moksha).
But then Advaita should suit you. This is the reason why I requested you to undergo a litmus test to meditate for 45 minutes on OM.
If you manage to sit, then you can continue, if not, then we can think of something different.
Also note that being lazy or not being social does not mean the mind is pure. Some self-centered people also live this way. Purity and worthyness is mirrored to the seeker when one meditates. The most important thing is that God accepts you and guides you.
By saying surrendering to God means surrender to the brahman. Though initially you can surrender to Lord Shankara or Shiva (with form), but you do not need to chant his mantra.
There are times when we re not mentally stable i.e. we are upset or hurt or dis-heartened and you cannot accept things at they are.. At that time, strictly following advaita where have accept things as they are and stay neutral is not possible. Keep emotions inside is like like a time bomb waiting to explode. When your mind is saturated, then there is an out-burst and you may get angry on anyone for no reason. So when attempts to stay neutral fails, then it's better to vent frustration or anger to God. After the emotional outlet, mind calms and you can again follow advaita principles. Mind is not that strong to follow advaita purely. I sometimes even surrender my feelings or emotions to God when I am hurt. though these days, I just stay surrendered (all the time) and be aware and any external influence fades away.
I simply say, Oh God please take this anger away and give my pure devotion. I just want to surrender to you. I do not visualize any form of God, but still it works. I feel light and relaxed after such surrender. This may not be a pure advaita way, but my mind is not that strong follow pure advaita 100 %. there were times when I even prayed to Sri Ramakrishna. The thing is, mind should become neutral.
Vairagya or dispassion is absence of (worldly) desires (in mind). It makes one to be one with God as one gives less importance to worldly issues and objects. Also note that vairagya is useful only if it is accompnied by Viveka. So by meaning vairagya means Jnan-Yukta Vairagya i.e. Dispassion accompanied by Discrimination between real (satya) and unreal (A-Sarya) and even illusion (mithya)
Sri Ramakrishna says:
Pure Brahman is like ocean, pure water. When freezed by the cold of Bhakti, it forms a definite shape in the form of Ice. Ice is nothing but water. Ocean is pure water without any external changes, while ice is also water, but looks and has different characteristics then water.
Technically bot hare same. Similarly, when one is worshiping a personal deity like Ram, Krishna, then they are actually worshipping the pure form of God. Just like when you are touching Ice, you are actually touching water. So in Gita Sri Krishna says, *as Pure Brahman* says that everything that you offer finally reaches Me.
*It is not Bansidhar Krishna i.e. the one holding Flute or Pitambardhari i.e. one wearing dress called as Pitambar. Sri Krishna is saying from Stanpoint of Supreme reality. that is why Gita ends with Jnana Marg and the last chapter is Moksha Sanyas Yog (18th chapter) and not Vishva-rupa Darshan Yog (11th chapter). Arjuna ends with the statement, " my moha (attachment and egoism i.e. identification with body, etc) has perished and I have recalled my true nature ... and I am ready to do as you say (unconditionally). It does not end with something like " I am overwhelmed by your divine vision and just want to stay at your lotus feet"