Re: Do not proceed without be established in Yama and Niyama: why?
Originally Posted by
Furthermore these western "yogis" don't always follow or even know what some yamas and niyamas really are:for example Brahmacharya
I am afraid also that such "Yoga" is almost a "new age stuff".
May Lord Krishna save us western hindus from such distortions of true yoga!
Reading Georg Feuerstein's Tantra The Path to Ecstacy, it becomes clear why western yoga is nothing more than fitness with some affectations (chanting om & opening & closing sessions with "namaste"). One can see from just a few lines of 1 chapter why "yoga" in the west is totally devoid of the true goal of union with the Divine.
śivasya hridayam viṣṇur viṣṇoscha hridayam śivaḥ