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Hinduism encompasses a million schools of thought. Whenever a question is posed to 100 Hindus, they all answer differently. If spiritual upliftment is the aim of life, why waste it on fighting other Hindus over the supremacy of one school of thought over another. You cannot change 'made up minds' by intimidation or becoming a debater. The most that will happen is that people will move on and you will think like you won the debate. Is that your aim in the forum? Are you going to spend your life fighting other Hindus? Is that going to elevate you spiritually? Do you think you are doing favors to 'your gods' by fighting on their behalf in the forum? Will that help you to get nirvana? If so, are you fighting for selfish reason - to get nirvana - rather than glorifying your gods? Is this whole game for self promotion instead of serving the gods? Would spending that time in 'your god's' service not be more beneficial than spending it on fighting on his behalf? Is your god so weak that he needs a human being like yourself to protect Him? Do you think you are the god's gift to humanity and must set everything right on his behalf. Would your fighting not take you on a downward spiral, instead of what you might be dreaming as getting nirvana as a reward for fighting on someone's behalf? Are you ever calm and quiet and contemplative to even think about the injury that you are causing to others with your behavior? Do people who attack and injure others, physically or mentally or emotionally worthy of any favors from gods? Just observe maun for few weeks, take a leave from the forum and think about your behavior and where would it lead you. A man of your intelligence should be able to see the futility of your efforts and the waste of precious life on hounding other Hindus!