Re: Brahmacharya: "only" chastity or also stop of every sense enjoyment?
hariḥ oṁ
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It is said in Vivek Chudamani that destruction of desires is nothing but liberation. Even in bhakti, you only and only think of God and nothing else. All else emotions get transformed into love for God or fade away.
I have a different view ( been taught differently) regarding this matter. It is from the infusion of sattva that one begins to have the Supreme in one's awareness at all times. It is not the other way around. That is, it is a tall order for one to think of the Supreme constently without strain. Yet while one is filled with sattva ( from one's successful practice) the Supreme (kṣetrajña) then becomes resident within one's awareness without strain.
Obsticles (antarāyāḥ) become less over time and with proper practice. Yet the biggest kept secret is the Supreme is there whether we know it or not. Not one second goes by Him...
iti śivaṁ
यतसà¥à¤¤à¥à¤µà¤‚ शिवसमोऽसि
because you are identical with śiva