Re: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc
Why learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishishtadvaita? Well, why learn bhagavad-gItA? If you believe it is important to understand bhagavad-gItA, then you will eventually have to understand the philosophical systems whose founders/revivers have proposed as explanations of the text. It may or may be one of these three systems you find most convincing - certainly there are other minor schools that might be worth considering. But, Advaita, Dvaita, and Vishishtadvaita represent the spectrum of differing points of view and you will probably learn most about vedAnta by learning these three. And make no mistake, bhagavad-gItA is a vedAntic text.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say. Fools speak because they have to say something." - Plato