Re: Which meditation or mantra to deal with Irrational fear?
As an additional FYI, the NarsiMha praNAm is short and sweet way to develop a relationship with the NarsiMha form of BhagvAn NArAyaN (KRshNa), and you cannot be afraid in His company.
NarsiMha praNAm
NarsiMha jayanti, pictures
Ultimately it is surrender and devotion to the Lord, that has no room for fear or irrational thoughts. It means total dependance on Him with no independant adventures of one's own.
Of course faith (shraddhA) is a much needed pre-requisite.
A story:
An otherwise materialistic person full of hatred once gave a "shAp" (curse) to another that they will be reborn as an insect, and kept repeating that venomously. How did this poor one overcome the associated fear? The only way was to fully and completely give oneself to Shri BhagavAn, the Supreme Friend, Supreme WellWisher. No desires (regarding oneself) remain after this.
Fear is also a symptom of desire and expectation.
I expect A, hence I fear the possibility of not A.
I expect not A hence the fear of A.
Hare KRshNa
|| Shri KRshNArpaNamastu ||