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Thread: Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?

  1. #1

    Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?

    Hi I know there are meditations as well as techniques. I was wondering which meditation, chant, or mantra will be best for dealing with Irrational Fears and Anxiety?

    So far I have been practicing Buddhist Zazen Meditation, I find it has been improving my focus and my stream of self awareness, but I still cant help to feel those irrational fears when they happen.

    Any advice in general with dealing with this as it's happening would be great too. Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Re: Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?

    Meditate on your fear. Where is it? Can you find it?

  3. #3
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    Re: Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?

    In addition you can chant the Hare Krishna mantra - as it is in my signature

  4. #4
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    Re: Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?

    Namaste and pranams.

    I don't have a 'mantra' to deal with fear, because I don't think there's any specific one, really.

    I also don't know if you believe in the concept of 'God' or 'Oversoul' or 'Higher Power' or 'Angel' or whatever the case may be.

    I believe in Lord Shiva and just surrender all my fears to Him (especially the 'irrational' ones). Shiva is the source of all rationality and logic for me....also, all Love in its most purest form.

    Just pray in your own language and with your own heart. If it's to Lord Ganesha whom you pray, you can say "Om Gam Ganapataye Namah...dear sweet Lord you may/not be aware, I have this tiny 'obstacle' here I need a bit of help, have a flower...thank you, my beloved Lord..." something like that. Just do it with and out of love.....and do it often.

    If you pray to Lord Krishna, the Maha Mantra is the very best thing...even if you don't pray to Lord Krishna * I still go into blissful trance upon hearing the Radha Krishna Temple Album (RIP Ravi & George).

    Anyway, Love and Faith conquers fear if you want a short version.

    Aum Namah Shivaya.

  5. #5
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    Re: Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?

    Necromancer has given a wonderful suggestion. Just for a variety or knowledge purpose:- You can also worship Sudharshan Chakra, the deity presiding over Sudharshan Chakra is especially worshipped to get rid of fear of any kind.

    Sudarshan Chakra

    jai hanuman gyan gun sagar jai kapis tihu lok ujagar

  6. #6

    Re: Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?

    Hi !

    I am a follower of Shriram Sharma Acharya, Swami Vivekananda and Ramkrishna Paramhansa. All scientific spiritualists that help us deal with anxiety and irrational elements that present themselves in our lives :

    The Gayatri Mantra and its continous Jap has tremendous benefits that can help you deal with anxiety and irrational fears. You can meditate using the gayatri Mantra itself and feel the rising sun and its rays fall on your body and help dispel the fears. It works.

    The Gayatri + Durga Mantra works great too.

    To know how the Gayatri Mantra scientifically benefits and impacts you follow the link below and you can also read the book " SUPER SCIENCE OF GAYATRI " by Sharma Acharya for free.

    If you need help with a meditation video ... do drop me a line on and I'll send the links to you. They are miraculous. I have dealt with this problem myself and the above has helped me wonderfully!

    Best regards,

  7. #7
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    Re: Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?

    Namaste Spirit Seeker

    This isn’t a mantra (though I do mention one in this post), however I would recommend you sing a bhajan to Durga after puja. Take a herbal bath, then worship or meditate before Durga who removes fear with your hands in the “Surya Mudra” (Mudra of the Sun) posture, you can chant the mantra “Om Dum Durgayei Namaha” then lastly sing a bhajan with Bhakti in your heart to rid fear and anxiety:

    You may listen to this Durga Devotional on Youtube for your consideration:

    You may consider singing:
    Sarva Swarupe Sarveshe
    Sarva Shakti Samanvite
    Bhaye Bhyastra Himo Devi
    Durge Devi Namostute
    You who are everything
    You who are the life in all things
    You who are obsessed taking away the
    suffering of those who take refuge in you
    To you Oh Golden Mother, Salutations

    7 "Sins":

    Doubt leads to Anxiety and Fear
    Fear leads to Hatred
    Hatred ends with violence
    Jealousy and Greed are Twin Sisters

    I hope Bhakti to Durga give you this peace from fear and anxiety!

    Om Namah Sivaya

  8. #8
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    Re: Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?

    Quote Originally Posted by Viraja View Post
    Necromancer has given a wonderful suggestion. Just for a variety or knowledge purpose:- You can also worship Sudharshan Chakra, the deity presiding over Sudharshan Chakra is especially worshipped to get rid of fear of any kind.

    Sudarshan Chakra

    Pls can you tell me how to worship Sudarshan Chakra and is it also good to get rid of hate, rage and anger?

  9. #9
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    Re: Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?

    Hello Spirit Seeker:

    Fear comes from impurities, i.e. the three malas (google these). Every time I am further purified (by my guru's shakti), and experience my oneness with Paramashiva, I have less fear.

    The turning point came when I identified my top fear, which was being alone. Not an intellectual understanding, but rather seeing clearly what my main attachment has been in this lifetime. All other fears and attachments are parts of this main fear.

    What changed? I truly offered my fear to my guru, to the sadguru. It was burnt up in the fire, instantly. This is because of her grace, and my complete understanding followed by complete action.

    Since then I do not feel very much fear. When fear arises, I immediately recognize it as contracted consciousness, made from my Beloved, offered to him immediately with love. This is my favorite dharana.

    What is your fear? What fear contains all your fears? Who can you offer your fear to, confident that they will burn it up in the sacred fire? Can you have this courage? The prize for this courage is GREAT.

    "At the still point, there the dance is" -T.S. Elliot

  10. #10

    Re: Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?

    Namaste Spirit Seeker,

    Chanting and meditating upon the name "Ram" is suitable for all ills.

    Jai Sri Ram!
    Sanatana Dharma ki Jai!
    Jai Hanuman

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