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Thread: Karma Yoga

  1. #1
    Join Date
    July 2012
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    Karma Yoga


    Please, could someone direct me to some resources on Karma Yoga? That is books, on-line articles etc. I am specifically interested in the aspect of the seemingly trivial day-to-day activities of Man, like work, household tasks, physical exercise etc. I have a hard time in some cases understanding where the dividing line goes between when the actions are egoistic driven and when they become an offering to the Lord. Example: i have a choice to leave work at normal hours and go home performing Puja, meditate, reading the Gita etc., but i can also work overtime because i need the money that month to buy a new car. I will work my normal hours as an offering to the Lord, and i can work overtime as an offering to the Lord, but the latter will initially be egoistic driven, its basis will be of the lower personality


  2. #2
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    Re: Karma Yoga

    Gita defines karma yoga as
    yastvindriyANi manasA niyamyArabhate.arjuna .
    karmendriyaiH karmayogamasaktaH sa vishiShyate ( 3.7)

    Thus, karma yoga is control of senses by the mind. Whatever actions that helps us to obtain total control over the ten indriya-s (which will aid the "inward turning" of the mind) is karma yoga.

    Karma yoga is indeed quite different from karma. The qualification of the word yoga there must make it obvious that karma yoga is in a very holy sphere. kAmya karma-s or actions tainted with desire cannot fall within the purview of karma yoga for obvious reasons. Work done at office does not make karma yoga because it is based on "give and take" relationship. You work because you get salary and other benefits. If you don't get paid you will leave the job. Such actions do not make karma yoga.

    Karma yoga or Kriya yoga roughly equates to all kinds of religeous karma-s (japa, upAsana, prANAyAma, nine modes of worship etc) done solely with the aim of obtaining the divine grace. Proper practice of this yoga will lead to spiritual awakening due to the divine grace. With a lot of practice, we will become more mature and be able to extend the focus of karma yoga to not just religeous activities, but day to day tasks also, and do all work in a manner free from selfish motives. Such an aspirant is called aruruxa and he strives to become a yogArUdha.

    ArurukShormuneryogaM karma kAraNamuchyate
    yogArUDhasya tasyaiva shamaH kAraNamuchyate

    The advanced yogi who has become a master of yoga is called the yogArUDha and others striving to become yogis are called Aruruxa-s.
    Guard your Dharma, Burn the Myth, Promote the Truth, Crush the superstition.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: Karma Yoga


    I have found this book very helpful in clarifying some doubts esp. about the omnipresent 'right / wrong' conflict in our daily lives.


    You can find a PDF online.

    Jay Shri Krishna

  4. #4
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    Re: Karma Yoga

    Quote Originally Posted by Dharmi View Post

    Please, could someone direct me to some resources on Karma Yoga? That is books, on-line articles etc. I am specifically interested in the aspect of the seemingly trivial day-to-day activities of Man, like work, household tasks, physical exercise etc. I have a hard time in some cases understanding where the dividing line goes between when the actions are egoistic driven and when they become an offering to the Lord. Example: i have a choice to leave work at normal hours and go home performing Puja, meditate, reading the Gita etc., but i can also work overtime because i need the money that month to buy a new car. I will work my normal hours as an offering to the Lord, and i can work overtime as an offering to the Lord, but the latter will initially be egoistic driven, its basis will be of the lower personality

    As Krishna Bhagvan in the Bhagvad Gita says Karma is given free to us, only the humble ones know that they do not act alone but instead we are guided by the divine in all our actions and hence even though we take part in all our daily activities we need to renounce our attachments towards our actions. This is Karma yoga.

  5. #5

    Light Re: Karma Yoga

    Namaste Dharmi, I found an e-book today on Karma Yoga written by Swami Sivananda and thought of your post. It is 119 pages, I have not read it yet, but maybe you will find something helpful in it. It is called "Practice of Karma Yoga" and is available to download as a free .pdf or to buy as a print edition on the Divine Life Society HQ website here

  6. #6
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    Re: Karma Yoga


    Thank you all for your contributions! As i understand it then integration of karma yoga has an element of evolution in it, where the day-to-day activities will eventually be conducted for the Divine, with right practice and patience?

    Both the PDFs looks right on the spot from the little i have had time to browse them, good find!

    Last edited by Dharmi; 22 April 2013 at 12:36 AM.

  7. #8

    Re: Karma Yoga

    Karma Yoga - by Swami Vivekananda

    (free pdf of entire book)

    Swami Vivekananda was one of only a handful of people that Mahatma Gandhi recognized as a true saint...

  8. #9

    Re: Karma Yoga

    Hindu Yogi on Helping The Poor

    My heart is too full to express my feeling; you know it, you can imagine it. So long as the millions live in hunger and ignorance, I hold every man a traitor who,

    having been educated at their expense, pays not the least heed to them. I call those men-- who strut about in their finery, having got all their money by grinding

    the poor---wretches, so long as they do not do anything for those two hundred millions who are now no better than hungry savages. We are poor, my brothers, we are

    nobodies; but such have been always the instruments of the Most High.

    -- Swami Vivekananda...

  9. Re: Karma Yoga

    Swami Vivekananda wrote extensively on Karma (and all subjects).

    His complete works are online, free...

    Here is a link to his book "Karma Yoga"


    and here is a link to his complete works:

    We should try to devote our actions to God. We are limited and imperfect. And we are weak. If we try to throw every single desire out the window, immediately, we will just wind up in a psychiatric hospital.

    We have to slowly conquer our desires, over time.

    If we are working to support our family and for their well being, that is an act of service to them...and through them, to God.

    If we are buying the latest sports car for ourselves, clearly that is an indulgence and a serious one.

    And we should try to avoid doing that.

    But, avoiding doing that can also mean finding something we do enjoy, which is just simpler and easier.

    If you have a horrible day and work and find yourself tempted to cheat on your spouse....and one shot of whiskey will calm you down...then take that one shot of whiskey, instead of committing the greater sin of betraying your wife.

    If you feel like doing something for yourself, do something simpler if you can.

    Swami Vivekananda defined sin very simply. He said that sin is doing harm.

    In your life, try to do the most good and try to do the least harm.

    And if you are stressed and need some time for yourself, take some time for yourself. Go for a hike, for a swim. Find a gourmet chocolate shop and treat yourself.

    It is very telling what the Buddha said, as his last words and last advice.

    He did not yell and say that you must find Enlightenment as soon as possible...his last words were...."do your best."

    It is the loving advice of an infinitely loving being to us.

    Try to do your best.

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