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Thread: Sanjay Dutt-Jail time

  1. #11

    Re: Sanjay Dutt-Jail time

    Okay it makes sense now. Thanks.


  2. #12
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    Re: Sanjay Dutt-Jail time

    Namaste Dhyandev,

    I was searching for more insight into the vedic quote you had given. In the process found this piece of text very interesting and hence thought of sharing

    some excerpts which may help us to understand Karma and the present inequalities

    The soul might leave the body, but is still tied to its desires and karmas. Alexander the Great had asked his General to leave his empty hands hanging out of the coffin upon his death to show that you enter and exit empty-handed. But Vedic sages knew that you take with you your desires and karmas and they decide your next birth and body. So if all your life you have desired being looked after, in your next birth you could be a Queen but you could also be a Chihuahua!

    The thought of what lies ahead troubles all. There is nothing called a solution or ‘upaya’. A problem is just a manifestation of your negative karmas – you may look at it as the fruit of your wrongdoings or a divine chance to improve your karmic balance or you may continue fooling yourself by looking for solutions. The science of mantras and healing can temporarily stop your karmas from playing out, but they cannot dissolve your karma for you will have to bear the effect of your karmas, sooner or later.

    If you have strong desire for being looked after and leading a life of luxury, and have the backing of strong karmas, you might be born to a privileged family in your next birth. If, however, despite the strong desire your karmas do not allow this, you will still be given what you want, but at a lower level of existence - maybe as an exotic pet. Your desires determine what you get but your karmas decide how you get it.
    There is no end to desires. King Yayati, even after enjoying youth for a thousand years, was left wanting for more. However, resources are limited, wants are unlimited. So whenever you take more than you need, you are doing it by depriving someone else and hence, adding to your negative karmas. So if you have been born to a good family and still you are busy collecting for yourself, be rest assured your next birth will be a much lower form with similar desires, but with less means to attain them. And it will become a vicious circle of births and deaths, your desires and problems remaining unchanged and your state deteriorating constantly.

    You may continue going downwards or change your desires, to elevate to a higher state. So learn to transcend your desires.

  3. #13
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    Re: Sanjay Dutt-Jail time


    This question has reference to one of my discussion with Sahasranama. Sahasranama once told that by doing prayaschitha one can absolve their negative karma. Can any one help me to understand more about prayaschitha? How it is different from Christians way of confession?

    In Hinduism, the karma phala can be burned without having to endure them. For example this can be done through prayaschitta or by grace. The greatest prayaschitta is chanting of the name Krishna.
    Devotion is not an excuse to willingly do bad things. But it should also not be underestimated how potent it is to cleanse sins. The story of Ajamila is illustrative of this.
    Our discussion can be found here.

  4. #14
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    Re: Sanjay Dutt-Jail time

    Quote Originally Posted by Anirudh View Post

    This question has reference to one of my discussion with Sahasranama. Sahasranama once told that by doing prayaschitha one can absolve their negative karma. Can any one help me to understand more about prayaschitha? How it is different from Christians way of confession?

    Our discussion can be found here.
    In general it is not easy to get rid of sins that were done with full knowledge of the consequences of the act. Those done in ignorance or without the knowledge of the full implications of the karma may be absolved more easily. As an analogy, for two people doing the same crime, and if one of them is a layman and the other is a law enforcing official, it is very likely that the law enforcing official will be given a bigger punishment and will be shown no leniency.

    In general, we classify karmas into two - dhrida (immutable) karma and adhrida(mutable) karmas. The former kinds of karmas are generally not resolvable through any means but by the procurement of jnAna. The effects of later kinds of karma can be resolved or lessened through several means - through prayers, repentence, prayaschitta etc, or by undergoing the effects of karmas. There is then the talk of the grace of God absolving sins, but in my opinion there is no separate grace of God that operates without our repentence or efforts in the direction.

    Whatever be the past karma-s, God has given us the faculty of vairAgya. Give up desires and become indifferent to the opposites, and you can escape from most of the karma-s even when they act on you. Karma can really affect only the people who have some thing to loose, where you have nothing to loose and have lost your ego, the karma-s are defanged automatically. Be a silent witeness to every thing that happens to you, without entangling yourself into the mess. Either do that, or undertake the practice of yoga, and with draw yourself from world of karma-s.
    Guard your Dharma, Burn the Myth, Promote the Truth, Crush the superstition.

  5. #15
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    Re: Sanjay Dutt-Jail time

    yasya sarve samarambhah
    tam ahuh panditam budhah

    B.G 4.19
    One is understood to be in full knowledge whose every act is devoid of desire for sense gratification. He is said by sages to be a worker whose fruitive action is burned up by the fire of perfect knowledge.
    तद्विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया ।
    उपदेक्ष्यन्ति ते ज्ञानं ज्ञानिनस्तत्वदर्शिनः ॥

    उस ज्ञान को तू तत्वदर्शी ज्ञानियों के पास जाकर समझ, उनको भलीभाँति दण्डवत्* प्रणाम करने से, उनकी सेवा करने से और कपट छोड़कर सरलतापूर्वक प्रश्न करने से वे परमात्म तत्व को भलीभाँति जानने वाले ज्ञानी महात्मा तुझे उस तत्वज्ञान का उपदेश करेंगे. श्रीमद्*भगवद्*गीता-4.34

  6. #16

    Re: Sanjay Dutt-Jail time

    Those who show sympathy on Sanjay Dutt today are not bothered about the victims & their families of Mumbai blast. Justice has been delayed by more than 2 decades and has been diluted to a great extent.

    Nobody wants to celebrate the punishment given to Sanjay Dutt and at the same time no body should create undue sympathy for him. Indian judiciary is highly independent and he has to undergo whatever punishment awarded to him
    'Let Noble Thoughts come to us from all sides' – Rigveda 1-89-i.

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