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Thread: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc

  1. #21
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    Re: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc

    Namaste Smaranam ji,

    is still on the laukik, sAnsAric, material platform....
    i do not relate to the person in that material role any more - this body and its relationships, that others falsely identify me with.
    As on date when my fellow humans are living like insects or blown up like crackers at eateries or get a L shaped rusted iron rod inserted into their reproductive tract just because one juvenile derived fun in doing so, how can I let myself believe that its all my illusions or what ever other philosophies want me to believe?

    I would ask why should anyone give up their material role. May be when I read and assimilate Bhagavath Gita into my system, will be able to think beyond this material world.

    Like I said in the #13th post, I am not yet ready for these philosophies. All I can understand now is, these thoughts have come from great minds. And I have to be spiritually matured enough to attempt this.

  2. #22

    Re: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc

    Last edited by smaranam; 14 March 2013 at 04:37 AM.
    || Shri KRshNArpaNamastu ||

  3. #23
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    Re: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc

    Namaste Smaranam ji,

    I will articulate my thoughts on this subject and send it as a PM in about weeks time. In case you have any issues with PM because of the 50 message limitation, let me know. If I open up for the entire forum it will sound like more of tangential questions.

    Thanks again for your replies. They made distinct difference to my spiritual quest.

  4. #24

    Re: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc

    Why learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishishtadvaita? Well, why learn bhagavad-gItA? If you believe it is important to understand bhagavad-gItA, then you will eventually have to understand the philosophical systems whose founders/revivers have proposed as explanations of the text. It may or may be one of these three systems you find most convincing - certainly there are other minor schools that might be worth considering. But, Advaita, Dvaita, and Vishishtadvaita represent the spectrum of differing points of view and you will probably learn most about vedAnta by learning these three. And make no mistake, bhagavad-gItA is a vedAntic text.


    "Wise men speak because they have something to say. Fools speak because they have to say something." - Plato

  5. #25
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    Re: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc

    Namaste Philosoraptor ji,

    BG uttered by Bhagwaan Shree Krishna himself while other philosophies are humans interpretations. I am not saying this in order to argue, but that is my understanding.

    Like someone in this thread had said irrespective of me knowledge on these philosophies the world would continue to function the same way. Moreover, have understood the importance of these textS but as on date due to my limited spiritual maturity unable to appreciate the importance of it over BG.

  6. #26
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    Re: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc

    I would not recommend jumping straight into learning about philosophical schools. It's important to first build a foundation learning the Sanskrit language, logic and to become familiar with the Shastras (Vedas, Itihasas, Puranas). It's also important that you establish a regular religious practice and have strong faith to avoid becoming an arm chair scholar.

  7. #27
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    Re: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc

    What's funny to me is when it is very, very hard to understand these philosophical works, when we ask anyone to give a brief description of any of these philosophies, they tend to give an equally hard-to-comprehend 'brief' answers!! People with real wisdom and spiritual inclination should rather come forward to explain their hard earned knowledge in delightfully easy language, only which will serve to motivate the reader to know them fully well and undertake the quest to read them himself/herself. If I possessed this knowledge (which I am trying to slowly get at) I will first make a vow to make it understandable and readable what I say first.
    jai hanuman gyan gun sagar jai kapis tihu lok ujagar

  8. #28

    Re: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc

    Quote Originally Posted by Viraja View Post
    What's funny to me is when it is very, very hard to understand these philosophical works, when we ask anyone to give a brief description of any of these philosophies, they tend to give an equally hard-to-comprehend 'brief' answers!! People with real wisdom and spiritual inclination should rather come forward to explain their hard earned knowledge in delightfully easy language, only which will serve to motivate the reader to know them fully well and undertake the quest to read them himself/herself.
    Assuming such a thing is possible at all.

    Do we expect a microbiologist to be able to describe his field in "delightfully easy language"? Sutra bhashyas are extremely dry and large works, mainly because of the nature of the subject (almost impossible to find someone who has read a bhashya in full) and I do not see how anyone could simplify this into easy language.

    The study of Vedanta is not for everyone and it is unfortunate that some modern groups have given the public the wrong impression that anyone and everyone can learn it.

  9. #29
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    Re: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc

    Quote Originally Posted by shiv.somashekhar View Post
    Assuming such a thing is possible at all.

    Do we expect a microbiologist to be able to describe his field in "delightfully easy language"? Sutra bhashyas are extremely dry and large works, mainly because of the nature of the subject (almost impossible to find someone who has read a bhashya in full) and I do not see how anyone could simplify this into easy language.

    The study of Vedanta is not for everyone and it is unfortunate that some modern groups have given the public the wrong impression that anyone and everyone can learn it.
    Siddhantas such as VA, Advaita, Dwaita are indeed dry philosophical works. But they aren't exactly 'Microbiology' either. What you say sounds like saying that someone who should have some basic work like a 4-yr degree done on priliminary vedanta can only pursue trying to understand these philosophies. Whereas it is not so. I have not read any basic book on Vedanta, I do find my book on Vishishtadvaita hard to read, but its DOABLE. There are no terms here to define, other than understanding the English description of Sanskrit terms the author of the book elaborates. What I am asking for is merely a translation of the same in simple English.
    jai hanuman gyan gun sagar jai kapis tihu lok ujagar

  10. #30

    Re: Why Should I learn Dvaita / Advaita / Vishitadvaita / etc

    Quote Originally Posted by Viraja View Post
    Siddhantas such as VA, Advaita, Dwaita are indeed dry philosophical works. But they aren't exactly 'Microbiology' either. What you say sounds like saying that someone who should have some basic work like a 4-yr degree done on priliminary vedanta can only pursue trying to understand these philosophies.
    That is pretty much how it is. The study of vedanta requires pre-requisites and qualifications - both of which are being ignored. With the present day approach "interest" is the only prerequisite and qualification to study Vedanta. But this is not the traditional approach, much like one cannot get into medical school today on just the basis of interest. He would have to demonstrate he is qualified for the study of medicine (MCAT, etc). Similarly, the Guru played the role of testing qualifications before signing on a student and this is a key step that is skipped today with the availability of printed books.

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