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Thread: Teach me about Vishishtadvaita.

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    Re: Teach me about Vishishtadvaita.

    Quote Originally Posted by jignyAsu View Post
    I think I have my quote now. Please search for:

    "The cognitions are real, but the things are not real"


    I think this is not Purvapakshi, it is Sri Ramanuja.

    My thought is that the problem with making objects real is that the basic VA philosophy of truth being not contrary to perception (clear) maybe violated. .

    A question for everyone looking at this topic -

    If BhagavAn comes and tells the devotee something or instructs them in a dream, similarly if a Guru does the same, would that be unreal? His Darshan, the place, what He conveys, everything?

    What about the numerous intuitive dreams that predict future events, give hints, warnings, guidance...

    What about examples of KRshNa saying in Madhavendra Puri's dream "I (My vigraha) am stuck here in such and such a place under soil in heat (thanks to Muslim invasions). Remove Me and place Me in a cool location, apply sandalwood"
    and the devotee going to that place to find that being exactly the case?

    These dreams are mediums of communication.

    If objects in dreams got real, then maybe it will become the object of other people's perception - just a thought
    I am at home, and I hear the cuckoo sing in the tree by the window. Other people are not at home and they do not see or hear the cuckoo.
    Does that make the cuckoo unreal?

    ** I am not saying dream objects are real as a rule. Most are a kind way to burn insignificant karma (a consequence given - and most nightmares are such consequences). However, we can't apply that in all cases.

    Also noticed that some dreams could be a result/outcome of others' conscious thoughts about you or what they think you should be doing, those others who you interact with during the day, not conveyed or spoken aloud by them. This is one-time or accidental chance meetings, not talking about those you regularly interact with.
    Somehow you sense and trace the reason behind the dream to be their inner thoughts and attitude even though they hide it. As if their wish to try a hand at influencing is given a chance by paramAtmA even though He directly wants you to do the opposite in real life.
    You just KNOW that was what it was. Please don't ask "how do you know"
    Ultimately the One behind all this is ParamAtmA.

    om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya ~
    Last edited by smaranam; 21 November 2013 at 05:31 AM.
    || Shri KRshNArpaNamastu ||

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