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Thread: YOUR opinion on The Gods?

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    YOUR opinion on The Gods?

    Namaste all.

    What is your opinion/perspective on the God's and Deitys that are outside Hinduism and are a part of different cultural pantheons?

    Are they Non-Existant? Fictional? Or a Different Manifestation of a Particular Deity/Energy?

    To me personally, I believe most of the gods around the world from different cultural backgrounds are the same exact deities/energies interpreted differently. I take Carl Jungs stance as he was a Great Psychologist as well as Mystic.

    I believe many of the God's Fit in Psychological Archetypal patterns in the Collective Human Unconsciousness while those deities simultaneous carry an independent life on their own. ALL THE SAME ENERGY, It is US that Separate them.

    This is just to serve as an example for comparison, it doesn't have to be accurate. Lets say Thor And Odin of the Viking Religion are the Same energies as Visnu And Shiva. Or Kali Ma is the same energy as Lilith in Judaism, or Hecate. Rama is Hades etc. etc.

    Krishna being the same energy as Obatala in the Yoruba pantheon. So I'm not referring to Monism/Universalism. Still separate distinct energies, that fit particular archetypes, WE separate them based on our conditioned interpretations. But they carry a life on their own.

    For many this is a "New-Agey" thing to believe. I'm not Universalist by any means nor are my beliefs anywhere close to Neo-New Age Thinking.

    I consider myself A realist, and my views will be closest to Carl Jungs stance on the Deities, and the archetypes they fit in the collective unconscious, rather than One God many manifestations that monists stand by.

    Thoughts Anyone?
    Last edited by Spirit Seeker; 04 March 2013 at 07:12 PM.
    For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice. ~Joseph Dunninger

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