I know Raamaayana and Mahaabhaaratha. Thanks to DoorDarshan and Raajaji. I am learning Bhagavath Geetha (Gita Press) every day. Of late downloaded Hindi translations of both the epics which has the original Sanskrit text as well and started reading in my free time. Going by my available free time, I will be fully occupied with these scriptures at least for next two years.
I was introduced to Advaita through a HDF friend. Out of curiosity learnt the mere basics of Dvaita, Advaita, Vishitadvaita etc etc through internet articles.
With my basic knowledge I cannot make a concluding statement but I don't see any need to be even aware of these philosophies.
I make my living by writing software programs, but never bothered to know beyond my specialized area. I never felt handicapped by not knowing machine language.
Bhagavath Geetha is addressing all my spiritual questions. I know Shiva followers may not get connected to the epics or Geetha but still they will have Shiva specific scriptures.
So my question to the learned members of HDF is, why should any one learn these philosophies. What is the advantage of knowing these philosophies.
I might sound arrogant or ignorant, but I am puzzled with this question. Will these philosophies give me what Bhagavath Geetha cannot offer.