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Thread: NARASIMHA VS Virabhadra in Siva Purana

  1. #1

    NARASIMHA VS Virabhadra in Siva Purana

    namas te

    I read the story from Siva Purana that the most powerfull Vishnu form was killed by Sharabha avatar of Shiva. How Shiva could kill Vishnu avatar? It because sivaites puranas were changed or there is another explonation for this. Someone wise can explain it to me please?

  2. #2
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    Re: NARASIMHA VS Virabhadra in Siva Purana

    In some of the avataras of Vishnu such as Sri Narasimha Avatara, Sri Boovaraha Avatara, Sri Matsyavatara, Sri Kurmavatara, after the enormity of the avatara, Sri Vishnu was too 'ugra' or 'ferocious' and unable to assume his former self. At this juncture, Lord Shiva is said to have assumed forms that brought forth a battle between huge Vishnu form and himself at the end of which Shiva is said to have cooled down Sri Vishnu.
    jai hanuman gyan gun sagar jai kapis tihu lok ujagar

  3. #3

    Re: NARASIMHA VS Virabhadra in Siva Purana

    Quote Originally Posted by Viraja View Post
    In some of the avataras of Vishnu such as Sri Narasimha Avatara, Sri Boovaraha Avatara, Sri Matsyavatara, Sri Kurmavatara, after the enormity of the avatara, Sri Vishnu was too 'ugra' or 'ferocious' and unable to assume his former self. At this juncture, Lord Shiva is said to have assumed forms that brought forth a battle between huge Vishnu form and himself at the end of which Shiva is said to have cooled down Sri Vishnu.

    Thanks for the answer I had read all Puranas in detail and know the story and motivation of Siva but still can`t understand how Veerabhadra was able to kill Narasimha if in the same Siva Puran and Kurma Puran it is said that Visnu cannot be killed because he has no beginning or end and Lord Visnu is advicing Lord Siva how to controll The Matrikas because Siva wasn`t able to do it and than Narasimha came to pacify Matrikas. There are many examples of this not only in Vaisnav Puranas but in shivaites also.So if He`s more powerfull than Siva so how he can kill Visnhu. There are slokas in Puranas that said that Lord Siva was killed by Vishnu?

  4. #4

    Re: NARASIMHA VS Virabhadra in Siva Purana

    Shiva believed the kind of devastating sharabha for soothing down narsimha murthy. When sharabha tried to kill narsimha, narsimha turned much more angry, his fury reached peaks, he made a ferocious, mystical, most powerful God named "shoolini devi(parvati), gandabherunda"..gandabherunda tore sharabha into parts. Then a new kind of goddess lakshmi "pratyangira devi" was able to calm down narsimha.
    Shri Vrindavan Dham

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