Just because I am bored.....Probably others have made this correlation before and I am not the first to do it:
Yama (Moral Codes) >>>> Right View.
Niyama (Self Purification and Study) >>>> Right Intention.
Asana (posture) >>>> Right Speech.
Pranayama (breath control) >>>> Right Action.
Pratyahara (withdrawing the mind) >>>> Right Livelihood.
Dharana (concentration) >>>> Right Effort.
Dhyana (meditation) >>>> Right Mindfulness.
Samadhi (union with object) >>>> Right Concentration.
Yeah, the last few may be a bit 'off'...but I just noticed how these two different paths contain 8 'steps' and are very similar in the way they are explained and presented.
Aum Namah Shivaya