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Thread: Shrimad BhAgvat says... points to ponder about the Supreme Lord and His Creation

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    Re: Shrimad BhAgvat says... points to ponder about the Supreme Lord and His Creation

    Quote Originally Posted by hinduism♥krishna View Post
    Through devotion he knows Me truly, who I am and how great; then having known Me in essence, he forthwith enters into the Supreme 18.55
    [ in this way through devotion one knows the lord krishnas real form which is bramhan. After knowing it he enters or merges into bramhan. Here we also came to know that devotion is not the final mukti as some vaishnwas say. Only oneness with bramhan is the absolute bliss which is indescribable. ]

    However, within that oneness, there can be twoness or manyness, and this is what Goloka is. My ShyAm and I are two entities sharing the same AtmA, and yet we are one, and yet there is Him and me.
    He is my AtmA. period.
    He drives [the chariot].
    He is the aja, Original, omni-everything One.

    Do you think I am nuts to let go of His Lotus Feet ever ?
    Who would let go of GhanashyAm's Lotus Feet ?

    People tell me "Now you have to become one with KRshNa"
    But I am already One with KRshNa! and this is as One as we can get.
    Forget vipralambha. He tells me neither of Us has that choice of "going away" from each other, and I do see the sillyness of that thought - as we are the same AtmA and inseperable.

    As far as seeing Him in all beings, fine, this is as far as it goes.

    The TukArAm and DnyAneshwar dinDis are on their way to PanDharpUr. It is indeed blissful to have a glimpse (darshan) of the two saints' pAdukA (Lotus Feet / slippers in silver). But watching the ocean of vArkaris* is a totally different experience. At one point I say "This is all all me. This is me going to PanDharpUr in so many forms. Why, PAnDurang LIlA is manifesting in the form of this ocean of vArkaris! What kind of a Vitthal He must be that the world [of devotees] goes to meet Him, walking miles and miles on foot for days (3 weeks!), chanting, singing, dancing on the way - as if it were one giant unanimous ocean.
    Such glorification of the Lord as never seen before!

    * vArkari = devotees who travel to the place of the Supreme Lord, in this case, PandharpUr - the headquarters of Shri KRshNa as Vitthal (standing on a brick - viT), a.k.a. PAnDuranga.
    vAri = a trip (to and fro travel - to/from a destination). kari = doers. Makers of vAri are vArkari.
    Last edited by smaranam; 05 July 2013 at 05:34 AM.
    || Shri KRshNArpaNamastu ||

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